
时间:2022-10-22 14:53:53

I need to be able to have a subdirectory of images all PNG's to be downloaded instead of opened in the browser window. I am using IIS for the web server.


Is there a way to force a PNG to be downloadable?


5 个解决方案


As the other posters have said, you need to add the HTTP Content-Disposition header, with a value of attachment, to the HTTP response generated by IIS when serving the PNGs in question.

正如其他海报所说的那样,您需要将HTTP Content-Disposition标头(附件值)添加到IIS在为相关PNG提供服务时生成的HTTP响应中。

Not sure what version of IIS you using are but:



  1. In the IIS Manager select the directory with the PNG files and open the Properties dialog
  2. 在IIS管理器中,选择包含PNG文件的目录,然后打开“属性”对话框

  3. Click the HTTP Headers tab.
  4. 单击HTTP标头选项卡。

  5. In the Custom HTTP Headers section, click Add.
  6. 在“自定义HTTP标头”部分中,单击“添加”。

  7. A dialog appears. In the "Custom-header name" field enter "Content-disposition". In the "Custom-header value field, enter "Attachment".
  8. 出现一个对话框。在“自定义标题名称”字段中,输入“内容处置”。在“自定义标题值”字段中,输入“附件”。

  9. You may have to restart IIS (iisreset)
  10. 您可能必须重新启动IIS(iisreset)

For IIS7:

  1. In the IIS Manager select the directory with the PNG files and select the Features view.
  2. 在IIS管理器中,选择包含PNG文件的目录,然后选择“功能”视图。

  3. Double-click the HTTP Response Headers item and then choose the Add option in the right-hand menu.
  4. 双击HTTP Response Headers项,然后在右侧菜单中选择Add选项。

  5. A dialog appears. In the "Name" field enter "Content-disposition". In the "Value" field, enter "Attachment".
  6. 出现一个对话框。在“名称”字段中输入“内容处置”。在“值”字段中,输入“附件”。

  7. You may have to restart IIS (iisreset)
  8. 您可能必须重新启动IIS(iisreset)

Alternatively, place this web.config in the folder with files:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <clear />
        <add name="Content-Disposition" value="Attachment" />

This should force the PNGs served from that directory to be downloadable.



You can't if you directly serve the PNGs, but if you use ASP, you can add:


Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment");


You have to send this header to the browser:


Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"

I have no clue on how to do this using IIS.



All solutions I have tried make it so that it'll download in other browsers except IE. IE is trying to be "helpful" and decides what it thinks would best server the client, in this case is display the png file in the browser.

我尝试过的所有解决方案都可以在IE以外的其他浏览器中下载。 IE正在尝试“有用”并决定它认为最好服务于客户端的内容,在这种情况下是在浏览器中显示png文件。

There is always the programatic way of doing this as been pointed out. But I wasn't looking to go that route.


In the end I individually zipped up the 67 PNG files and linked to those. It's not pretty but it works.


Thanks all for the help.



Probably, my answer is outdated but hopefully it can be useful for someone...


As the other posters have said, you need to add the HTTP 'Content-Disposition' response header.


The problem could appear if you can't use IIS Manager and have to use command line.


So, if you need to add this pretty HTTP response header using command line only, you can use such construction:


%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD set config "Default Web Site/path/to/images" /section:httpProtocol /+customHeaders.[name='Content-disposition',value='Attachment']

It will add HTTP 'Content-Disposition' response header for your '/path/to/images' folder of your 'Default Web Site'.

它将为“默认网站”的“/ path / to / images”文件夹添加HTTP“Content-Disposition”响应标头。

This can be useful in case you do autimaticaly configuration of your IIS with a couple of scripts or BAT/CMD-files.

如果您使用几个脚本或BAT / CMD文件进行IIS的autimaticaly配置,这将非常有用。


As the other posters have said, you need to add the HTTP Content-Disposition header, with a value of attachment, to the HTTP response generated by IIS when serving the PNGs in question.

正如其他海报所说的那样,您需要将HTTP Content-Disposition标头(附件值)添加到IIS在为相关PNG提供服务时生成的HTTP响应中。

Not sure what version of IIS you using are but:



  1. In the IIS Manager select the directory with the PNG files and open the Properties dialog
  2. 在IIS管理器中,选择包含PNG文件的目录,然后打开“属性”对话框

  3. Click the HTTP Headers tab.
  4. 单击HTTP标头选项卡。

  5. In the Custom HTTP Headers section, click Add.
  6. 在“自定义HTTP标头”部分中,单击“添加”。

  7. A dialog appears. In the "Custom-header name" field enter "Content-disposition". In the "Custom-header value field, enter "Attachment".
  8. 出现一个对话框。在“自定义标题名称”字段中,输入“内容处置”。在“自定义标题值”字段中,输入“附件”。

  9. You may have to restart IIS (iisreset)
  10. 您可能必须重新启动IIS(iisreset)

For IIS7:

  1. In the IIS Manager select the directory with the PNG files and select the Features view.
  2. 在IIS管理器中,选择包含PNG文件的目录,然后选择“功能”视图。

  3. Double-click the HTTP Response Headers item and then choose the Add option in the right-hand menu.
  4. 双击HTTP Response Headers项,然后在右侧菜单中选择Add选项。

  5. A dialog appears. In the "Name" field enter "Content-disposition". In the "Value" field, enter "Attachment".
  6. 出现一个对话框。在“名称”字段中输入“内容处置”。在“值”字段中,输入“附件”。

  7. You may have to restart IIS (iisreset)
  8. 您可能必须重新启动IIS(iisreset)

Alternatively, place this web.config in the folder with files:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <clear />
        <add name="Content-Disposition" value="Attachment" />

This should force the PNGs served from that directory to be downloadable.



You can't if you directly serve the PNGs, but if you use ASP, you can add:


Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment");


You have to send this header to the browser:


Content-Disposition:attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"

I have no clue on how to do this using IIS.



All solutions I have tried make it so that it'll download in other browsers except IE. IE is trying to be "helpful" and decides what it thinks would best server the client, in this case is display the png file in the browser.

我尝试过的所有解决方案都可以在IE以外的其他浏览器中下载。 IE正在尝试“有用”并决定它认为最好服务于客户端的内容,在这种情况下是在浏览器中显示png文件。

There is always the programatic way of doing this as been pointed out. But I wasn't looking to go that route.


In the end I individually zipped up the 67 PNG files and linked to those. It's not pretty but it works.


Thanks all for the help.



Probably, my answer is outdated but hopefully it can be useful for someone...


As the other posters have said, you need to add the HTTP 'Content-Disposition' response header.


The problem could appear if you can't use IIS Manager and have to use command line.


So, if you need to add this pretty HTTP response header using command line only, you can use such construction:


%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD set config "Default Web Site/path/to/images" /section:httpProtocol /+customHeaders.[name='Content-disposition',value='Attachment']

It will add HTTP 'Content-Disposition' response header for your '/path/to/images' folder of your 'Default Web Site'.

它将为“默认网站”的“/ path / to / images”文件夹添加HTTP“Content-Disposition”响应标头。

This can be useful in case you do autimaticaly configuration of your IIS with a couple of scripts or BAT/CMD-files.

如果您使用几个脚本或BAT / CMD文件进行IIS的autimaticaly配置,这将非常有用。