
时间:2022-12-19 20:21:48

I have an array with 6 strings representing HTML image tags. I have some code which determines an amount of space to fill with these images.


I am using a loop, which works fine to pull from these 6 images and use 1 or all 6. My issue comes when I need MORE than 6, which would mean go through the array again and again. I am unsure how to best construct this loop. Currently I have


for (var i = 0; i < numAds ; i++) {

I tried adding if (i > adList.length) { i=0 } before the jquery statement but then I got stuck in a loop and crashed the browser.

在jquery语句之前,我尝试添加if (i> adList.length) {I =0},但随后我陷入了一个循环,并使浏览器崩溃。

What am I missing here?


1 个解决方案





$('#primary').append(adList[i % adList.length]);

The % is the modulus operator


Make sure, though, that adList is not empty or that would cause the i % adList.length to return NaN and crash make the adList[i % adList.length] return undefined what whatever sideffects this might bring.

但是要确保adList不是空的,否则会导致i % adList。返回NaN的长度和崩溃使adList成为[i % adList]。返回不确定的东西,无论它带来什么。





$('#primary').append(adList[i % adList.length]);

The % is the modulus operator


Make sure, though, that adList is not empty or that would cause the i % adList.length to return NaN and crash make the adList[i % adList.length] return undefined what whatever sideffects this might bring.

但是要确保adList不是空的,否则会导致i % adList。返回NaN的长度和崩溃使adList成为[i % adList]。返回不确定的东西,无论它带来什么。