jQuery绑定ajax:成功无法在rails 3应用程序中为新创建的(ajax)项目工作

时间:2022-10-22 08:06:30

**Edited this post because I found the problem is really in the inability of rails to bind to the ajax:success function.


***Using rails 3.2.3

***使用rails 3.2.3

Thanks for taking the time to read and try to help.


I am adding a simple fade out function on the ajax:success of an item being deleted, as follows:


$(document).ready( jQuery(function($) {
    $('.delete').bind('ajax:success', function() {
#For some reason had to pass the $ into the function to get it to work,
#not sure why this is necessary but doesn't work unless that is done.

After this, I wanted to create an object with unobtrusive jQuery when the user adds something, and have working delete buttons on those as well. I made a create.js.erb file that is called after creating a new item - and the creation works fine, but the delete button cannot access the ajax:success event.

在此之后,我想在用户添加内容时使用不显眼的jQuery创建一个对象,并在这些对象上也有工作删除按钮。我创建了一个在创建新项目后调用的create.js.erb文件 - 并且创建工作正常,但删除按钮无法访问ajax:success事件。

It does delete the data from the db when clicked, but the .fadeOut is never bound to it, so it doesn't disappear. The create.js.erb is as follows:

单击时它会从数据库中删除数据,但.fadeOut永远不会绑定到它,因此它不会消失。 create.js.erb如下:

#$("div").append(html) here, then call the function below to try and bind the ajax:success function
$('.delete').bind('ajax:complete', function() {

If I change this to bind to the click function, it works, but this doesn't account for a failed ajax call:


#$("div").append(html) here, then call the function below to try and bind the ajax:success function
    $('.delete').bind('click', function() {

So something must be up with binding to the ajax:success after the item is created. You guys have any idea why this might be happening? Do I need to do something special in rails to get the newly rendered item to recognize ajax events? Any direction would be much appreciated!


P.S. The controller for the delete method is below in case anyone might be able to detect a problem there:


def destroy
    @user = User.find(params[:user_id])
    @item = @user.item.find(params[:id])

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to user_path(@user) }
      format.json { head :no_content }
      format.js { render :nothing => true }

7 个解决方案



The problem sounds like the bind is happening before the element is generated. Try this:


$(document).on('ajax:success', '.delete', function(e) {



I had the same issue, because my form handler method returned a plain string. Be sure to render something jQuery can process:


def handle_form
  render :json => {:what => 'ever'}
  # or
  render :nothing => true



I've done similar things recently using Rails 3.2.3. I also use

我最近使用Rails 3.2.3做了类似的事情。我也用

$('#dialog-form').bind('ajax:success', function() {

and it works fine...




Even though this is an old question, I have an updated answer for what works out to be the same issue.


As of version 1.9, jQuery will no longer consider an empty repsonse(render nothing: true) to be a success/done. This means that in your controller you should return an empty JSON object instead.


respond_to do |format| format.json { render: {}.to_json } end

respond_to do | format | format.json {render:{} .to_json}结束



Check if you get a parse error (or similar) by catching ajax:completed. Check the status argument there. In my case it was a parseerror due to a mimetype mismatch.


You can also set a breakpoint in jquery_ujs.js.


See also this question jQuery ajax request not triggering JS response

另见这个问题jQuery ajax请求不会触发JS响应



For me it's because we are using slim, and the templates are 'name.slim'. if we change them to 'name.slim.html', the ajax:success fires correctly.


The solution I am using is to add the format to the render declaration in the controller.


So we've got something like this:


render :new, layout: false, formats: [:html]



Even it is an old question, none of the answers really helped me as I had a custom confirmation dialog and the ajax:success was triggering on totally different element.


In order to find which element is trigered by your ajax in such case, you can first use code:


$(document).on('ajax:success', 'a', function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
    $( ".log" ).text( "Triggered ajaxComplete handler." );
    // Check what is the value of $(this), and you will see what button has triggered the ajax success action, and you can start from there



The problem sounds like the bind is happening before the element is generated. Try this:


$(document).on('ajax:success', '.delete', function(e) {



I had the same issue, because my form handler method returned a plain string. Be sure to render something jQuery can process:


def handle_form
  render :json => {:what => 'ever'}
  # or
  render :nothing => true



I've done similar things recently using Rails 3.2.3. I also use

我最近使用Rails 3.2.3做了类似的事情。我也用

$('#dialog-form').bind('ajax:success', function() {

and it works fine...




Even though this is an old question, I have an updated answer for what works out to be the same issue.


As of version 1.9, jQuery will no longer consider an empty repsonse(render nothing: true) to be a success/done. This means that in your controller you should return an empty JSON object instead.


respond_to do |format| format.json { render: {}.to_json } end

respond_to do | format | format.json {render:{} .to_json}结束



Check if you get a parse error (or similar) by catching ajax:completed. Check the status argument there. In my case it was a parseerror due to a mimetype mismatch.


You can also set a breakpoint in jquery_ujs.js.


See also this question jQuery ajax request not triggering JS response

另见这个问题jQuery ajax请求不会触发JS响应



For me it's because we are using slim, and the templates are 'name.slim'. if we change them to 'name.slim.html', the ajax:success fires correctly.


The solution I am using is to add the format to the render declaration in the controller.


So we've got something like this:


render :new, layout: false, formats: [:html]



Even it is an old question, none of the answers really helped me as I had a custom confirmation dialog and the ajax:success was triggering on totally different element.


In order to find which element is trigered by your ajax in such case, you can first use code:


$(document).on('ajax:success', 'a', function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
    $( ".log" ).text( "Triggered ajaxComplete handler." );
    // Check what is the value of $(this), and you will see what button has triggered the ajax success action, and you can start from there