
时间:2022-10-16 10:39:23

I want to let users specify a date that may or may not include a day and month (but will have at least the year.) The problem is when it is stored as a datetime in the DB; the missing day/month will be saved as default values and I'll lose the original format and meaning of the date.


My idea was to store the real format in a column as a string in addition to the datetime column. Then I could use the string column whenever I have to display the date and the datetime for everything else. The downside is an extra column for every date column in the table I want to display, and printing localized dates won't be as easy since I can't rely on the datetime value... I'll probably have to parse the string.


I'm hoping I've overlooked something and there might be an easier way.


(Note I'm using Rails if it matters for a solution.)


11 个解决方案



As proposed by Jhenzie, create a bitmask to show which parts of the date have been specified. 1 = Year, 2 = Month, 4 = Day, 8 = Hour (if you decide to get more specific) and then store that into another field.

正如Jhenzie所提出的,创建一个位掩码来显示指定日期的哪些部分。 1 =年,2 =月,4 =日,8 =小时(如果您决定更具体),然后将其存储到另一个字段中。

The only way that I could think of doing it without requiring extra columns in your table would be to use jhenzie's method of using a bitmask, and then store that bitmask into the seconds part of your datetime column.




in your model only pay attention to the parts you care about. So you can store the entire date in your db, but you coalesce it before displaying it to the user.




The additional column could simple be used for specifying what part of the date time has been specified


1 = day 2 = month 4 = year

1 =第2天=第4个月=年

so 3 is day and month, 6 is month and year, 7 is all three. its a simple int at that point




If you store a string, don't partially reinvent ISO 8601 standard which covers the case you describe and more:

如果您存储字符串,请不要部分重新发明涵盖您描述的案例的ISO 8601标准以及更多:




Is it really necessary to store it as a datetime at all ? If not stored it as a string 2008 or 2008-8 or 2008-8-1 - split the string on hyphens when you pull it out and you're able to establish how specific the original input was

是否真的有必要将其存储为日期时间?如果没有将它存储为字符串2008或2008-8或2008-8-1 - 当您将其拉出时将字符串拆分为连字符,并且您能够确定原始输入的具体程度



I'd probably store the datetime and an additional "precision" column to determine how to output it. For output, the precision column can map to a column that contains the corresponding formatting string ("YYYY-mm", etc) or it can contain the formatting string itself.




I don't know a lot about DB design, but I think a clean way to do it would be with boolean columns indicating if the user has input month and day (one column for each). Then, to save the given date, you would:


  1. Store the date that the user input in a datetime column;
  2. 将用户输入的日期存储在datetime列中;

  3. Set the boolean month column if the user has picked a month;
  4. 如果用户选择了一个月,则设置布尔月份列;

  5. Set the boolean day column if the user has picked a day.
  6. 如果用户选择了一天,则设置布尔日列。

This way you know which parts of the datetime you can trust (i.e. what was input by the user).


Edit: it also would be much easier to understand than having an int field with cryptic values!




The informix database has this facility. When you define a date field you also specify a mask of the desired time & date attributes. Only these fields count when doing comparisons.




With varying levels of specificity, your best bet is to store them as simple nullable ints. Year, Month, Day. You can encapsulate the display logic in your presentation model or a Value Object in your domain.




Built-in time types represent an instant in time. You can use the built in types and create a column for precision (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Etc.) or you can create your own date structure and use nulls (or another invalid value) for empty portions.




For ruby at least - you could use this gem - partial-date https://github.com/58bits/partial-date

对于红宝石至少 - 你可以使用这个宝石 - 部分日期https://github.com/58bits/partial-date



As proposed by Jhenzie, create a bitmask to show which parts of the date have been specified. 1 = Year, 2 = Month, 4 = Day, 8 = Hour (if you decide to get more specific) and then store that into another field.

正如Jhenzie所提出的,创建一个位掩码来显示指定日期的哪些部分。 1 =年,2 =月,4 =日,8 =小时(如果您决定更具体),然后将其存储到另一个字段中。

The only way that I could think of doing it without requiring extra columns in your table would be to use jhenzie's method of using a bitmask, and then store that bitmask into the seconds part of your datetime column.




in your model only pay attention to the parts you care about. So you can store the entire date in your db, but you coalesce it before displaying it to the user.




The additional column could simple be used for specifying what part of the date time has been specified


1 = day 2 = month 4 = year

1 =第2天=第4个月=年

so 3 is day and month, 6 is month and year, 7 is all three. its a simple int at that point




If you store a string, don't partially reinvent ISO 8601 standard which covers the case you describe and more:

如果您存储字符串,请不要部分重新发明涵盖您描述的案例的ISO 8601标准以及更多:




Is it really necessary to store it as a datetime at all ? If not stored it as a string 2008 or 2008-8 or 2008-8-1 - split the string on hyphens when you pull it out and you're able to establish how specific the original input was

是否真的有必要将其存储为日期时间?如果没有将它存储为字符串2008或2008-8或2008-8-1 - 当您将其拉出时将字符串拆分为连字符,并且您能够确定原始输入的具体程度



I'd probably store the datetime and an additional "precision" column to determine how to output it. For output, the precision column can map to a column that contains the corresponding formatting string ("YYYY-mm", etc) or it can contain the formatting string itself.




I don't know a lot about DB design, but I think a clean way to do it would be with boolean columns indicating if the user has input month and day (one column for each). Then, to save the given date, you would:


  1. Store the date that the user input in a datetime column;
  2. 将用户输入的日期存储在datetime列中;

  3. Set the boolean month column if the user has picked a month;
  4. 如果用户选择了一个月,则设置布尔月份列;

  5. Set the boolean day column if the user has picked a day.
  6. 如果用户选择了一天,则设置布尔日列。

This way you know which parts of the datetime you can trust (i.e. what was input by the user).


Edit: it also would be much easier to understand than having an int field with cryptic values!




The informix database has this facility. When you define a date field you also specify a mask of the desired time & date attributes. Only these fields count when doing comparisons.




With varying levels of specificity, your best bet is to store them as simple nullable ints. Year, Month, Day. You can encapsulate the display logic in your presentation model or a Value Object in your domain.




Built-in time types represent an instant in time. You can use the built in types and create a column for precision (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Etc.) or you can create your own date structure and use nulls (or another invalid value) for empty portions.




For ruby at least - you could use this gem - partial-date https://github.com/58bits/partial-date

对于红宝石至少 - 你可以使用这个宝石 - 部分日期https://github.com/58bits/partial-date