
时间:2021-07-24 03:41:45

We are trying to build a microservice with nodejs in an environment with other microservices written in java/spring boot.

我们正在尝试在一个环境中使用nodejs构建一个微服务,并使用java/spring boot编写其他微服务。

The other microservices are using consul.io for service discovery and ribbon for client side load balancing. (that would be: spring-boot, spring-cloud-starter-consul-discovery, spring-cloud-starter-feign and spring-cloud-starter-ribbon projects)


Now in this mix, we have a consul node module to register or discover services, but what of rest of the things? How do I do a discovery-aware rest call with a load balancing handled on the client, similar to that of ribbon.


How can I achieve this in node's stack?


2 个解决方案



Is this any use? https://www.npmjs.com/package/resilient


It says: Resilient is conceptually similar to Ribbon, a Netflix's project.




I think I should just close this for now, it's been a while. Like I said in the comment above, I have built and used logical counterpart for Feign, Ribbon, with extensible support for service discovery frameworks (currently plugin available for consul.in), with different strategies for load balancing, and declarative API mapping like that of feign interfaces in spring boot, configurable retries, fluent API and support for hystrix. It's a family of node modules: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=Sarathi

我想我现在应该把它关掉,已经有一段时间了。就像我说的在上面的评论中,我建立了逻辑对应用于假装,丝带,可扩展支持服务发现框架(目前插件用于consul.in),不同的负载平衡策略,和声明式API映射在春天这样假装接口启动,可配置重试,流利hystrix API和支持。它是一个节点模块家族:https://www.npmjs.com/search?



Is this any use? https://www.npmjs.com/package/resilient


It says: Resilient is conceptually similar to Ribbon, a Netflix's project.




I think I should just close this for now, it's been a while. Like I said in the comment above, I have built and used logical counterpart for Feign, Ribbon, with extensible support for service discovery frameworks (currently plugin available for consul.in), with different strategies for load balancing, and declarative API mapping like that of feign interfaces in spring boot, configurable retries, fluent API and support for hystrix. It's a family of node modules: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=Sarathi

我想我现在应该把它关掉,已经有一段时间了。就像我说的在上面的评论中,我建立了逻辑对应用于假装,丝带,可扩展支持服务发现框架(目前插件用于consul.in),不同的负载平衡策略,和声明式API映射在春天这样假装接口启动,可配置重试,流利hystrix API和支持。它是一个节点模块家族:https://www.npmjs.com/search?