
时间:2022-10-22 17:04:01

I'm thinking that UTC time strings like 2011-01-26 21:41:09 +0000 might be okay since they sort correctly if they are used in a view key, but storing the time zone (e.g. 2011-01-26 16:41:09 -0500) would make the document more readable. Converting the date into an epoch integer seem the least appealing from a readability standpoint, but maybe best for performance (or does it make a difference?). What's the recommended practice here?

我认为UTC时间字符串(2011-01-26 21:41:09 +0000)可能是可以的,因为如果在视图键中使用的话,它们可以进行正确的排序,但是存储时区(例如2011-01-26 16:41:09 -0500)将使文档更具可读性。从可读性的角度来看,将日期转换为一个历元整数似乎是最不吸引人的,但也许这对性能来说是最好的(或者这对性能有影响吗?)这里推荐的练习是什么?

5 个解决方案



Time is a one-dimensional thing. A timestamp plus timezone is two-dimensional, describing a point in time, and a location. Couch views are one-dimensional (but not the GeoCouch plugin), so storing in a common zone (UTC) is wise.


Probably the most future-proof format is a string that naturally sorts in chronological order. Probably the most convenient such format is what JSON2 outputs:


> a = new Date();
Thu Jan 27 2011 18:40:52 GMT+0700 (ICT)
> JSON.stringify(a)



If you're just using the Map side of Map reduce than these suggestions are probably fine. If, however, you want to do a reduce on the results (_count, _stats, _sum), then I'd recommend emitting your dates as arrays so you can use group_level.


For instance, if you emit(doc.date.split('-')) on a date strings formatted like "2011-02-14", then you could return _count's (for instance) per day, month, and year by using group_level=3, 2, and 1 respectively.


You can further filter the data by adding non-date data to the beginning of the key. If you were outputting Twitter names, for instance, your key might look like ["bigbluehat", "2011", "02", "14"] and your reduce could return the total count of all tweets for the user "bigbluehat" as well as stats for that user across day, month, and year.


If you're not using the reduce side of things, then string-based keys are likely fine.




No matter what kind of data storage I use, I typically want a unix timestamp in there as a field, in which I'll include one for the created date, and then an updated field that I can change when the document changes.


I prefer the regular "seconds since epoch" approach rather than "milliseconds since epoch" simply for brevety.

对于brevety,我更喜欢常规的“秒since epoch”方法,而不是“毫秒since epoch”。

Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000) does the trick for me.

数学。round(new Date(). gettime()/1000)对我来说很有用。

In terms of readibility, i want to store it as an integer for easy comparisons, and use the front end to display it nicely.




You can store your dates how ever you want*, it is how you output them into your views that is important.


*As long as Date.parse() can read it.


There is a good solution here: Sorting Dates in CouchDB Views




I like to use milliseconds since last epoch. You can figure this out with:


new Date().valueOf()

You can create a new date from milliseconds with:


var milliseconds = new Date().valueOf();
var date = new Date(milliseconds);

I like to create a view where the timestamp (in milliseconds) is the key b/c sorting is super-easy that way.


Also, I think using integers is more efficient than strings, at least when it comes to working with data outside of CouchDB.




Time is a one-dimensional thing. A timestamp plus timezone is two-dimensional, describing a point in time, and a location. Couch views are one-dimensional (but not the GeoCouch plugin), so storing in a common zone (UTC) is wise.


Probably the most future-proof format is a string that naturally sorts in chronological order. Probably the most convenient such format is what JSON2 outputs:


> a = new Date();
Thu Jan 27 2011 18:40:52 GMT+0700 (ICT)
> JSON.stringify(a)



If you're just using the Map side of Map reduce than these suggestions are probably fine. If, however, you want to do a reduce on the results (_count, _stats, _sum), then I'd recommend emitting your dates as arrays so you can use group_level.


For instance, if you emit(doc.date.split('-')) on a date strings formatted like "2011-02-14", then you could return _count's (for instance) per day, month, and year by using group_level=3, 2, and 1 respectively.


You can further filter the data by adding non-date data to the beginning of the key. If you were outputting Twitter names, for instance, your key might look like ["bigbluehat", "2011", "02", "14"] and your reduce could return the total count of all tweets for the user "bigbluehat" as well as stats for that user across day, month, and year.


If you're not using the reduce side of things, then string-based keys are likely fine.




No matter what kind of data storage I use, I typically want a unix timestamp in there as a field, in which I'll include one for the created date, and then an updated field that I can change when the document changes.


I prefer the regular "seconds since epoch" approach rather than "milliseconds since epoch" simply for brevety.

对于brevety,我更喜欢常规的“秒since epoch”方法,而不是“毫秒since epoch”。

Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000) does the trick for me.

数学。round(new Date(). gettime()/1000)对我来说很有用。

In terms of readibility, i want to store it as an integer for easy comparisons, and use the front end to display it nicely.




You can store your dates how ever you want*, it is how you output them into your views that is important.


*As long as Date.parse() can read it.


There is a good solution here: Sorting Dates in CouchDB Views




I like to use milliseconds since last epoch. You can figure this out with:


new Date().valueOf()

You can create a new date from milliseconds with:


var milliseconds = new Date().valueOf();
var date = new Date(milliseconds);

I like to create a view where the timestamp (in milliseconds) is the key b/c sorting is super-easy that way.


Also, I think using integers is more efficient than strings, at least when it comes to working with data outside of CouchDB.
