
时间:2022-10-21 21:08:40

I've got three tables: Resource, Timesheet, TimePeriod. A Resource has many Timesheets and a Timesheet has one TimePeriod. This used for us to keep track of employee timesheets. I'm trying to figure out how to find out the status of each person's timesheet for this week. The problem is, if a person hasn't filled out a timesheet, then there will not be an entry in the timesheet table. So their status should be NULL.


This is what the database looks like:


id | Name 
 1 | John Smith
 2 | Jason Bourne

id | Status    | Resource_Id |TimePeriod_Id
 1 | Submitted | 1           | 1
 2 | Created   | 1           | 2
 3 | Submitted | 2           | 1

id | Week 
 1 | 2013Week1
 2 | 2013Week2
 3 | 2013Week3

If the TimePeriod were stored in the same table then this wouldn't be a problem. But since its in a separate table I think there is a problem with the way I'm doing my joins. I can't figure out the query to make this work.


I have tried this:


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
LEFT JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.id
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id 
WHERE tp.week = '2013Week2'

This obviously eliminates Jason Bourne from the results because he has no timesheet


I also tried this:


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
LEFT JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.id
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id AND tp.week = '2013Week2'

Which returns extra rows and wrong data.


The desired result would be:


id  name           status    
1   John Smith     Created
2   Jason Bourne   NULL  

I believe I could stumble my way through this with UNION, but I feel like there should be a way to do this other than that. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. Thanks.


7 个解决方案



Another one:


SELECT r.id, r.Name, s.Status
FROM Resource r
INNER JOIN TimePeriod p ON p.week = '2013week2'
LEFT JOIN Timesheet s ON s.Resource_id = r.id AND s.TimePeriod_id = p.id

Alternatively you could replace the INNER JOIN ... ON with a CROSS JOIN ... WHERE:


SELECT r.id, r.Name, s.Status
FROM Resource r
CROSS JOIN TimePeriod p
LEFT JOIN Timesheet s ON s.Resource_id = r.id AND s.TimePeriod_id = p.id
WHERE p.week = '2013week2'

Although it must be said that MySQL doesn't distinguish between CROSS JOIN and INNER JOIN, treating those as synonyms of each other. Anyway, the above queries are standard SQL and would work in any SQL product.


A SQL Server demo at SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/6a0a1/2

SQL小提琴的SQL Server演示:http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/6a0a1/2



You need to a LEFT JOIN the combination of Timesheet and the inner join to TimePeriod


The syntax for that is


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
LEFT JOIN (Timesheet ts 
             INNER JOIN TimePeriod tp 
            ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id AND tp.week = '2013Week2')
ON ts.resource_id = res.id

You might also want to do COALESCE(ts.status, 'unsubmitted') status to convert the nulls


SQL Fiddle




Try this.


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM [Resource] res
INNER JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.id
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id 
WHERE tp.week = '2013Week2'

This is of course without creating the data locally. If this doesn't work let me know and I'll give it a second try and recreate your structure locally.




Try joining from your resource table instead


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
RIGHT JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.ID
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp on ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id AND tp.week - '2013Week2'

That way you should get existant and non existant timesheets for all resources that exist, and only timesheets for your given time period.




Looks like this works. Reference the SQLfiddle posted below.


select r1.id, r1.name, ts.status
from resource r1, resource r2, timesheet ts
where r1.id = r2.id (+) 
and r2.id = ts.resource_id
and ts.timeperiod_id = (select max(id) from timeperiod)

EDIT: using a more explicit join syntax:


SELECT r1.id, r1.name, ts.status
FROM resource r1
LEFT OUTER JOIN resource r2 ON r1.id = r2.id
JOIN timesheet ts ON r2.id = ts.resource_id
WHERE ts.timeperiod_id = :timeperiod   -- you can use whatever timeperiod you want, doesn't have to be the max(id)

Sqlfiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/9dd71/3

Sqlfiddle:http://www.sqlfiddle.com/ ! 4/9dd71/3



The code below create three local temp tables with the data your provided above.


Many people do not know that cross apply can be used like a full outer join.


Thus, we want the cross product of the resource entries and the time period entries for this week. Regardless if someone submitted a time sheet.


The next step is to left join onto the result on both resource id and time period from the time sheet. This will show both created and submitted entries.


That is assuming an update does not move a created to the submitted column. Adding another table with 1 = created and 2 = submitted and taking the max value can list the top one.

假设更新没有将创建的内容移动到提交的列中。添加另一个包含1 =创建和2 =提交的表,并使用max值可以列出上面的值。

The result is shown below.


John Miner, the craftydba, www.craftydba.com



-- Resource table
create table #Resource
(res_id int, res_name varchar(128));

——资源表创建表#Resource (res_id int, res_name varchar(128));

-- Add data
insert into #Resource
(1 , 'John Smith'),
(2 , 'Jason Bourne');

——将数据插入#资源值(1,'John Smith'), (2, 'Jason Bourne');

-- Time period table
create table #TimePeriod
(tp_id int, tp_week int);

——工时期间表创建表#工时期间(tp_id int, tp_week int);

-- Add data
insert into #TimePeriod
(1 , 201301),
(2 , 201302),
(3 , 201303);


-- Time sheet table
create table #TimeSheet
(ts_id int, ts_status varchar(16), res_id int, tp_id int);

——工时表创建表#工时表(ts_id int, ts_status varchar(16), res_id int, tp_id int);

-- Add data
insert into #TimeSheet
(1, 'Submitted', 1 , 1),
(2, 'Created', 1 , 2),
(3, 'Submitted', 2 , 1);

——将数据插入到#TimeSheet值中(1,' submit ', 1, 1), (2, 'Created', 1, 2), (3, ' submit ', 2, 1);

-- Need both resource and period regardless of time period
select *
from #Resource r
cross apply
( select * from #TimePeriod p1 where p1.tp_week = 201302
) as ca_Period
left join #TimeSheet s on s.res_id = r.res_id and ca_Period.tp_id= s.tp_id

——需要资源和周期,而不考虑时间段,从# resource r cross apply中选择*(从#TimePeriod p1中选择*,其中p1。当ca_Period离开时,在s上加入#工时表s。res_id = r。res_id ca_Period。tp_id = s.tp_id



Try this. It is tested with your data. But you won't get NULL Values for any resource.


SELECT Resource.id,Resource.Name,TimeSheet.Status FROM Resource,TimeSheet,TimePeriod WHERE Resource.id = TimeSheet.id AND TimeSheet.TimePeriod_id = TimePeriod.id AND TimePeriod.Week="2013Week1"

选择Resource.id、Resource.Name时间表。来自资源、时间表、资源的时间段的状态。id =时间表。id和时间表。TimePeriod_id = TimePeriod。id和TimePeriod.Week = " 2013 week1”

Hope it helps.




Another one:


SELECT r.id, r.Name, s.Status
FROM Resource r
INNER JOIN TimePeriod p ON p.week = '2013week2'
LEFT JOIN Timesheet s ON s.Resource_id = r.id AND s.TimePeriod_id = p.id

Alternatively you could replace the INNER JOIN ... ON with a CROSS JOIN ... WHERE:


SELECT r.id, r.Name, s.Status
FROM Resource r
CROSS JOIN TimePeriod p
LEFT JOIN Timesheet s ON s.Resource_id = r.id AND s.TimePeriod_id = p.id
WHERE p.week = '2013week2'

Although it must be said that MySQL doesn't distinguish between CROSS JOIN and INNER JOIN, treating those as synonyms of each other. Anyway, the above queries are standard SQL and would work in any SQL product.


A SQL Server demo at SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/6a0a1/2

SQL小提琴的SQL Server演示:http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/6a0a1/2



You need to a LEFT JOIN the combination of Timesheet and the inner join to TimePeriod


The syntax for that is


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
LEFT JOIN (Timesheet ts 
             INNER JOIN TimePeriod tp 
            ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id AND tp.week = '2013Week2')
ON ts.resource_id = res.id

You might also want to do COALESCE(ts.status, 'unsubmitted') status to convert the nulls


SQL Fiddle




Try this.


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM [Resource] res
INNER JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.id
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp ON ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id 
WHERE tp.week = '2013Week2'

This is of course without creating the data locally. If this doesn't work let me know and I'll give it a second try and recreate your structure locally.




Try joining from your resource table instead


SELECT res.id, res.name, ts.status
FROM Resource res
RIGHT JOIN Timesheet ts ON ts.resource_id = res.ID
LEFT JOIN TimePeriod tp on ts.timeperiod_id = tp.id AND tp.week - '2013Week2'

That way you should get existant and non existant timesheets for all resources that exist, and only timesheets for your given time period.




Looks like this works. Reference the SQLfiddle posted below.


select r1.id, r1.name, ts.status
from resource r1, resource r2, timesheet ts
where r1.id = r2.id (+) 
and r2.id = ts.resource_id
and ts.timeperiod_id = (select max(id) from timeperiod)

EDIT: using a more explicit join syntax:


SELECT r1.id, r1.name, ts.status
FROM resource r1
LEFT OUTER JOIN resource r2 ON r1.id = r2.id
JOIN timesheet ts ON r2.id = ts.resource_id
WHERE ts.timeperiod_id = :timeperiod   -- you can use whatever timeperiod you want, doesn't have to be the max(id)

Sqlfiddle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/9dd71/3

Sqlfiddle:http://www.sqlfiddle.com/ ! 4/9dd71/3



The code below create three local temp tables with the data your provided above.


Many people do not know that cross apply can be used like a full outer join.


Thus, we want the cross product of the resource entries and the time period entries for this week. Regardless if someone submitted a time sheet.


The next step is to left join onto the result on both resource id and time period from the time sheet. This will show both created and submitted entries.


That is assuming an update does not move a created to the submitted column. Adding another table with 1 = created and 2 = submitted and taking the max value can list the top one.

假设更新没有将创建的内容移动到提交的列中。添加另一个包含1 =创建和2 =提交的表,并使用max值可以列出上面的值。

The result is shown below.


John Miner, the craftydba, www.craftydba.com



-- Resource table
create table #Resource
(res_id int, res_name varchar(128));

——资源表创建表#Resource (res_id int, res_name varchar(128));

-- Add data
insert into #Resource
(1 , 'John Smith'),
(2 , 'Jason Bourne');

——将数据插入#资源值(1,'John Smith'), (2, 'Jason Bourne');

-- Time period table
create table #TimePeriod
(tp_id int, tp_week int);

——工时期间表创建表#工时期间(tp_id int, tp_week int);

-- Add data
insert into #TimePeriod
(1 , 201301),
(2 , 201302),
(3 , 201303);


-- Time sheet table
create table #TimeSheet
(ts_id int, ts_status varchar(16), res_id int, tp_id int);

——工时表创建表#工时表(ts_id int, ts_status varchar(16), res_id int, tp_id int);

-- Add data
insert into #TimeSheet
(1, 'Submitted', 1 , 1),
(2, 'Created', 1 , 2),
(3, 'Submitted', 2 , 1);

——将数据插入到#TimeSheet值中(1,' submit ', 1, 1), (2, 'Created', 1, 2), (3, ' submit ', 2, 1);

-- Need both resource and period regardless of time period
select *
from #Resource r
cross apply
( select * from #TimePeriod p1 where p1.tp_week = 201302
) as ca_Period
left join #TimeSheet s on s.res_id = r.res_id and ca_Period.tp_id= s.tp_id

——需要资源和周期,而不考虑时间段,从# resource r cross apply中选择*(从#TimePeriod p1中选择*,其中p1。当ca_Period离开时,在s上加入#工时表s。res_id = r。res_id ca_Period。tp_id = s.tp_id



Try this. It is tested with your data. But you won't get NULL Values for any resource.


SELECT Resource.id,Resource.Name,TimeSheet.Status FROM Resource,TimeSheet,TimePeriod WHERE Resource.id = TimeSheet.id AND TimeSheet.TimePeriod_id = TimePeriod.id AND TimePeriod.Week="2013Week1"

选择Resource.id、Resource.Name时间表。来自资源、时间表、资源的时间段的状态。id =时间表。id和时间表。TimePeriod_id = TimePeriod。id和TimePeriod.Week = " 2013 week1”

Hope it helps.
