
时间:2022-10-28 20:59:25

I am using Ruby 2.1.2 and Rails 4.1.4

我使用的是Ruby 2.1.2和Rails 4.1.4

tl;dr; I am getting a date & time from the user that comes into the controller from a form (via params) like this:


pickuptime = params[:appointment][:pickuptime]
(byebug) pickuptime
"01/06/2015 7:26 PM"

and I need to make sure it is in the future so that customers can't create appointments in the past, and I have the customer's time_zone stored in the database because customers may be in different places.



I am getting a time in my controller via a form:


pickuptime = params[:appointment][:pickuptime]
(byebug) pickuptime
"01/06/2015 7:26 PM"

I then convert it to a DateTime so that I can build an appointment record:


pickuptime = DateTime.strptime(pickuptime, "%m/%d/%Y %l:%M %p")
@appointment = @car.appointments.build(garage_id: garage_id, pickuptime: pickuptime)

My Appointment model has a validation that ensures that you cannot create an appointment in the past:


def pickuptime_is_in_future
  if pickuptime < Time.current
    errors.add(:pickuptime, "Appointment must be in the future")

I would like to take into account the customer's time_zone (@car.garage.time_zone), which is stored in the database, when building the appointment, e.g.

我想在构建约会时考虑客户的time_zone(@ car.garage.time_zone),该时间存储在数据库中,例如

pry(main)> Garage.first.time_zone
Garage Load (0.6ms)  SELECT  "garages".* FROM "garages"   ORDER BY "garages"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
=> "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"

Right now this is not working. When I create an appointment for 1 minute in the future, I get the following:


(byebug) pickuptime
Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:22:00 UTC +00:00
(byebug) Time.current
Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:21:53 UTC +00:00

which causes the validation to fail, despite the fact that the appointment was created in the future and should therefore succeed.


Any guidance on how to implement this correctly would be much appreciated!


1 个解决方案



Use in_time_zone.

See https://www.reinteractive.net/posts/168-dealing-with-timezones-effectively-in-rails & http://www.elabs.se/blog/36-working-with-time-zones-in-ruby-on-rails for good advice on working with timezones in rails.

请参阅https://www.reinteractive.net/posts/168-dealing-with-timezones-effectively-in-rails&http://www.elabs.se/blog/36-working-with-time-zones-in -ruby-on-rail,提供有关在轨道中使用时区的良好建议。



Use in_time_zone.

See https://www.reinteractive.net/posts/168-dealing-with-timezones-effectively-in-rails & http://www.elabs.se/blog/36-working-with-time-zones-in-ruby-on-rails for good advice on working with timezones in rails.

请参阅https://www.reinteractive.net/posts/168-dealing-with-timezones-effectively-in-rails&http://www.elabs.se/blog/36-working-with-time-zones-in -ruby-on-rail,提供有关在轨道中使用时区的良好建议。