
时间:2022-10-28 00:16:09

I have problem with perl modules, i 'm trying to connect to the remote server using the OpenSSH module from CPAN and i have given the username and password correctly but when i run my CGI from browser i see the following error message "


can't ssh:unable to establish master SSH connection: bad password or master process exited unexpectedly


in need of immediate reply's and awaiting, Thanks in Advance.


Here is my code


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Net::OpenSSH;

my $query = CGI->new();
#my $mach_name=$query->param('mach_name');
my $mach_name= '****.cce.***.com';
my $user='root';
my $passwd='*******';
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$mach_name",user => "$user" , passwd => "$passwd
", master_opts => [-o => "strictHostKeyChecking=no"]);
$ssh->error and die "can't ssh:" . $ssh->error;
my $mem_info =$ssh->capture("ioscan -m lun");
print "$mem_info";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>test page</title></head>\n";
print "<body><p>Dicovering Machine Please wait....</p>\n";
print "<p>$mach_name</p>";
print "<p><b>Swap Memory :$mem_info </b> </p>";
print "</body></html>";

The same program if i run through the command line it is getting the o/p but through the browser i'm seeing the above error i have given the passwd and username correctly


2 个解决方案



My problem was solved when I've increased the timeout from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, because the device is using an older SSH daemon version, but my linux server that made the client connection is upgraded and of course it probes first the newer ciphers.


my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new(
port                => $port,
user                => $user,
password            => $pass,
timeout             => 15,       # <= this was 10 and now is 15
kill_ssh_on_timeout => 1,
strict_mode         => 0,
master_opts         => [-o => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", '-vvv'], #<= -vvv helped much
ctl_dir             =>'/tmp/libnet-openssh-perl',



Looks like some permissions issue. Run ssh in verbose mode:


my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$mach_name",
                             user => "$user", 
                             passwd => "$passwd",
                             master_opts => '-vvv',
                             master_stderr_fh => \*LOG);

If that doesn't give you enough information about the cause of the problem, then, you can use truss to see what's happening at the OS level.


Also check .ssh/known_hosts, make sure .ssh directory is writeable by Apache. .libnet-openssh-perl directory should be writeable by Apache.


For example, my Apache user is apache with a home directory of /var/www I have /var/www/.ssh owned by apache, and /var/www/.libnet-openssh-perl owned by apache. I ssh to devices using my own account, then copy my known_hosts file to /var/www/.ssh/known_hosts




My problem was solved when I've increased the timeout from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, because the device is using an older SSH daemon version, but my linux server that made the client connection is upgraded and of course it probes first the newer ciphers.


my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new(
port                => $port,
user                => $user,
password            => $pass,
timeout             => 15,       # <= this was 10 and now is 15
kill_ssh_on_timeout => 1,
strict_mode         => 0,
master_opts         => [-o => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", '-vvv'], #<= -vvv helped much
ctl_dir             =>'/tmp/libnet-openssh-perl',



Looks like some permissions issue. Run ssh in verbose mode:


my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$mach_name",
                             user => "$user", 
                             passwd => "$passwd",
                             master_opts => '-vvv',
                             master_stderr_fh => \*LOG);

If that doesn't give you enough information about the cause of the problem, then, you can use truss to see what's happening at the OS level.


Also check .ssh/known_hosts, make sure .ssh directory is writeable by Apache. .libnet-openssh-perl directory should be writeable by Apache.


For example, my Apache user is apache with a home directory of /var/www I have /var/www/.ssh owned by apache, and /var/www/.libnet-openssh-perl owned by apache. I ssh to devices using my own account, then copy my known_hosts file to /var/www/.ssh/known_hosts
