Java AOP (1) compile time weaving 【Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入】

时间:2023-12-13 21:59:02

According to wikipedia

 aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns

Let's imagine we have serveral modules in a project, each of the them is working well until one day the team decide to dig up more information. The desire to add more logs in the project increases while the effort to change the existing codes is huge, it stops the team from moving on bravely.

Somehow the spread of aop cheers the team. According the story, we just need to add a few classes to change the whole project. For example, one class can add entry log to every mothod. It slightly impact the performance and changes almost nothing of the existing codes. A small modification, an encouraging benefit.

AOP(面向切面编程) 通过隔离切面逻辑来提高模块性



There are several ways to enhance the current codes using aop:

1) compile time enhancement

2) post compile enhancement

3) load time enhancement

4) run time enhancement


1) 编译期代码增强

2) 已有二进制代码增强(比如增强第三方库)

3) jvm类加载期代码增加

4) 运行时代码增强

This chapter will show an example of compile time weaving.


Write a simple service


public class BookingService {
    public void book() {
        System.out.println("Booked a room");

A test class


public class AspectTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        BookingService bookingService = new BookingService();;

An aspect class (it's a special class and may not be recoginzed correctly by IDE)

切面类 (IDE可能无法很好识别这个文件)

package aop.compile;

import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Before;

public aspect TrialAspect{        before():execution(* aop.compile.BookingService.*(..)){        System.out.println("----------log before method excecution----------");        }}

Now, execute weaving command in terminal and run enhanced main class


ajc -d . *.java

java aop.compile.AspectTest

The terminal displays the result as expected. Every time the booking service is called, an entry log will be recorded.


----------log before method excecution----------
Booked a room

Before weaving, the directory looks this way


Java AOP (1) compile time weaving 【Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入】

After weaving, we found the enhanced class files


Java AOP (1) compile time weaving 【Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入】

Take a look at the BookingService.class, the marked line on which the enhancement relies is used for log purpose.


// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

package aop.compile;

import aop.compile.TrialAspect;

public class BookingService {
    public BookingService() {

    public void book() {
        System.out.println("Booked a room");

Till this step, the demo is finished.


How to use AspectJ


1. Download aspectj jar from

先从官网下载aspectj jar包

2. Install aspectj


java -jar aspectj-xx.jar

an installation window pops up


Java AOP (1) compile time weaving 【Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入】

by default, aspectj will be installed in C: driver

3. Configure path and classpath environment variables.


Add C:\aspectj1.8\lib\aspectjrt.jar;C:\aspectj1.8\lib\aspectjtools.jar --> classpath

Add C:\aspectj1.8\bin --> path

4. Check installation


Java AOP (1) compile time weaving 【Java 切面编程 (1) 编译期织入】