
时间:2022-10-14 17:20:38

I'm using the PHP library here to create a new subscription profile. If I set an initial amount, the profile appears as "Pending".




Customer Mark Wally Verified
Profile start date Feb 18, 2013 | Profile ID I-BE824P6F9PER

On the other hand, if I set no initial payment amount, the profile will be "Active". I am setting the initial payment and the start date 1 month in the future since I want to bill monthly and get a payment right away.


I've already verified:


  • Account is set to accept money in any currency
  • 帐户将接受任何货币的货币
  • The seller account has digital goods enabled (created via automated process)
  • 卖方帐户已启用数字商品(通过自动流程创建)
  • Both accounts are verified
  • 这两个账户验证
  • The buyer account has a credit card as well as a paypal balance
  • 买方帐户有一张信用卡和一个paypal余额。
  • Both accounts are US based
  • 这两个账户都是基于我们的。
  • I've tried with multiple accounts
  • 我试过几个账户

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Code snippet to create the subscription that use the library listed above:


$subscription_details = array(
  'description'    => 'Premium membership: $4.95 every 30 days',
  'initial_amount' => '4.95',
  'amount'         => '4.95',
  'period'         => 'Day',
  'start_date'     => gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s', strtotime( '+30 day' ) ),
  'frequency'      => '30'

2 个解决方案



Just in case someone else has this trouble, my findings are:


There is nothing to solve -- the sandbox is just really slow, sometimes it took a couple days for the profile to become active and send the IPN. In other words, sandbox isn't good to test these functions at all, just go live and refund a couple tests. Even live sometimes takes a bit of time... I've seen it take a few hours sometimes, so don't go crazy.




From PayPal doco:


"By default, PayPal does not activate the profile if the initial payment amount fails. To override this default behavior, set the FAILEDINITAMTACTION field to ContinueOnFailure. If the initial payment amount fails, ContinueOnFailure instructs PayPal to add the failed payment amount to the outstanding balance due on this recurring payment profile.


If you do not set FAILEDINITAMTACTION or set it to CancelOnFailure, PayPal creates the recurring payment profile. However, PayPal places the profile into a pending status until the initial payment completes. If the initial payment clears, PayPal notifies you by Instant Payment Notification (IPN) that it has activated the pending profile. If the payment fails, PayPal notifies you by IPN that it has canceled the pending profile"

如果您没有设置FAILEDINITAMTACTION或设置为CancelOnFailure, PayPal将创建循环支付配置文件。然而,贝宝将个人资料放置在等待状态,直到初始付款完成。如果初始支付被清除,PayPal将通过即时支付通知通知(IPN)通知您它已经激活了待完成配置文件。如果付款失败,贝宝通过IPN通知您它已经取消了等待的配置文件"

from https://cms.paypal.com/mx/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_api_WPRecurringPayments, just below Table 6.




Just in case someone else has this trouble, my findings are:


There is nothing to solve -- the sandbox is just really slow, sometimes it took a couple days for the profile to become active and send the IPN. In other words, sandbox isn't good to test these functions at all, just go live and refund a couple tests. Even live sometimes takes a bit of time... I've seen it take a few hours sometimes, so don't go crazy.




From PayPal doco:


"By default, PayPal does not activate the profile if the initial payment amount fails. To override this default behavior, set the FAILEDINITAMTACTION field to ContinueOnFailure. If the initial payment amount fails, ContinueOnFailure instructs PayPal to add the failed payment amount to the outstanding balance due on this recurring payment profile.


If you do not set FAILEDINITAMTACTION or set it to CancelOnFailure, PayPal creates the recurring payment profile. However, PayPal places the profile into a pending status until the initial payment completes. If the initial payment clears, PayPal notifies you by Instant Payment Notification (IPN) that it has activated the pending profile. If the payment fails, PayPal notifies you by IPN that it has canceled the pending profile"

如果您没有设置FAILEDINITAMTACTION或设置为CancelOnFailure, PayPal将创建循环支付配置文件。然而,贝宝将个人资料放置在等待状态,直到初始付款完成。如果初始支付被清除,PayPal将通过即时支付通知通知(IPN)通知您它已经激活了待完成配置文件。如果付款失败,贝宝通过IPN通知您它已经取消了等待的配置文件"

from https://cms.paypal.com/mx/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_api_WPRecurringPayments, just below Table 6.
