Java - 登录后从站点检索图像

时间:2022-10-20 08:25:18

Hey, folks. What I'm trying to do is write a Confluence plugin containing a servlet that generates a pdf based on the Active Directory. Anyway, there is an attachment repository on the confluence space. Problem is, when I try to create an IText image from the pdf, it gets all buggy. I'm assuming it is because the page is behind a login. Any other images work just fine.

嘿伙计。我要做的是编写一个Confluence插件,其中包含一个基于Active Directory生成pdf的servlet。无论如何,在汇合空间有一个附件库。问题是,当我尝试从pdf创建一个IText图像时,它会变成所有错误。我假设这是因为页面在登录后面。任何其他图像工作得很好。

At any rate, is there a way, in Java, I can retrieve the image in even just a byte[] after logging in with some sort of credentials?


Error Example:

Image portrait = Image.getInstance(new URL("http://*Local Network*/download/attachments/3409000/PdfTestImage.JPG"));

^^ throws http://*Local Network*/download/attachments/3409000/John.Doe.JPG is not a recognized imageformat. at com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(

^^抛出 * Local Network * / download / attachments / 3409000 / John.Doe.JPG不是可识别的图像格式。 at com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(


Image portrait = Image.getInstance(new URL(""));

or anything else I put in there doesn't cause a problem. Any suggestions? I've used HttpClient before but I'm not positive if it'd be applicable.


1 个解决方案



You problem description is quite confusing. Let me repeat it to make sure I've got it right: you need to extract an image from a password-protected site, but you are not logged in into that site (user may be logged in, but not your server-side code)?


Then I'd suggest to user HttpClient to provide the correct credentials and download the file to local storage where you can process it the way you like. Note that if the site uses MS SSO, the task could be quite complicated, as your code would need a service account with AD/Kerberos.

然后我建议用户HttpClient提供正确的凭据并将文件下载到本地存储,您可以按照自己喜欢的方式处理它。请注意,如果站点使用MS SSO,则任务可能非常复杂,因为您的代码需要具有AD / Kerberos的服务帐户。



You problem description is quite confusing. Let me repeat it to make sure I've got it right: you need to extract an image from a password-protected site, but you are not logged in into that site (user may be logged in, but not your server-side code)?


Then I'd suggest to user HttpClient to provide the correct credentials and download the file to local storage where you can process it the way you like. Note that if the site uses MS SSO, the task could be quite complicated, as your code would need a service account with AD/Kerberos.

然后我建议用户HttpClient提供正确的凭据并将文件下载到本地存储,您可以按照自己喜欢的方式处理它。请注意,如果站点使用MS SSO,则任务可能非常复杂,因为您的代码需要具有AD / Kerberos的服务帐户。