symfony 1.4,$ this-> save()和mysql插入触发器

时间:2022-10-25 19:15:30

I have an on-insert trigger that updates a product code in a table, based on a customer's most recent code, stored in another table.


With symfony and Propel, I am doing the following (truncated unnecessary fields)


// actions.class.php
$lineitem = new LineItem();
$lineitem->setCustomerId( $customerId );

$thisProduct = ProductPeer::cacheProduct($orderDetails);
$lineitem->setCode($thisProduct->getCode()); // this should be fetching and setting the auto_code, inserted from the trigger.

The cacheProduct function (part of ProductPeer) below


// ProductPeer.php
// auto_code field in DB left blank, ready to be written to by the trigger
// cacheProduct function
public static function cacheProduct($orderDetails)
    $product = new Product();
    $product->setName( $orderDetails->getName() ); 
    $product->setCustomerCode( $orderDetails->getCustomerCode() );
    //$product->setCode(); // this will be set by the TRIGGER on insert.

    return $product->getId();

So the problem is that the product is being inserted, and the trigger is being run successfully, but Symfony is never aware of the newly inserted 'code' value. Running a fresh ProductPeer::retrieveByPK() still shows an empty 'code' field.

所以问题是正在插入产品,并且触发器正在成功运行,但Symfony从未意识到新插入的“代码”值。运行一个新的ProductPeer :: retrieveByPK()仍然显示一个空的'code'字段。

So in essence, at all points, $lineitem->getCode() returns null.

所以实质上,在所有点上,$ lineitem-> getCode()都返回null。

I've tried wrapping this in transactions, but it shouldn't be necessary ... and also there is potential for this to be in a loop and I don't want to open and close transactions repeatedly unless absolutely necessary.


1) When does a MYSQL trigger actually run ... on $xxx->save()? At the end of the script? 2) How can I access this value post-trigger, while still in the same script?

1)MYSQL触发器何时实际运行...在$ xxx-> save()?在剧本的最后? 2)如何在仍然在同一个脚本中的后触发器中访问此值?

Solution found, thank you :) Working with Propel version 1.4.8 or greater

找到解决方案,谢谢:)使用Propel 1.4.8或更高版本

1 个解决方案





on your table schema, and rebuild your model: Example


(Be aware that this may have been introduced in a more recent version of Propel - check the version of your Propel plugin.)

(请注意,这可能是在更新版本的Propel中引入的 - 请检查Propel插件的版本。)





on your table schema, and rebuild your model: Example


(Be aware that this may have been introduced in a more recent version of Propel - check the version of your Propel plugin.)

(请注意,这可能是在更新版本的Propel中引入的 - 请检查Propel插件的版本。)