移动Safari iOS在第一次访问时未能加载多个小文件(如图像或JavaScript)。

时间:2022-10-12 15:34:38

I've been fighting a problem on the iPhone and iPad where it fails to load multiple assets at the same time. Two scenarios:


a) Loading approx 20+ external JavaScript files - this is not a problem on my live sites because I combine my JavaScript into one file before deploying, but causes issues on my test server.


b) Loading approx. 20+ small thumbnail images on the same page (each one is roughly 30kb).


In both scenarios Safari (usually) gets stuck on a handful of files and never finishes loading them. The loading indicator on the iOS top menu is stuck loading until a refresh.


The second time you visit (when the assets are cached) all will be fine. I have to clear Safari's cache to reproduce the issue.


I can get round the issue by delaying load of the assets in JavaScript, but this is quite bodgy and I'd like to better understand what's going wrong and see if I can find a neater solution.


An example can be seen here (visit on an iOS device):


Also, in case it's useful, I've got round the problem here by delaying the load of the thumbnails: but it would break otherwise.


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!




2 个解决方案



I had issues of the same kind on my test server, and it was related to the Basic Auth password configuration. As soon as we removed the Authentication headers, Mobile Safari was loading all files as expected.

我在测试服务器上遇到了同样的问题,它与基本的Auth密码配置有关。一旦我们删除了身份验证头,Mobile Safari就会按预期加载所有文件。



I had a similar problem with IOS Safari and for some reason it didn't like "use strict"; at the top of one of my javascript files. Very annoying to work this out but removing it seems to have fixed the issue!

我对IOS Safari也有类似的问题,出于某种原因它不喜欢“使用严格”;在我的一个javascript文件的顶部。解决这个问题很烦人,但是删除它似乎解决了问题!



I had issues of the same kind on my test server, and it was related to the Basic Auth password configuration. As soon as we removed the Authentication headers, Mobile Safari was loading all files as expected.

我在测试服务器上遇到了同样的问题,它与基本的Auth密码配置有关。一旦我们删除了身份验证头,Mobile Safari就会按预期加载所有文件。



I had a similar problem with IOS Safari and for some reason it didn't like "use strict"; at the top of one of my javascript files. Very annoying to work this out but removing it seems to have fixed the issue!

我对IOS Safari也有类似的问题,出于某种原因它不喜欢“使用严格”;在我的一个javascript文件的顶部。解决这个问题很烦人,但是删除它似乎解决了问题!