如何在SQL Server中创建从去年第一个月到当月执行的循环?

时间:2022-10-16 12:00:47

I want to create a while loop in sql server which starts execution from January, 2014 and executes until current month of current year.

我想在sql server中创建一个while循环,它从2014年1月开始执行,并执行到当前年的当前月份。

This is my code right now,


declare @month int
set @month = 1
while @month <= 12
  truncate table #temp_Products
  insert into #temp_Products
  exec sp_Products_Count_Monthly @month, @year
  insert into temp_Products_monthly
  select @month as Created_Month, @year as Created_Year, * from #temp_Products
  set @month = @month + 1

I know loops are not a good practice in SQL, but I do not know how to execute a stored procedure for each month and store the result set in a table.


So I want to get the results from January 2014 until current month of 2015.


How can I do this?


1 个解决方案



Loops aren't the best performing solution, at least in all cases, but if you can divide your work into smaller pieces (but not into row-by-row processing) it might actually be better than trying to do a really complex thing to handle everything at once.


For this you could just use a simple date variable for the loop:


declare @tmpdate date, @year int, @month int
set @tmpdate = '20140101'
while @tmpdate < getdate() begin
  set @month = month(@tmpdate)
  set @year = year(@tmpdate)

  truncate table #temp_Products

  insert into #temp_Products
  exec sp_Products_Count_Monthly @month, @year

  insert into temp_Products_monthly
  select @month as Created_Month, @year as Created_Year, * from #temp_Products

  set @tmpdate = dateadd(month, 1, @tmpdate)

If this is executed a lot, then you probably should try to rewrite the whole logic, so that you wouldn't need to call a separate procedure for each month, but actually fetch the whole data in single batch.




Loops aren't the best performing solution, at least in all cases, but if you can divide your work into smaller pieces (but not into row-by-row processing) it might actually be better than trying to do a really complex thing to handle everything at once.


For this you could just use a simple date variable for the loop:


declare @tmpdate date, @year int, @month int
set @tmpdate = '20140101'
while @tmpdate < getdate() begin
  set @month = month(@tmpdate)
  set @year = year(@tmpdate)

  truncate table #temp_Products

  insert into #temp_Products
  exec sp_Products_Count_Monthly @month, @year

  insert into temp_Products_monthly
  select @month as Created_Month, @year as Created_Year, * from #temp_Products

  set @tmpdate = dateadd(month, 1, @tmpdate)

If this is executed a lot, then you probably should try to rewrite the whole logic, so that you wouldn't need to call a separate procedure for each month, but actually fetch the whole data in single batch.
