
时间:2022-10-13 16:01:53

I am building a mobile app using jquery mobile, jquery and php back-end. My problem is in certain pages I am sending and receiving multiple ajax requests which are visibly slowing down the performance and causes memory leaks which leads to the crashing of app in low network connections

我正在使用jquery mobile、jquery和php后端构建一个移动应用程序。我的问题是,在某些页面中,我正在发送和接收多个ajax请求,这明显降低了性能,并导致内存泄漏,导致应用程序在低网络连接中崩溃

What are the possible ways of optimizing the ajax requests?


note:- I am sending some ajax requests periodically(like once in a second) Some ajax are sent based on events


8 个解决方案



First off, correctly written Ajax code does not leak memory. So, if you actually have a leak, that is likely caused by incorrectly written code, not by using Ajax.


Then, there are a number of optimizations you can consider.


  1. Combine multiple requests to your server into one larger request. This saves roundtrips to the server, saves bandwidth, saves battery and increases performance.


  2. Don't poll every second. Be smarter about how often you poll your server.


  3. Lengthen the polling interval to vary it based on likely activity, switch to "long polling" or switch to a webSocket so you can do server push with no polling.


  4. Analyze what is causing excessive memory consumption and fix bugs or redesign to curtail that. There is no reason that lots of Ajax calls should "leak" memory. It will chew up battery life, but need not leak memory if coded correctly.


Oh, and don't hesitate to pull up some high scale social web apps that already exist, open the debugger, switch to the network tab and study the heck out of what they are doing. You may as well learn from high scale apps that already have solved this issue.




Long Polling Is Better Than Polling


If you poll in a set interval it is probably better if you set a timeout on server-side and wait to return a message until a given number of loops. This makes especially sense for SPA. However if you poll, you should increase the time intervall with every empty response you get.


Group Requests By Events, Not By Entity


Let's say you poll every 10 seconds, to retrieve new messages. Moreover you poll every 10 seconds to retrieve more notifications. Instead of doing two requests you should only do one ajax request and return one big json response, which you then use to modify DOM elements on the client side.


Use Server-Sent Events Or Sockets If Possible


Sockets or Server-Sent Events will result in much less requests and will only notify you if something actually happened on the server side. Here is a good comparison.




Also, If you want to make a chat server or send fast messages to the server, you should use webSockets like socket.io .




Here are few things you can do




  • Get rid of all the memory leaks. Put your application in to a sandbox and give it the toughest time you can to record any memory leaks. Investigate them and correct your code.
  • 清除所有内存泄漏。将应用程序放在沙箱中,并在记录任何内存泄漏时给它最困难的时间。调查他们并改正你的代码。



  • Reduce the number of requests. Carefully research on the best thresholds in your application and only trigger your requests at theses. Try to batch your requests and put them in to a single request whenever possible.


  • Use GET requests whenever possible. They are comparably simple and would act fast. This step is important for an application which triggers a lot of requests in its operation.


  • Choose the data format carefully. It could be plain text, JSON or XML. Figure out the one that have the lowest impact on your application and switch to that appropriately. Configure your server to use data compression if possible.


  • Optimize the server. Use proper Expire or Cache-Control headers for the content being servers. Use ETags if possible.


  • Try putting your content on a CDN. This may place the resources in a geographically closer location to the user and make your application work faster.




There are mainly 3 steps for optimization (minimize) jQuery AJAX calls:

优化(最小化)jQuery AJAX调用主要有3个步骤:

  • Either pass the done callback function as an argument when calling your function
  • 在调用函数时,可以将done回调函数作为参数传递
  • return the jqXhr object from the function, and assign the done callback
  • 从函数中返回jqXhr对象,并分配done回调
  • Alternatively switch to using jQuery.ajax() instead, and pass the entire options object
  • 或者切换到使用jQuery.ajax(),并传递整个options对象

Please refer this link : How to optimize (minimize) jQuery AJAX calls

请参考这个链接:如何优化(最小化)jQuery AJAX调用



You can use the cache feature of the Ajax call for this that helps you to get all data in first during the request and stored in cache and from next time no Ajax request happened and data manipulation done using cached data only.


Also, you can only optimize Ajax call request and response time by reducing the amount of data requested and sent while Ajax call. This can be done only by removing unwanted data during Ajax call.


Other than that, all optimization depends on code and database logic. To increase performance and reduce app crashing, optimized code and database logic helps you.




  1. Create variable with ajax callback and use it
  2. 使用ajax回调创建变量并使用它
  3. Each second you create new xhr request instance, that will be in memory until done callback executes.Better way is to create new ajax request on previous ajax complete, that means you will have only one xhr request instance at time.
  4. 每一秒钟都要创建新的xhr请求实例,该实例将保存在内存中,直到执行回调。更好的方法是在以前的ajax complete上创建新的ajax请求,这意味着每次只有一个xhr请求实例。
  5. After data send to server, clean your object data, for example:


    array.length = 0; object = null; image.src = ""; file = null;

    数组中。长度= 0;对象=零;的形象。src = " ";文件=零;



As @jfriend00 said, Ajax requests don't generate memory leaks issues...


this is what your code probably do!


The best way to do what you need is to open a Socket Layer with your Data Layer Service, so, instead of a polling, you can be notified when a domain-model change occurs.


Checkout at Socket.io...

付款在socket . io…

If you don't want to implement a Socket Layer, I think there aren't many way to increase performances...


One thing that, in addition - of course - to the code improvement operations (refactoring, ecc.), in my opinion, you can do is to implement a "Tail Management System"...


  • Study how Promises work (es6, jQuery, Q, bluebird)
  • 研究承诺如何工作(es6, jQuery, Q, bluebird)
  • Create A QueueService, a simple Javascript Class that knows how to serialize all (Ajax) tasks (promises);
  • 创建QueueService,一个简单的Javascript类,它知道如何序列化所有(Ajax)任务(承诺);
  • Interpose the QueueService between Controllers and Data Layer Access Services
  • 在控制器和数据层访问服务之间插入QueueService
  • Implement a simple lightweight CacheSystem that prevents unnecessary AjaxRequests!
  • 实现一个简单的轻量级CacheSystem,防止不必要的ajaxrequest !



First off, correctly written Ajax code does not leak memory. So, if you actually have a leak, that is likely caused by incorrectly written code, not by using Ajax.


Then, there are a number of optimizations you can consider.


  1. Combine multiple requests to your server into one larger request. This saves roundtrips to the server, saves bandwidth, saves battery and increases performance.


  2. Don't poll every second. Be smarter about how often you poll your server.


  3. Lengthen the polling interval to vary it based on likely activity, switch to "long polling" or switch to a webSocket so you can do server push with no polling.


  4. Analyze what is causing excessive memory consumption and fix bugs or redesign to curtail that. There is no reason that lots of Ajax calls should "leak" memory. It will chew up battery life, but need not leak memory if coded correctly.


Oh, and don't hesitate to pull up some high scale social web apps that already exist, open the debugger, switch to the network tab and study the heck out of what they are doing. You may as well learn from high scale apps that already have solved this issue.




Long Polling Is Better Than Polling


If you poll in a set interval it is probably better if you set a timeout on server-side and wait to return a message until a given number of loops. This makes especially sense for SPA. However if you poll, you should increase the time intervall with every empty response you get.


Group Requests By Events, Not By Entity


Let's say you poll every 10 seconds, to retrieve new messages. Moreover you poll every 10 seconds to retrieve more notifications. Instead of doing two requests you should only do one ajax request and return one big json response, which you then use to modify DOM elements on the client side.


Use Server-Sent Events Or Sockets If Possible


Sockets or Server-Sent Events will result in much less requests and will only notify you if something actually happened on the server side. Here is a good comparison.




Also, If you want to make a chat server or send fast messages to the server, you should use webSockets like socket.io .




Here are few things you can do




  • Get rid of all the memory leaks. Put your application in to a sandbox and give it the toughest time you can to record any memory leaks. Investigate them and correct your code.
  • 清除所有内存泄漏。将应用程序放在沙箱中,并在记录任何内存泄漏时给它最困难的时间。调查他们并改正你的代码。



  • Reduce the number of requests. Carefully research on the best thresholds in your application and only trigger your requests at theses. Try to batch your requests and put them in to a single request whenever possible.


  • Use GET requests whenever possible. They are comparably simple and would act fast. This step is important for an application which triggers a lot of requests in its operation.


  • Choose the data format carefully. It could be plain text, JSON or XML. Figure out the one that have the lowest impact on your application and switch to that appropriately. Configure your server to use data compression if possible.


  • Optimize the server. Use proper Expire or Cache-Control headers for the content being servers. Use ETags if possible.


  • Try putting your content on a CDN. This may place the resources in a geographically closer location to the user and make your application work faster.




There are mainly 3 steps for optimization (minimize) jQuery AJAX calls:

优化(最小化)jQuery AJAX调用主要有3个步骤:

  • Either pass the done callback function as an argument when calling your function
  • 在调用函数时,可以将done回调函数作为参数传递
  • return the jqXhr object from the function, and assign the done callback
  • 从函数中返回jqXhr对象,并分配done回调
  • Alternatively switch to using jQuery.ajax() instead, and pass the entire options object
  • 或者切换到使用jQuery.ajax(),并传递整个options对象

Please refer this link : How to optimize (minimize) jQuery AJAX calls

请参考这个链接:如何优化(最小化)jQuery AJAX调用



You can use the cache feature of the Ajax call for this that helps you to get all data in first during the request and stored in cache and from next time no Ajax request happened and data manipulation done using cached data only.


Also, you can only optimize Ajax call request and response time by reducing the amount of data requested and sent while Ajax call. This can be done only by removing unwanted data during Ajax call.


Other than that, all optimization depends on code and database logic. To increase performance and reduce app crashing, optimized code and database logic helps you.




  1. Create variable with ajax callback and use it
  2. 使用ajax回调创建变量并使用它
  3. Each second you create new xhr request instance, that will be in memory until done callback executes.Better way is to create new ajax request on previous ajax complete, that means you will have only one xhr request instance at time.
  4. 每一秒钟都要创建新的xhr请求实例,该实例将保存在内存中,直到执行回调。更好的方法是在以前的ajax complete上创建新的ajax请求,这意味着每次只有一个xhr请求实例。
  5. After data send to server, clean your object data, for example:


    array.length = 0; object = null; image.src = ""; file = null;

    数组中。长度= 0;对象=零;的形象。src = " ";文件=零;



As @jfriend00 said, Ajax requests don't generate memory leaks issues...


this is what your code probably do!


The best way to do what you need is to open a Socket Layer with your Data Layer Service, so, instead of a polling, you can be notified when a domain-model change occurs.


Checkout at Socket.io...

付款在socket . io…

If you don't want to implement a Socket Layer, I think there aren't many way to increase performances...


One thing that, in addition - of course - to the code improvement operations (refactoring, ecc.), in my opinion, you can do is to implement a "Tail Management System"...


  • Study how Promises work (es6, jQuery, Q, bluebird)
  • 研究承诺如何工作(es6, jQuery, Q, bluebird)
  • Create A QueueService, a simple Javascript Class that knows how to serialize all (Ajax) tasks (promises);
  • 创建QueueService,一个简单的Javascript类,它知道如何序列化所有(Ajax)任务(承诺);
  • Interpose the QueueService between Controllers and Data Layer Access Services
  • 在控制器和数据层访问服务之间插入QueueService
  • Implement a simple lightweight CacheSystem that prevents unnecessary AjaxRequests!
  • 实现一个简单的轻量级CacheSystem,防止不必要的ajaxrequest !