
时间:2022-10-20 18:22:17

How can I localize/internationalize attribute values in .NET?


My specific example is for ASP.NET web parts such as WebDisplayName, WebDescription, etc. where I inherit from the base class that uses these attributes.

我的具体示例是ASP.NET Web部件,例如WebDisplayName,WebDescription等,其中我从使用这些属性的基类继承。

Also, is there any difference to doing this with attributes declared in my own classes?



2 个解决方案


Have you had a look at Localizing the Property Grid?


This seems pretty much the same thing, except you're inheriting from WebDescriptionAttribute (et al) instead of DescriptionAttribute. All of the important properties in the Web classes, like Description, are still overridable.

除了从WebDescriptionAttribute(et al)继承而不是DescriptionAttribute之外,这看起来几乎是一样的。 Web类中的所有重要属性(如Description)仍然可以覆盖。

The example on that page calls out to a static SR class, which retrieves string resources from a specific type. If you need to support multiple languages at the same time - and obviously take a minor performance hit in the process - then you would have to adjust the attribute itself to take the Type of the resource you expect, and use the appropriate constructor for the ResourceManager class.

该页面上的示例调用静态SR类,该类从特定类型检索字符串资源。如果您需要同时支持多种语言 - 并且显然在此过程中只需要轻微的性能影响 - 那么您必须调整属性本身以获取所需资源的类型,并为ResourceManager使用适当的构造函数类。

I can go into more detail if you want to expand a little on the intended uses.



Check out this answer:


Localization of DisplayNameAttribute


You would have to add attributes to your derived classes to override the ones on the base classes.



Have you had a look at Localizing the Property Grid?


This seems pretty much the same thing, except you're inheriting from WebDescriptionAttribute (et al) instead of DescriptionAttribute. All of the important properties in the Web classes, like Description, are still overridable.

除了从WebDescriptionAttribute(et al)继承而不是DescriptionAttribute之外,这看起来几乎是一样的。 Web类中的所有重要属性(如Description)仍然可以覆盖。

The example on that page calls out to a static SR class, which retrieves string resources from a specific type. If you need to support multiple languages at the same time - and obviously take a minor performance hit in the process - then you would have to adjust the attribute itself to take the Type of the resource you expect, and use the appropriate constructor for the ResourceManager class.

该页面上的示例调用静态SR类,该类从特定类型检索字符串资源。如果您需要同时支持多种语言 - 并且显然在此过程中只需要轻微的性能影响 - 那么您必须调整属性本身以获取所需资源的类型,并为ResourceManager使用适当的构造函数类。

I can go into more detail if you want to expand a little on the intended uses.



Check out this answer:


Localization of DisplayNameAttribute


You would have to add attributes to your derived classes to override the ones on the base classes.
