PDOException:SQLSTATE [HY000]:常规错误:3写入文件'/ tmp / MYHKgYpv'时出错(错误代码:28)

时间:2022-10-14 14:18:21

I have installed Visitor Module Drupal 7. I have viewed the reports using www.domain.com/visitors. All the reports are working well. But when i view the user activity report it shows below error.

我安装了访客模块Drupal 7.我使用www.domain.com/visitors查看了这些报告。所有报告都运作良好。但是当我查看用户活动报告时,它会显示以下错误。

PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 3 Error writing file '/tmp/MYHKgYpv' (Errcode: 28): SELECT u.name AS name, u.uid AS uid, COUNT(DISTINCT v.visitors_id) AS hits, COUNT(DISTINCT n.nid) AS nodes, COUNT(DISTINCT c.cid) AS comments FROM {users} u LEFT OUTER JOIN {visitors} v ON u.uid=v.visitors_uid LEFT OUTER JOIN {node} n ON u.uid=n.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN {comment} c ON u.uid=c.uid WHERE (visitors_date_time BETWEEN :db_condition_placeholder_0 AND :db_condition_placeholder_1) GROUP BY u.name, u.uid, v.visitors_uid, n.uid, c.uid ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 1451606400 [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 1452556799 ) in PagerDefault->execute() (line 79 of /home/legalmon/public_html/includes/pager.inc).

PDOException:SQLSTATE [HY000]:常规错误:3写入文件'/ tmp / MYHKgYpv'时出错(错误代码:28):SELECT u.name AS name,u.uid AS uid,COUNT(DISTINCT v.visitors_id)AS hits,COUNT (DISTINCT n.nid)AS节点,COUNT(DISTINCT c.cid)AS注释FROM {users} u LEFT OUTER JOIN {visitor} v ON u.uid = v.visitors_uid LEFT OUTER JOIN {node} n ON u.uid = n.uid LEFT OUTER JOIN {comment} c ON u.uid = c.uid WHERE(visitors_date_time BETWEEN:db_condition_placeholder_0 AND:db_condition_placeholder_1)GROUP BY u.name,u.uid,v.visitors_uid,n.uid,c.uid ORDER BY点击DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; PagerDefault-> execute()中的数组([:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 1451606400 [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 1452556799)(/home/legalmon/public_html/includes/pager.inc第79行)。

How can i fix this issue?


2 个解决方案



You should continuously check your /tmp folder size while triggering "USER REPORT Query".

您应该在触发“USER REPORT Query”时连续检查/ tmp文件夹大小。

If /tmp directory is 100% utilized you would experience this error.

如果/ tmp目录是100%使用,您将遇到此错误。

Solution is to mount some GB's to /tmp directory or set new location of MySQL tmp.

解决方法是将一些GB安装到/ tmp目录或设置MySQL tmp的新位置。

To setting up New location:


Create a directory anywhere you have enough space(can be the "/" root directory)


mkdir /home/mysqltmp

Give write permissions


chmod 1777 /home/mysqltmp

Open MY.CNF File



Add below line under the [mysqld] section and save the file



Restart MySQL


/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Check new location


mysqladmin var | grep tmpdir

This should show following return.


| slave_load_tmpdir | /home/mysqltmp | tmpdir | /home/mysqltmp

| slave_load_tmpdir | / home / mysqltmp | tmpdir | /家/ mysqltmp

Done !!


Try refresh the Page.




First, check with df -h if the storage device is nearly full, if that's the case, then you need to free up some space.

首先,使用df -h检查存储设备是否已满,如果是这种情况,则需要释放一些空间。

Deleting old databases may be solution, but if you don't see a change in free space after the purge, then you need to do the following:


There's a common problem with some MySQL configurations in which all databases are stored in a single file called ibdata1. What happens is that when you delete old databases this file does not shrink automatically.


Check the size of the files in /var/lib/mysql/ and if you see that ibdata1 size doesn't change after deleting some old databases, then you need to do some clean up.

检查/ var / lib / mysql /中文件的大小,如果在删除一些旧数据库后发现ibdata1大小没有改变,那么你需要做一些清理工作。



  1. Backup your databases
  2. 备份数据库
  3. Delete your databases
  4. 删除您的数据库
  5. Delete ibdata1 using rm /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
  6. 使用rm / var / lib / mysql / ibdata1删除ibdata1
  7. Delete ib_logfile(s) using rm /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
  8. 使用rm / var / lib / mysql / ib_logfile删除ib_logfile *
  9. Restart MySQL with service mysql restart
  10. 用service mysql restart重启MySQL
  11. Import your backed up databases.
  12. 导入备份的数据库。

Now, there should be enough space for /tmp to grow and execute your queries!

现在,/ tmp应该有足够的空间来增长和执行查询!

Good luck!




For more details on the purging visit John P's answer here: https://*.com/a/3456885/2188595

有关清除的更多详细信息,请访问John P的答案:https://*.com/a/3456885/2188595



You should continuously check your /tmp folder size while triggering "USER REPORT Query".

您应该在触发“USER REPORT Query”时连续检查/ tmp文件夹大小。

If /tmp directory is 100% utilized you would experience this error.

如果/ tmp目录是100%使用,您将遇到此错误。

Solution is to mount some GB's to /tmp directory or set new location of MySQL tmp.

解决方法是将一些GB安装到/ tmp目录或设置MySQL tmp的新位置。

To setting up New location:


Create a directory anywhere you have enough space(can be the "/" root directory)


mkdir /home/mysqltmp

Give write permissions


chmod 1777 /home/mysqltmp

Open MY.CNF File



Add below line under the [mysqld] section and save the file



Restart MySQL


/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Check new location


mysqladmin var | grep tmpdir

This should show following return.


| slave_load_tmpdir | /home/mysqltmp | tmpdir | /home/mysqltmp

| slave_load_tmpdir | / home / mysqltmp | tmpdir | /家/ mysqltmp

Done !!


Try refresh the Page.




First, check with df -h if the storage device is nearly full, if that's the case, then you need to free up some space.

首先,使用df -h检查存储设备是否已满,如果是这种情况,则需要释放一些空间。

Deleting old databases may be solution, but if you don't see a change in free space after the purge, then you need to do the following:


There's a common problem with some MySQL configurations in which all databases are stored in a single file called ibdata1. What happens is that when you delete old databases this file does not shrink automatically.


Check the size of the files in /var/lib/mysql/ and if you see that ibdata1 size doesn't change after deleting some old databases, then you need to do some clean up.

检查/ var / lib / mysql /中文件的大小,如果在删除一些旧数据库后发现ibdata1大小没有改变,那么你需要做一些清理工作。



  1. Backup your databases
  2. 备份数据库
  3. Delete your databases
  4. 删除您的数据库
  5. Delete ibdata1 using rm /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1
  6. 使用rm / var / lib / mysql / ibdata1删除ibdata1
  7. Delete ib_logfile(s) using rm /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*
  8. 使用rm / var / lib / mysql / ib_logfile删除ib_logfile *
  9. Restart MySQL with service mysql restart
  10. 用service mysql restart重启MySQL
  11. Import your backed up databases.
  12. 导入备份的数据库。

Now, there should be enough space for /tmp to grow and execute your queries!

现在,/ tmp应该有足够的空间来增长和执行查询!

Good luck!




For more details on the purging visit John P's answer here: https://*.com/a/3456885/2188595

有关清除的更多详细信息,请访问John P的答案:https://*.com/a/3456885/2188595