使用Laravel的ORM Eloquent通过多个数据透透表表查询对象

时间:2022-10-16 07:56:27

What I want to do, is to retrieve data through multiple relationships (pivot tables). I have three database tables


users, cities, and jobs.


They are built like this (They aren't, just to give you a glimpse)


Users table
id int(11) PK, Autoincrement,
name varchar(255)

用户表id int(11)PK,Autoincrement,name varchar(255)

Cities table
id int(11) PK, Autoincrement,
name varchar(255)

Cities table id int(11)PK,Autoincrement,name varchar(255)

Jobs table
id int(11) PK, Autoincrement,
name varchar(255)

作业表id int(11)PK,Autoincrement,name varchar(255)

Now I have pivot tables, because these are many to many relationships. I got the tables city_user and job_user.


CityUser table
city_id int(11),
user_id int(11)

CityUser表city_id int(11),user_id int(11)

JobUser table
job_id int(11),
user_id int(11)

JobUser表job_id int(11),user_id int(11)

In every Class (User, City, Job), I got the relationships defined with a belongsToMany method.


City class


 * Defines the relation between the city and its users
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function users()
    return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'city_user');

User class


 * Defines the relation between the user and its cities
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function cities()
    return $this->belongsToMany(City::class, 'city_user');

The same goes for the jobs table. What I now want to do is to get all users that are in a specific city and have a specific job.


Let's imagine I want to query all users who live in City with the ID 5, and have the job with the ID 10.


Going for one relationshiop is fairly easy


$users = City::find(5)->users;

$ users = City :: find(5) - > users;



$users = Job::find(10)->users;.

$ users = Job :: find(10) - > users;。

But, how do I achieve that for multiple relationships in this case? I tried to do it like this


$users = City::find(10)->with(['users' => function($query) use ($jobId) {
    // Here I'm stuck. I wouldn't know how to query further? Maybe like this
    return $query->with('jobs')->whereJobId($jobId);

But, when I do it like this, I'm getting 0 results, so there must be something wrong. Any ideas?


I'm getting an error though


Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'job_id' in 'where clause'' in

致命错误:未捕获异常'PDOException',消息'SQLSTATE [42S22]:未找到列:1054'where子句'中的未知列'job_id'

I also tried it like this (inside the with(['consultants']))


$query->with(['jobs' => function ($query) use ($jobId) {

but that doesn't look right. Also I'm getting a Collection of Cities, but I need one of Users.


Then I tired it (temporary) like this


$users = User::with(['cities' => function ($query) use($cityId) {
    /** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany $query */
    $query->wherePivot('city_id', $cityId);

But, then I'm getting ALL users, instead of just the ones, which is even more confusing, because the documentation says


Sometimes you may wish to eager load a relationship, but also specify additional query constraints for the eager loading query. Here's an example:


$users = App\User::with(['posts' => function ($query) {
    $query->where('title', 'like', '%first%');

In this example, Eloquent will only eager load posts that if the post's title column contains the word first. Of course, you may call other query builder to further customize the eager loading operation:


But why doesn't it work then?


1 个解决方案



You can solve your fatal error this way:


$users = City::find(10)->with(['users.jobs', function($query) use ($jobId) {

But this will not filter the users for a specific job ID. For example we have two users with IDs 1 and #2. User 1 is related to job 10 while user 2 is not. The code above will give you both users for $jobId = 10, because the users query will be executed first without any filters for jobs and the jobs query will be executed after the users query.

但是这不会过滤用户的特定作业ID。例如,我们有两个ID为1和#2的用户。用户1与作业10相关,而用户2则不是。上面的代码将为你们两个用户提供$ jobId = 10,因为用户查询将首先执行而不会有任何作业过滤器,并且在用户查询后将执行作业查询。

You have to use the join() method of the query builder:


$users = User::join('job_user', 'users.id', '=', 'job_user.user_id')
    ->join('city_user', 'users.id', '=', 'city_user.user_id')
    ->where('job_user.job_id', $jobId)
    ->where('city_user.city_id', $cityId)



You can solve your fatal error this way:


$users = City::find(10)->with(['users.jobs', function($query) use ($jobId) {

But this will not filter the users for a specific job ID. For example we have two users with IDs 1 and #2. User 1 is related to job 10 while user 2 is not. The code above will give you both users for $jobId = 10, because the users query will be executed first without any filters for jobs and the jobs query will be executed after the users query.

但是这不会过滤用户的特定作业ID。例如,我们有两个ID为1和#2的用户。用户1与作业10相关,而用户2则不是。上面的代码将为你们两个用户提供$ jobId = 10,因为用户查询将首先执行而不会有任何作业过滤器,并且在用户查询后将执行作业查询。

You have to use the join() method of the query builder:


$users = User::join('job_user', 'users.id', '=', 'job_user.user_id')
    ->join('city_user', 'users.id', '=', 'city_user.user_id')
    ->where('job_user.job_id', $jobId)
    ->where('city_user.city_id', $cityId)