
时间:2022-10-15 18:34:30

I'm using an IDE "Phpstorm" with "wampserver". i want to connect with MySQL data source, but i'm getting a problem:


Connection to MySQL - DatabaseName@localhost failed: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:308)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:190)
at com.intellij.persistence.database.console.RemoteJdbcServer.main(RemoteJdbcServer.java:15)

I also downloaded mysql-connector-java-gpl-5.1.29.msi and installed it, but I'm still getting some problems.


6 个解决方案



When I had this issue, there was a section of the Data Sources and Drivers Dialogue box that said "Driver Files" I expanded it and there was a link to download driver files.


I clicked it - and after a few seconds (with no obvious visual progress indicator) the message changed to say using MySQL drivers.


After that it worked.




Short version:


  • Open the Database tab, usually located on the very upper right of PHPSTORM.
  • 打开数据库选项卡,通常位于PHPSTORM的右上角。
  • Click on the small wrench (Data Source and Property)
  • 点击小扳手(数据源和属性)
  • In this new popup window choose MySQL from the left.
  • 在这个新的弹出窗口中,从左边选择MySQL。
  • Delete Red driver files with the minus symbol
  • 删除红色驱动程序文件与负符号
  • Click Download
  • 点击下载

From there on you should be good to go. (phpstorm handles the rest)


Detailed version:


  • Open the Database tab, usually located on the very upper right of PHPSTORM.
  • 打开数据库选项卡,通常位于PHPSTORM的右上角。
  • Click on the small wrench (Data Source and Property)
  • 点击小扳手(数据源和属性)


If it's not there open it from View -> Tool Windows -> Database



  • In this new popup window choose MySQL from the left.
  • 在这个新的弹出窗口中,从左边选择MySQL。


  • Now you should be on the settings tab where you can see driver files, if any of them are red just delete them with the minus symbol, as soon as there are no driver files left you are able to click on download.
  • 现在你应该在settings选项卡上,你可以看到驱动文件,如果任何一个是红色的,只要用负号删除它们,只要没有驱动文件,你就可以点击下载。

If any of the above fail try these:


  • Delete the drivers in use and reinstall. Usually located at ~/.PhpStormXXXX/config/jdbc-drivers. After that repeat the first instructions in this post. (short version)

    删除正在使用的驱动程序并重新安装。通常位于~ / .PhpStormXXXX / config / jdbc驱动程序。然后重复这篇文章中的第一个说明。(短版)

  • Using a proxy? Make sure you have configured it within phpstorm! At Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> HTTP Proxy.

    使用一个代理?确保您已经在phpstorm中配置了它!在外观和行为->系统设置-> HTTP代理。

  • Make sure you have the latest drivers: Create a new mysql datasource, if the driver needs an update it will display it on the very bottom of the popup


  • try other versions 在PHPStorm中连接到MySQL数据源


Installing the Driver Manually


I couldn't find any official Jetbrains mysql driver repo page, but these urls are official and work:

我找不到任何官方的Jetbrains mysql驱动程序repo页面,但是这些url是官方的,而且有用:

Add the downloaded file with clicking on the small grey plus. (in older versions green and on the right)



Or try the official mysql repo (caution you MUST register to download!):

或者试试官方的mysql repo(提醒你必须注册下载!)

Go to http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/ within the dropdown select "Platform Independent" it will show you the options to download tar or zip files. Download one of them and extract it, Within the resulting folder you will find a mysql-connector-XXX.jar file. Add it to phpstorm in the mysql datasource dialog box.


Other stuff:




Code Monkey's answer pointed me in the right direction, but my firewall blocked the download from within PHPstorm. Luckily the error message included the download URL to find the driver.

Code Monkey的回答给我指明了正确的方向,但是我的防火墙阻止了PHPstorm内的下载。幸运的是,错误消息包含查找驱动程序的下载URL。


So I downloaded the driver with help from the URL, and then added it manually:





Had the same issue. I resolved it in the Data source and drivers window on panel Mysql. There is checkbox "Use provided driver" and next to it there was link "Version 5.1 (latest)". I clicked on it a now it works.

有同样的问题。我在Mysql面板的数据源和驱动窗口中解析了它。有一个复选框“使用提供的驱动程序”,旁边有一个链接“Version 5.1(最新版本)”。我点击了a,现在它工作了。



Anyone else who came here trying to locate the Database tab in the latest version of PhpStorm (Version 2017.1), which is hidden at first, try the following, taken from PhpStorm Website


Database support is provided through the Database Tool Window on the right-hand side of the IDE. Use the View | Tool Windows | Database menu or Find Action, by pressing Ctrl+Alt+A (Alt-CMD-A on Mac OS X) and search for "Database" to open it.

数据库支持通过IDE右侧的数据库工具窗口提供。使用视图|工具Windows |数据库菜单或查找操作,按Ctrl+Alt+A (Mac OS X上的Alt- cmd -A),搜索“Database”打开。



if nothig of above works, you can delete .PhpStorm2017.3/config/jdbc-drivers folder. then navigate to your db properties and download the driver again

如果上面的nothig起作用,可以删除. phpstorm2017.3 /config/jdbc-drivers文件夹。然后导航到db属性并再次下载驱动程序



When I had this issue, there was a section of the Data Sources and Drivers Dialogue box that said "Driver Files" I expanded it and there was a link to download driver files.


I clicked it - and after a few seconds (with no obvious visual progress indicator) the message changed to say using MySQL drivers.


After that it worked.




Short version:


  • Open the Database tab, usually located on the very upper right of PHPSTORM.
  • 打开数据库选项卡,通常位于PHPSTORM的右上角。
  • Click on the small wrench (Data Source and Property)
  • 点击小扳手(数据源和属性)
  • In this new popup window choose MySQL from the left.
  • 在这个新的弹出窗口中,从左边选择MySQL。
  • Delete Red driver files with the minus symbol
  • 删除红色驱动程序文件与负符号
  • Click Download
  • 点击下载

From there on you should be good to go. (phpstorm handles the rest)


Detailed version:


  • Open the Database tab, usually located on the very upper right of PHPSTORM.
  • 打开数据库选项卡,通常位于PHPSTORM的右上角。
  • Click on the small wrench (Data Source and Property)
  • 点击小扳手(数据源和属性)


If it's not there open it from View -> Tool Windows -> Database



  • In this new popup window choose MySQL from the left.
  • 在这个新的弹出窗口中,从左边选择MySQL。


  • Now you should be on the settings tab where you can see driver files, if any of them are red just delete them with the minus symbol, as soon as there are no driver files left you are able to click on download.
  • 现在你应该在settings选项卡上,你可以看到驱动文件,如果任何一个是红色的,只要用负号删除它们,只要没有驱动文件,你就可以点击下载。

If any of the above fail try these:


  • Delete the drivers in use and reinstall. Usually located at ~/.PhpStormXXXX/config/jdbc-drivers. After that repeat the first instructions in this post. (short version)

    删除正在使用的驱动程序并重新安装。通常位于~ / .PhpStormXXXX / config / jdbc驱动程序。然后重复这篇文章中的第一个说明。(短版)

  • Using a proxy? Make sure you have configured it within phpstorm! At Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings -> HTTP Proxy.

    使用一个代理?确保您已经在phpstorm中配置了它!在外观和行为->系统设置-> HTTP代理。

  • Make sure you have the latest drivers: Create a new mysql datasource, if the driver needs an update it will display it on the very bottom of the popup


  • try other versions 在PHPStorm中连接到MySQL数据源


Installing the Driver Manually


I couldn't find any official Jetbrains mysql driver repo page, but these urls are official and work:

我找不到任何官方的Jetbrains mysql驱动程序repo页面,但是这些url是官方的,而且有用:

Add the downloaded file with clicking on the small grey plus. (in older versions green and on the right)



Or try the official mysql repo (caution you MUST register to download!):

或者试试官方的mysql repo(提醒你必须注册下载!)

Go to http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/ within the dropdown select "Platform Independent" it will show you the options to download tar or zip files. Download one of them and extract it, Within the resulting folder you will find a mysql-connector-XXX.jar file. Add it to phpstorm in the mysql datasource dialog box.


Other stuff:




Code Monkey's answer pointed me in the right direction, but my firewall blocked the download from within PHPstorm. Luckily the error message included the download URL to find the driver.

Code Monkey的回答给我指明了正确的方向,但是我的防火墙阻止了PHPstorm内的下载。幸运的是,错误消息包含查找驱动程序的下载URL。


So I downloaded the driver with help from the URL, and then added it manually:





Had the same issue. I resolved it in the Data source and drivers window on panel Mysql. There is checkbox "Use provided driver" and next to it there was link "Version 5.1 (latest)". I clicked on it a now it works.

有同样的问题。我在Mysql面板的数据源和驱动窗口中解析了它。有一个复选框“使用提供的驱动程序”,旁边有一个链接“Version 5.1(最新版本)”。我点击了a,现在它工作了。



Anyone else who came here trying to locate the Database tab in the latest version of PhpStorm (Version 2017.1), which is hidden at first, try the following, taken from PhpStorm Website


Database support is provided through the Database Tool Window on the right-hand side of the IDE. Use the View | Tool Windows | Database menu or Find Action, by pressing Ctrl+Alt+A (Alt-CMD-A on Mac OS X) and search for "Database" to open it.

数据库支持通过IDE右侧的数据库工具窗口提供。使用视图|工具Windows |数据库菜单或查找操作,按Ctrl+Alt+A (Mac OS X上的Alt- cmd -A),搜索“Database”打开。



if nothig of above works, you can delete .PhpStorm2017.3/config/jdbc-drivers folder. then navigate to your db properties and download the driver again

如果上面的nothig起作用,可以删除. phpstorm2017.3 /config/jdbc-drivers文件夹。然后导航到db属性并再次下载驱动程序