
时间:2022-10-26 07:47:12

Say I have two tables (Apples and Oranges) with the same columns and just a different table name. Would there be any advantages/disadvantages to turning this into one table (lets say its called Fruit) with an additional column 'type' which would then either store a value of Apple or Orange?


Edit to clarify:


CREATE TABLE apples ( id int, weight int, variety varchar(255) )

CREATE TABLE apples(id int,weight int,variety varchar(255))

CREATE TABLE oranges ( id int, weight int, variety varchar(255) )

CREATE TABLE oranges(id int,weight int,variety varchar(255))



CREATE TABLE fruit ( id int, weight int, variety varchar(255), type ENUM('apple', 'orange') )

CREATE TABLE fruit(id int,weight int,varchar(255),type ENUM('apple','orange'))

3 个解决方案



Depends on constraints:


  • Do you have foreign keys or CHECKs on apples that don't exist on oranges (or vice-versa)?
  • 您是否在橘子上不存在的苹果上有外键或CHECK(反之亦然)?
  • Do you need to keep keys unique across both tables (so no apple can have the same ID as some orange)?
  • 您是否需要在两个表中保持唯一键(因此没有苹果可以与某些橙色具有相同的ID)?

If the answers on these two questions are: "yes" and "no", keep the tables separate (so constraints can be made table-specific1).


If the answers are: "no" and "yes", merge them together (so you can crate a key that spans both).


If the answers are: "yes" and "yes", consider emulating inheritance2:



1Lookup data is a typical example of tables that look similar, yet must be kept separate so FKs can be kept separate.


2 Specifically, this is the "all classes in separate tables" strategy for representing inheritance (aka. category, subclassing, subtyping, generalization hierarchy etc.). You might want to take a look at this post for more info.




If there really is not any further business rules (and resultant underlying data requirements) that separate the two sub-types then I would use one table with an fk to a FruitType lookup table.


You dont mention what you will be using to access the schema which may affect which approach you take (e.g. if you are using a platform which provides an ORM to your database then this may be worth noting).




The advantage would be normalization. Your tables would then be in 2NF (second normal form). Your fruit type would be a foreign key to a table with those fruits like so:


CREATE TABLE fruit_type (type varchar(15))

CREATE TABLE fruits (id int, weight int, variety varchar(255), type varchar(15))



Depends on constraints:


  • Do you have foreign keys or CHECKs on apples that don't exist on oranges (or vice-versa)?
  • 您是否在橘子上不存在的苹果上有外键或CHECK(反之亦然)?
  • Do you need to keep keys unique across both tables (so no apple can have the same ID as some orange)?
  • 您是否需要在两个表中保持唯一键(因此没有苹果可以与某些橙色具有相同的ID)?

If the answers on these two questions are: "yes" and "no", keep the tables separate (so constraints can be made table-specific1).


If the answers are: "no" and "yes", merge them together (so you can crate a key that spans both).


If the answers are: "yes" and "yes", consider emulating inheritance2:



1Lookup data is a typical example of tables that look similar, yet must be kept separate so FKs can be kept separate.


2 Specifically, this is the "all classes in separate tables" strategy for representing inheritance (aka. category, subclassing, subtyping, generalization hierarchy etc.). You might want to take a look at this post for more info.




If there really is not any further business rules (and resultant underlying data requirements) that separate the two sub-types then I would use one table with an fk to a FruitType lookup table.


You dont mention what you will be using to access the schema which may affect which approach you take (e.g. if you are using a platform which provides an ORM to your database then this may be worth noting).




The advantage would be normalization. Your tables would then be in 2NF (second normal form). Your fruit type would be a foreign key to a table with those fruits like so:


CREATE TABLE fruit_type (type varchar(15))

CREATE TABLE fruits (id int, weight int, variety varchar(255), type varchar(15))