R plot, x-axis and y-axis touching

时间:2023-01-12 20:17:40

My problem concerns the making of a graph for a publication in R. I have used the plot function like follows:


plot(x=data$SL, y=data$BD, xlab = "SL (mm)", ylab = "BD (mm)", pch=data$pch)

SL ranges from 51.7 to 73.7 and BD from 13.5 to 20.4. Unfortunately I am not allowed to post images yet.


However, wanting to get rid of the box I used "axes=F". Problem now is lack of control over the axis function. I used:

但是,想要摆脱我用“轴= F”的盒子。现在的问题是缺乏对轴功能的控制。我用了:

axis(side=1, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=c(min(data$SL):max(data$SL)))
axis(side=2, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=c(min(data$BD):max(data$BD)))

Problem is that I can't manage to get the y- and x-axis to come together on the same point as in the plot with the box. How to let the x- and y- axis to touch each other?


3 个解决方案



Most likely setting xaxs = "i" and yaxs = "i" will help you getting the desired behaviour.

最有可能设置xaxs =“i”和yaxs =“i”将帮助您获得所需的行为。

plot(c(1,2,3),c(2,4,6),axes=F,xaxs = "i",yaxs="i",xlim=c(0,3),ylim=c(0,6))
axis(side=1, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=0:3)
axis(side=2, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=seq(0,6,2))



Try box(bty='L') to draw only the left and bottom parts of the box. You could also just draw the lines yourself using lines, segments, or abline and using grconvertX and grconvertY functions to find the locations where to draw the lines.

尝试框(bty ='L')仅绘制框的左下部分。您也可以使用线条,线段或abline自行绘制线条,并使用grconvertX和grconvertY函数查找绘制线条的位置。



I suggest that you follow the procedure you outlined and then use:


box(which = "plot", bty = "l")

box(=“plot”,bty =“l”)


plot.window(xlim = c(1, 18), ylim = c(2, 20))
points(1:18, 2:19, pch = 1, col = "#FF7F24", cex = 1.2)
lines(1:18,  2:19, col = "#FF7F24", lwd = 2)
axis(side      = 1,
     lwd       = 0,
     lwd.ticks = 1,
     at        = 1:18,
     cex.axis = 0.9)
title(main = "Plot",
      ylab = "Y-Axis")
       legend = c("Legend"),
       col = c("#FF7F24"),
       text.col = c("#FF7F24"),
       pch    = 1,
       bty    = "n",
       cex    = 1.2)
axis(side      = 2,
     lwd       = 0,
     lwd.ticks = 1)
box(which = "plot", bty = "l")

You should pass the options lwd = 0 and lwd.ticks = 1 to your seperate axis() calls in order to prevent some parts of your axes to appear fatter than other parts of your axis because some get overlayed by your call to box() and some do not.

您应该将选项lwd = 0和lwd.ticks = 1传递给您的单独轴()调用,以防止轴的某些部分比轴的其他部分显得更胖,因为有些部分会被您对box()的调用覆盖有些人没有。

The solution of using box() at the end is, I think, more general in that you can use it when e.g. you cannot or do not want to pass bty = "l" in your plot.default or plot.window call.

我认为最后使用box()的解决方案更为通用,因为你可以在例如你不能或不想在你的plot.default或plot.window调用中传递bty =“l”。



Most likely setting xaxs = "i" and yaxs = "i" will help you getting the desired behaviour.

最有可能设置xaxs =“i”和yaxs =“i”将帮助您获得所需的行为。

plot(c(1,2,3),c(2,4,6),axes=F,xaxs = "i",yaxs="i",xlim=c(0,3),ylim=c(0,6))
axis(side=1, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=0:3)
axis(side=2, lwd=3, xpd=TRUE, at=seq(0,6,2))



Try box(bty='L') to draw only the left and bottom parts of the box. You could also just draw the lines yourself using lines, segments, or abline and using grconvertX and grconvertY functions to find the locations where to draw the lines.

尝试框(bty ='L')仅绘制框的左下部分。您也可以使用线条,线段或abline自行绘制线条,并使用grconvertX和grconvertY函数查找绘制线条的位置。



I suggest that you follow the procedure you outlined and then use:


box(which = "plot", bty = "l")

box(=“plot”,bty =“l”)


plot.window(xlim = c(1, 18), ylim = c(2, 20))
points(1:18, 2:19, pch = 1, col = "#FF7F24", cex = 1.2)
lines(1:18,  2:19, col = "#FF7F24", lwd = 2)
axis(side      = 1,
     lwd       = 0,
     lwd.ticks = 1,
     at        = 1:18,
     cex.axis = 0.9)
title(main = "Plot",
      ylab = "Y-Axis")
       legend = c("Legend"),
       col = c("#FF7F24"),
       text.col = c("#FF7F24"),
       pch    = 1,
       bty    = "n",
       cex    = 1.2)
axis(side      = 2,
     lwd       = 0,
     lwd.ticks = 1)
box(which = "plot", bty = "l")

You should pass the options lwd = 0 and lwd.ticks = 1 to your seperate axis() calls in order to prevent some parts of your axes to appear fatter than other parts of your axis because some get overlayed by your call to box() and some do not.

您应该将选项lwd = 0和lwd.ticks = 1传递给您的单独轴()调用,以防止轴的某些部分比轴的其他部分显得更胖,因为有些部分会被您对box()的调用覆盖有些人没有。

The solution of using box() at the end is, I think, more general in that you can use it when e.g. you cannot or do not want to pass bty = "l" in your plot.default or plot.window call.

我认为最后使用box()的解决方案更为通用,因为你可以在例如你不能或不想在你的plot.default或plot.window调用中传递bty =“l”。