
时间:2022-10-16 13:17:29

I am trying to pass an array of checkbox inputs from an html, to initial php which generates a new page layout and then called another php to populate it. The php files are using the serialize and unserialize commands on the array variable argument but it not working correctly.


The initial html form is basically doing this:


  <form name="ppFrom" action="pp_GeneratePage.php" method="post">

  <h2>Filter out the following TDRSSes or Ground Stations:</h2>
  <input id="cfButton" type="button" value="Clear filters" onclick="toggleOff(this);" /><br>
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="SGS">SGS 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="AGS">AGS 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="SKS">SKS 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="WPS">WPS 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="PF1">PF1<br>
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="171">171 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="TDW">TDW 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="TDE">TDE 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="TR3">TR3 
  <input type="checkbox" name="Filter[]" value="275">275<br>

In the pp_GeneratePage.php I can print out the check items ok (I checked SGS and AGS): print_r($_POST['Filter']); prints output: Array ( [0] => SGS [1] => AGS )

pp_GeneratePage。我可以打印检查项(我检查了SGS和AGS): print_r($_POST['Filter']);打印输出:数组([0]=> SGS [1] => AGS)

The problem starts when I try and pass the Filter array down to the php file which does the real work. This is the code I see when I do view source command:


<frame name="AquaMB" src="pp_ContactRangesPanel.php?sc=Aqua&path=/var/www/html/java_clocks/Aqua/terra_aos_times&filter=a:2:{i:0;s:3:"SGS";i:1;s:3:"AGS";}#target" scrolling=auto frameborder=0>

As you can see I have 3 arguments being passed to the pp_ContactRangesPanel.php file via the src parameter: sc=Aqua, path=/var/www/html/java_clocks/Aqua/terra_aos_times, and an array Filter which I serialized to filter=a:2:{i:0;s:3:"SGS";i:1;s:3:"AGS";}.

正如您所看到的,我有3个参数被传递给pp_ContactRangesPanel。php文件通过src参数:sc=Aqua, path=/var/www/html/java_clocks/Aqua/terra_aos_times,以及一个数组过滤器,我将其序列化为Filter =a:2:{I:0;s:3:“SGS”;

This is the print code:


$filterList = serialize($_POST["Filter"]);
printf ("<frame name=\"%sMB\" src=\"pp_ContactRangesPanel.php?sc=%s&path=%s&filter=%s#target\" scrolling=auto frameborder=0>\n", $aMissions[$c], $aMissions[$c], $MissionInputPaths[$aMissions[$c]], $filterList);

In pp_ContactRangesPanel.php I can see the first two arguments fine, but filter array is truncated as follows: I see "a:2:{i:0;s:3:" but I should see "a:2:{i:0;s:3:"SGS";i:1;s:3:"AGS";}"


   import_request_variables("gP", "var_");
   echo "sc $var_sc <br>";
   echo "path $var_path <br>";
   $filterList = unserialize($var_filter);
   echo "filter $filterList <br>";

output is


 sc Aqua
 path /var/www/html/java_clocks/Aqua/terra_aos_times

If I do this instead:


$filterList = isset($_GET['filter']) ? $_GET['filter'] : null;
echo "fitler $filterList end<br>";
$afilter = unserialize($filterList);
echo "fitler2 $afilter <br>";

The out is:


fitler a:2:{i:0;s:3: end

This is the same as if I did a


echo "path $var_filter <br>";

So somehow the variable is being truncated so I can't unserialize it successfully. I think is the double quotes generated by the serialize command but I don't what the workaround is for it. If I pass the filter without serializing it all I see is ARRAY when I print out a entry it doesn't work.


So what am I doing wrong? If is the double quotes, what is the workaround so it parses ok?


  • Modify the serialized filter sting to do \"SGS\" or is the some
    command I can use to fix it?
  • 修改序列化的过滤器sting来做\“SGS\”或者是我可以用来修复它的一些命令?
  • Should I be using something besides printf?
  • 除了printf,我还应该使用什么吗?
  • Or am I passing these arguments in the hard way and should be doing it some other way?
  • 或者,我是否应该以另一种方式传递这些观点?

1 个解决方案



As a workaround I replaced the double quote with underscores to successfully pass the serialized array information down. See example:


$filterListRaw = serialize($_POST["Filter"]); $filterList = str_ireplace('"', '_', $filterListRaw);

$ filterListRaw =序列化($ _POST["过滤器"]);$filterList = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $filterListRaw);

In the called html file I then restore the double quotes and then unserialize. $filterListRaw = str_ireplace('_', '"', $var_filter); $filterList = unserialize($filterListRaw);

在所谓的html文件中,我将恢复双引号,然后取消序列化。$filterListRaw = str_ireplace('_', ' ', $var_filter);filterListRaw美元$ filterList = unserialize();

I still think I am doing this the hard way.




As a workaround I replaced the double quote with underscores to successfully pass the serialized array information down. See example:


$filterListRaw = serialize($_POST["Filter"]); $filterList = str_ireplace('"', '_', $filterListRaw);

$ filterListRaw =序列化($ _POST["过滤器"]);$filterList = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $filterListRaw);

In the called html file I then restore the double quotes and then unserialize. $filterListRaw = str_ireplace('_', '"', $var_filter); $filterList = unserialize($filterListRaw);

在所谓的html文件中,我将恢复双引号,然后取消序列化。$filterListRaw = str_ireplace('_', ' ', $var_filter);filterListRaw美元$ filterList = unserialize();

I still think I am doing this the hard way.
