
时间:2023-12-12 22:39:56






  根据Flask官网介绍: Flask 是一个用于 Python 的微型网络开发框架。

Flask, HelloWorld!

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/")
def index():
return "Flask, HelloWorld!" if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="localhost", port=5000, debug=True)



  1. config原理。
  2. import原理。
  3. WSGI接口调用。
  4. 路由原理。
  5. 理解session。
  6. 理解threading.local。
  7. 理解flask自己封装的thread local。
  8. 理解g和request。
  9. 理解app context和request context。


根据官方教程, Flask中常见Config用法有以下几种。

  1. 直接赋值。
  2. 通过config的update方法一次更新多个属性值。
  3. 部分配置值可以通过属性赋值。
  4. 通过文件读取初始化config信息。


app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True


class Flask(_PackageBoundObject):
#: The class that is used for the ``config`` attribute of this app.
#: Defaults to :class:`~flask.Config`.
#: Example use cases for a custom class:
#: 1. Default values for certain config options.
#: 2. Access to config values through attributes in addition to keys.
#: .. versionadded:: 1.0
config_class = Config def __init__(self, import_name, static_path=None, static_url_path=None,
static_folder='static', template_folder='templates',
instance_path=None, instance_relative_config=False,
self.config = self.make_config(instance_relative_config) def make_config(self, instance_relative=False):
"""Used to create the config attribute by the Flask constructor.
The `instance_relative` parameter is passed in from the constructor
of Flask (there named `instance_relative_config`) and indicates if
the config should be relative to the instance path or the root path
of the application. .. versionadded:: 0.8
root_path = self.root_path
if instance_relative:
root_path = self.instance_path
return self.config_class(root_path, self.default_config) def from_envvar(self, variable_name, silent=False):
pass def from_pyfile(self, filename, silent=False):
pass def from_object(self, obj):
pass def from_json(self, filename, silent=False):
pass def from_mapping(self, *mapping, **kwargs):
pass def get_namespace(self, namespace, lowercase=True, trim_namespace=True):



class Config(dict):
"""Works exactly like a dict but provides ways to fill it from files
or special dictionaries.
""" def __init__(self, root_path, defaults=None):
dict.__init__(self, defaults or {})
self.root_path = root_path





  类属性(class attribute)和对象属性(object attribute,有时候也称为实例属性)


self.config_class(root_path, self.default_config)


def attribute_step_001():

    class ClassAttribute(object):

        class_attribute = "class_attribute_001"

        def __init__(self):
super(ClassAttribute, self).__init__()
self.object_attribute = "object_attribute_002" class ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr(object): class_attribute = "class_attribute_001" def __init__(self):
super(ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr, self).__init__()
self.class_attribute = "object_attribute_001"
self.object_attribute = "object_attribute_002" def __getattr__(self, attributename):
pass print("=== two ===")
two = ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr()
print(two.class_attribute_no_exist) print("=== one ===")
one = ClassAttribute()
print(one.class_attribute_no_exist) #tip001这一行可以注释掉,重新运行一遍这样输出比较清晰。 attribute_step_001()


=== two ===
{'class_attribute': 'object_attribute_001', 'object_attribute': 'object_attribute_002'}
None === one ===
{'object_attribute': 'object_attribute_002'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\work_space\Dev_For_Python\flask_hello_world\application.py", line 128, in <module>
File "D:\work_space\Dev_For_Python\flask_hello_world\application.py", line 125, in attribute_step_001
AttributeError: 'ClassAttribute' object has no attribute 'class_attribute_no_exist'







5:如果上面都没有找到并且对象的类定义中重写__getattr__(self, attributename)方法,那么会得到对应的返回值。如果没有重写__getattr__(self, attributename)方法,Python会抛出异常AttributeError。


app = Flask(__name__)
app.debug = True


class Flask(_PackageBoundObject):
debug = ConfigAttribute('DEBUG')
testing = ConfigAttribute('TESTING')
session_cookie_name = ConfigAttribute('SESSION_COOKIE_NAME')
send_file_max_age_default = ConfigAttribute('SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT',
get_converter=_make_timedelta) def __init__(self, import_name, static_path=None, static_url_path=None,
static_folder='static', template_folder='templates',
instance_path=None, instance_relative_config=False,
pass #ConfigAttribute类定义代码片段
class ConfigAttribute(object):
"""Makes an attribute forward to the config""" def __init__(self, name, get_converter=None):
self.__name__ = name
self.get_converter = get_converter def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
if obj is None:
return self
rv = obj.config[self.__name__]
if self.get_converter is not None:
rv = self.get_converter(rv)
return rv def __set__(self, obj, value):
obj.config[self.__name__] = value



  • Python描述符(也有文章称为描述器)


In general, a descriptor is an object attribute with “binding behavior”, one whose attribute access has been overridden by methods in the descriptor protocol. Those methods are__get__(), __set__(), and __delete__(). If any of those methods are defined for an object, it is said to be a descriptor.


descriptor.__get__(self, obj, type=None) --> value
descriptor.__set__(self, obj, value) --> None
descriptor.__delete__(self, obj) --> None

  这是描述符协议的所有方法。一个对象只要重写了上面任意一个方法就可以称之为描述符。这里还有几个概念需要提的是,如果一个对象同时定义了__get__()__set__(),它叫做数据描述符(data descriptor)。仅定义了__get__()的描述符叫非数据描述符(non-data descriptor)。

class DataDescriptor(object):
""" def __init__(self):
pass def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
return "value from DataDescriptor" def __set__(self, obj, val):
pass def __delete__(self, obj):
pass class NoDataDescriptor(object):
""" def __init__(self):
pass def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
return "value from DataDescriptor" def attribute_test_001(): class ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr(object): class_attribute = "class_attribute_001"
class_attribute2 = NoDataDescriptor() def __init__(self):
super(ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr, self).__init__()
self.class_attribute = "object_attribute_001"
self.object_attribute = "object_attribute_002"
self.class_attribute2 = "object_attribute_003" def __getattr__(self, attributename):
return "value from __getattr__" class ClassAttribute(object): class_attribute = "class_attribute_001"
class_attribute2 = DataDescriptor() def __init__(self):
super(ClassAttribute, self).__init__()
self.object_attribute = "object_attribute_001"
self.class_attribute2 = "object_attribute_002" print("=== ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr ===")
a = ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr()
print("[a01]: a.__dict__ = ", a.__dict__)
print("[a02]: a.__class__.__dict__ = ", a.__class__.__dict__)
print("[a03]: a.class_attribute = ", a.class_attribute)
print("[a04]: a.class_attribute2 = ", a.class_attribute2)
print("[a05]: a.class_attribute_no_exist = ", a.class_attribute_no_exist) print("\r\n=== ClassAttribute ===")
b = ClassAttribute()
print("[b01]: b.__dict__ = ", b.__dict__)
print("[b02]: b.__class__.__dict__ = ", b.__class__.__dict__)
print("[b03]: b.class_attribute = ", b.class_attribute)
print("[b04]: b.class_attribute2 = ", b.class_attribute2)
print("[b05]: b.class_attribute_no_exist = ", b.class_attribute_no_exist)


=== ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr ===
[a01]: a.__dict__ = {'class_attribute2': 'object_attribute_003', 'class_attribute': 'object_attribute_001', 'object_attribute': 'object_attribute_002'}
[a02]: a.__class__.__dict__ = {'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr' objects>, '__getattr__': <function attribute_test_001.<locals>.ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr.__getattr__ at 0x01929F60>, '__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'class_attribute2': <__main__.NoDataDescriptor object at 0x0192ED70>, 'class_attribute': 'class_attribute_001', '__init__': <function attribute_test_001.<locals>.ClassAttributeWithOverrideGetAttr.__init__ at 0x01929ED0>}
[a03]: a.class_attribute = object_attribute_001
[a04]: a.class_attribute2 = object_attribute_003
[a05]: a.class_attribute_no_exist = value from __getattr__ === ClassAttribute ===
[b01]: b.__dict__ = {'object_attribute': 'object_attribute_001'}
[b02]: b.__class__.__dict__ = {'__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ClassAttribute' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ClassAttribute' objects>, '__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'class_attribute2': <__main__.DataDescriptor object at 0x0192EDD0>, 'class_attribute': 'class_attribute_001', '__init__': <function attribute_test_001.<locals>.ClassAttribute.__init__ at 0x01929FA8>}
[b03]: b.class_attribute = class_attribute_001
[b04]: b.class_attribute2 = value from DataDescriptor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\work_space\Dev_For_Python\flask_hello_world\hello.py", line 104, in <module>
File "D:\work_space\Dev_For_Python\flask_hello_world\hello.py", line 101, in attribute_test_001
print("[b05]: b.class_attribute_no_exist = ", b.class_attribute_no_exist)
AttributeError: 'ClassAttribute' object has no attribute 'class_attribute_no_exist'
[Finished in 0.1s]


1: 对比a01, a02, a03 ===> 实例字典和类属性中都存在同样key的时候,实例字典(obj.__dict__) > 类属性(obj.__class__.__dict__)

2: 对比b01, b02, b03 ===> 实例字典不存在key的时候,会返回同名key的类属性的值。

3: 对比a05, b05 ===> 实例字典和类属性都不存在key的时候,会返回重写的(__getattr__)函数的返回值,如果没有重写的话,会抛出异常AttributeError。

4: 对比a04, a04 ===> 实例字典和类属性都存在key的时候,数据描述符 > 实例字典(obj.__dict__) > 非数据描述符。


  当Python获取一个属性时(objectname.attributename),** 发现要获取的属性是描述符时 **,它的搜索流程会有所改变,转而调用描述的方法。注意,描述符只适用于新式的类和对象。

  1. 如果attributename对于对象来说是一个特殊的(比如是Python提供的)属性,直接返回它。
  2. objectname.__class__.__dict__查找attributename,如果找到并且attributename是一个** 数据描述符 **,那么就返回数据描述符的执行结果。(objectname.__class__.__dict__["attributename"].__get__(objectname, type(objectname)))。在objectname.__class__全部基类中进行同样的搜索。
  3. 从对象的__dict__(objectname.__dict__)查找,找到就返回,不管是否为数据描述符。唯一的区别是,如果是数据描述符就返回描述符(__get__逻辑的返回值)。
  4. 从对象的类型的__dict__(objectname.__class__.__dict__)中查找。
  5. 从对象类型的基类中objectname.__class__.__bases__.__dict__查找,找到就返回,不管是否为数据描述符。唯一的区别是,如果是非数据描述符就返回描述符(__get__逻辑的返回值)。PS:这里不用考虑搜索到数据描述符的情况,因为第二步已经把所有数据描述符的情况考虑在内了。
  6. 如果上面都没有找到并且对象的类定义中重写__getattr__(self, attributename)方法,那么会得到对应的返回值。如果没有重写__getattr__(self, attributename)方法,Python会抛出异常AttributeError。

  通过上面的知识点,可以清楚的知道,首先app.debug是一个数据描述符,其次:当通过app.debug = True对配置值就行修改的时候,实际上调用的是描述符的逻辑type(app).__dict__["debug"].__get__(app, type(app)),最后通过ConfigAttribute中重写的__get__逻辑,可以看出还是修改了app.config字典中key为debug的值。


1:在没有描述符出现的的情况下,实例字典(obj.__dict__) > 类属性(obj.__class__.__dict__) > __getattr__()方法 > 抛出异常AttributeError

2:数据描述符 > 实例字典(obj.__dict__) > 非数据描述符。

3:Python中有几个内置的描述符:函数,属性(property), 静态方法(static method) 感兴趣的自行查找相关文章研究下。


app = Flask(__name__)


def from_envvar(self, variable_name, silent=False):
"""Loads a configuration from an environment variable pointing to
a configuration file. This is basically just a shortcut with nicer
error messages for this line of code:: app.config.from_pyfile(os.environ['YOURAPPLICATION_SETTINGS']) :param variable_name: name of the environment variable
:param silent: set to ``True`` if you want silent failure for missing
:return: bool. ``True`` if able to load config, ``False`` otherwise.
rv = os.environ.get(variable_name)
if not rv:
if silent:
return False
raise RuntimeError('The environment variable %r is not set '
'and as such configuration could not be '
'loaded. Set this variable and make it '
'point to a configuration file' %
return self.from_pyfile(rv, silent=silent) def from_pyfile(self, filename, silent=False):
"""Updates the values in the config from a Python file. This function
behaves as if the file was imported as module with the
:meth:`from_object` function. :param filename: the filename of the config. This can either be an
absolute filename or a filename relative to the
root path.
:param silent: set to ``True`` if you want silent failure for missing
files. .. versionadded:: 0.7
`silent` parameter.
filename = os.path.join(self.root_path, filename)
d = types.ModuleType('config')
d.__file__ = filename
with open(filename) as config_file:
exec(compile(config_file.read(), filename, 'exec'), d.__dict__)
except IOError as e:
if silent and e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EISDIR):
return False
e.strerror = 'Unable to load configuration file (%s)' % e.strerror
return True def from_object(self, obj):
"""Updates the values from the given object. An object can be of one
of the following two types: - a string: in this case the object with that name will be imported
- an actual object reference: that object is used directly Objects are usually either modules or classes. Just the uppercase variables in that object are stored in the config.
Example usage:: app.config.from_object('yourapplication.default_config')
from yourapplication import default_config
app.config.from_object(default_config) You should not use this function to load the actual configuration but
rather configuration defaults. The actual config should be loaded
with :meth:`from_pyfile` and ideally from a location not within the
package because the package might be installed system wide. :param obj: an import name or object
if isinstance(obj, string_types):
obj = import_string(obj)
for key in dir(obj):
if key.isupper():
self[key] = getattr(obj, key) def from_json(self, filename, silent=False):
"""Updates the values in the config from a JSON file. This function
behaves as if the JSON object was a dictionary and passed to the
:meth:`from_mapping` function. :param filename: the filename of the JSON file. This can either be an
absolute filename or a filename relative to the
root path.
:param silent: set to ``True`` if you want silent failure for missing
files. .. versionadded:: 1.0
filename = os.path.join(self.root_path, filename) try:
with open(filename) as json_file:
obj = json.loads(json_file.read())
except IOError as e:
if silent and e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EISDIR):
return False
e.strerror = 'Unable to load configuration file (%s)' % e.strerror
return self.from_mapping(obj) def from_mapping(self, *mapping, **kwargs):
"""Updates the config like :meth:`update` ignoring items with non-upper
keys. .. versionadded:: 1.0
mappings = []
if len(mapping) == 1:
if hasattr(mapping[0], 'items'):
elif len(mapping) > 1:
raise TypeError(
'expected at most 1 positional argument, got %d' % len(mapping)
for mapping in mappings:
for (key, value) in mapping:
if key.isupper():
self[key] = value
return True




  1. 段落缩进使用.
  1. 类似__set__, __delete__, __init__ 双下划线的文本,而且又不想放在代码块的情况。可以把在下划线前面加上\,这样就不会被吃了。


  1. Descriptior HowTo Guide
  2. Python Types and Objects
  3. Python Attributes and Methods
  4. 编写高质量代码 改善Python程序的91个建议 (第58,59,60建议)这里有关于属性拦截和获取更详细的解读,当中涉及到__getattribute__, __getattr__