从SQL Server数据库生成表单

时间:2022-10-16 13:41:41

Just wondering if anyone knows of a product (free or licensable) that allows you to generate a Web Form from looking into a database table. We have to be able to generate staff surveys - our company is quite big, and occasionally the form fields change. Ultimately this means one of our dev's have to go and modify some ASP.NET webform to factor in the new field. Not good when things change every month :(

只是想知道是否有人知道允许您通过查看数据库表生成Web表单的产品(免费或可许可)。我们必须能够进行员工调查 - 我们公司规模很大,而且形式领域偶尔会发生变化。最终,这意味着我们的开发人员必须去修改一些ASP.NET webform以考虑新领域。当事情每个月都在变化时不好:(

What we were thinking was a metadata table that describes some of these forms and an engine that will render a form based on the metadata. That will require two interfaces, one to add the fields/layout options. The other is the front-end for actually filling out this form.


Seeing solutions like Zoomerang makes me think this is what its doing, but I'm not wanting to re-invent the wheel to write the backend - adding fields, wiring etc.

看到像Zoomerang这样的解决方案让我觉得这就是它的作用,但我不想重新发明*来编写后端 - 添加字段,布线等。

Our environment is .NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005/2008.

我们的环境是.NET 2.0,SQL Server 2005/2008。

3 个解决方案


Using Dynamic Data Entity Framework might work. Although rough, it can literally be up and running in < 5 minutes, allowing users to perform basic CRUD operations.



There are several out there I believe. Subsonic scaffolding is one and Rails is another



This is almost certainly lower level than you're looking for, but look into T4 templates combined with Sql DMO. You can query the structure of the database and generate the form using the templates.

这几乎肯定比您正在寻找的水平更低,但是看看结合Sql DMO的T4模板。您可以查询数据库的结构并使用模板生成表单。

T4 templates are built into Sql Server 2005 or available as a download for Visual Studio 2005. They're pretty cool.

T4模板内置于Sql Server 2005中,也可以作为Visual Studio 2005的下载使用。它们非常酷。


Using Dynamic Data Entity Framework might work. Although rough, it can literally be up and running in < 5 minutes, allowing users to perform basic CRUD operations.



There are several out there I believe. Subsonic scaffolding is one and Rails is another



This is almost certainly lower level than you're looking for, but look into T4 templates combined with Sql DMO. You can query the structure of the database and generate the form using the templates.

这几乎肯定比您正在寻找的水平更低,但是看看结合Sql DMO的T4模板。您可以查询数据库的结构并使用模板生成表单。

T4 templates are built into Sql Server 2005 or available as a download for Visual Studio 2005. They're pretty cool.

T4模板内置于Sql Server 2005中,也可以作为Visual Studio 2005的下载使用。它们非常酷。