MPMoviePlayerController iPhone 3G & .mov文件格式

时间:2023-01-12 20:20:58

Just posting a question to the world... My app is currently setup to play video files. The app is setup to play .mov files and when tested on a 3GS, iPhone 4, and an iPad, it works great. But when playing on an iPhone 3G, the file does not play. Is this based on different compression standards that the 3G can't handle? I liked the .mov extension as it was compressed nicely to stream to the device. I have now converted the video files to .m4v so it will play on the 3G, but the file is now 3 times the size. Thanks in advance for any answers I get!!

只是向世界发布一个问题……我的应用程序目前正在安装播放视频文件。这款应用程序的设置是播放.mov文件,在3GS、iPhone 4和iPad上测试时,效果非常好。但在使用iPhone 3G时,该文件不会播放。这是基于3G无法处理的不同的压缩标准吗?我喜欢.mov扩展,因为它被很好地压缩到设备。我现在已经将视频文件转换为.m4v,这样它就可以在3G上运行了,但是现在文件的大小是原来的3倍。提前谢谢你给我的任何答案!!

2 个解决方案



The 3G doesn't support (in my experience, can't find it in the docs) .mov. Converting to another format is probably the best option. You might try using quicktime to convert to "iPhone (cellular)" as that format will by smaller.

3G不支持(根据我的经验,在文档中找不到).mov。转换到另一种格式可能是最好的选择。您可以尝试使用quicktime将其转换为“iPhone (cellular)”,因为这种格式会变得更小。



3G shouldn't have differences with format with 3GS, is the 3G running the same OS version as the others? MPMoviePlayerController got changed in between 3.0 and 3.2/4.0 significantly, and you will have to implement it differently for the two versions.




The 3G doesn't support (in my experience, can't find it in the docs) .mov. Converting to another format is probably the best option. You might try using quicktime to convert to "iPhone (cellular)" as that format will by smaller.

3G不支持(根据我的经验,在文档中找不到).mov。转换到另一种格式可能是最好的选择。您可以尝试使用quicktime将其转换为“iPhone (cellular)”,因为这种格式会变得更小。



3G shouldn't have differences with format with 3GS, is the 3G running the same OS version as the others? MPMoviePlayerController got changed in between 3.0 and 3.2/4.0 significantly, and you will have to implement it differently for the two versions.
