
时间:2022-10-28 17:01:43

I'm currently working on a swift application based on a particular API of a website. I use the md5 function to create valid url and access some JSON data which I can bring in my application with SwiftJSON.


I worked fine for the 6 first url but then I got an error in the checksum of my url. I checked it out and realize my md5 function in swift got the wrong hash


In my swift program, the hash of the string "answerfr1%3D%3DQf7AjOptTN6k2OyoTa7QjOptDM6k2OzoTa7cjOptjM6k2O1oTa7EjOptDMxoTa7AjOptnO2oTY" Give me this "09938c1325c87ef89251f668a8cf5d42" But it's not correct because my link isn't valid


But by doing it myself with http://www.md5.cz/ I have this for result "9d78b73d28f590beb8ef25b5e4b99a1d" and my link works perfectly.


I don't know why my md5 function have no issues with the 6 first hash but give me a wrong hash for the 7.


And I realize www.md5.fr give me the same wrong code. Why is there different md5 hash for the same strings ?


My md5 function in swift : How to convert string to MD5 hash using ios swift

我在swift中的md5函数:如何使用ios swift将字符串转换为MD5哈希

Hope you guys understand my issues here! Sorry for my bad english


1 个解决方案



Thanks Martin R, you solved my problem "%3D" is equal to "=" so "%3D%3D" is equal to "=="

谢谢Martin R,你解决了我的问题“%3D”等于“=”所以“%3D%3D”等于“==”



Thanks Martin R, you solved my problem "%3D" is equal to "=" so "%3D%3D" is equal to "=="

谢谢Martin R,你解决了我的问题“%3D”等于“=”所以“%3D%3D”等于“==”