同时向多个用户广播通知 - PHP / MySql / Ajax

时间:2022-10-28 21:40:48

I'm new to the forum, any advise is appreciated I've search a lot and read and read a lot of topics to find the best way for my project I'll get straight to the point


I'm building a Broadcast site to be used internally at work using wamp server (intranet).


Languages used: PHP, JS, Ajax, MySql


For the moment we are using a chat system (spark), but the idea of the project is to keep broadcasts records and it's easier to track


Please don't offer me Third party applications/tools


I have a simple html form that a user submit info, consider this example.


Form: title (input text field), Broadcast message(input text field)


Info stored in the db table:


bc_id, title, bc_msg, submitted_by, date_time


Another table user_got_bc: user_id, bc_id, bc_sent (0 default), once notification is sent, the value is 1


I'm using ajax to look in the "user_got_bc" table and verify which user has the bc_sent = 0 and send a notification to him with the bc info from the other table, then update the value of the bc_sent to 1

我正在使用ajax查看“user_got_bc”表并验证哪个用户具有bc_sent = 0并使用来自另一个表的bc信息向他发送通知,然后将bc_sent的值更新为1

The ajax code is executed every 10000 ms using setinterveral


once a user submit a broadcast I want all other USERS (PLURAL) to receive a notification AT THE SAME TIME (a second less or more is ok)


Now regarding the Notification, you don't have to worry about that, i'm using Desktop notification (webkitnotification), I know it's not cross browser compatible, but it doesn't matter and it's working fine


That said, everything is working fine


My worries are the number of connections the ajax code will do to the server if this good or bad, the more the users, the more the connections


I know it won't be good to bombard the server with that amount of connections, specially since it's every 10 secs x the number of users


I read on many forums to use comets, from what i gathered it's not friendly with PHP, plus i've never implemented that before


So my questions are: - is there a better way or keep it the way is set up is fine? - if comets is better, is it possible to provide a snippet to work for that project?

所以我的问题是: - 是否有更好的方法或保持方式设置是好的? - 如果彗星更好,是否有可能为该项目提供一个片段?

Thanks all in advance.


1 个解决方案



Please google for Ajax long polling. But for this kind of project i suggest using some realtime i/o software like

请谷歌搜索Ajax长轮询。但对于这种项目,我建议使用一些实时的i / o软件

node.js and socket.io


If you have good JavaScript skills then you should not have problem in using above listed apps. If your project is going to have more number of users then you will require PUB-SUB, Realtime, Cross Browser Socket support. Finally a PUSH technology. Where above listed apps have all this features. So give a try.


If you still want to stick to PHP, JS, Ajax, MySql then you may require Ajax long polling technique.




Please google for Ajax long polling. But for this kind of project i suggest using some realtime i/o software like

请谷歌搜索Ajax长轮询。但对于这种项目,我建议使用一些实时的i / o软件

node.js and socket.io


If you have good JavaScript skills then you should not have problem in using above listed apps. If your project is going to have more number of users then you will require PUB-SUB, Realtime, Cross Browser Socket support. Finally a PUSH technology. Where above listed apps have all this features. So give a try.


If you still want to stick to PHP, JS, Ajax, MySql then you may require Ajax long polling technique.
