delphi 自我删除和线程池(1000行代码,需要仔细研究)

时间:2023-12-05 20:43:56
  1. unit Unit4;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  5. Dialogs, StdCtrls, ShellAPI, ShlObj, uThreadPool;
  6. type
  7. TForm4 = class(TForm)
  8. Button1: TButton;
  9. Button2: TButton;
  10. Button3: TButton;
  11. Button4: TButton;
  12. procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  13. procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  14. procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  15. procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  16. procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  17. private
  18. { Private declarations }
  19. public
  20. { Public declarations }
  21. procedure MyFun(Sender: TThreadsPool; WorkItem: TWorkItem;
  22. aThread: TProcessorThread);
  23. end;
  24. TRecvCommDataWorkItem=class(TWorkItem)
  25. end;
  26. function selfdel: Boolean;
  27. procedure deleteSelf;
  28. var
  29. Form4: TForm4;
  30. implementation
  31. {$R *.dfm}
  32. procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  33. var
  34. BatchFile: TextFile;
  35. BatchFileName: string;
  36. ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
  37. StartUpInfo: TStartupInfo;
  38. begin
  39. BatchFileName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '_deleteme.bat';
  40. AssignFile(BatchFile, BatchFileName);
  41. Rewrite(BatchFile);
  42. Writeln(BatchFile, ':try');
  43. Writeln(BatchFile, 'del "' + ParamStr(0) + '"');
  44. Writeln(BatchFile, 'if exist "' + ParamStr(0) + '"' + ' goto try');
  45. Writeln(BatchFile, 'del %0');
  46. CloseFile(BatchFile);
  47. FillChar(StartUpInfo, SizeOf(StartUpInfo), $00);
  48. StartUpInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
  49. StartUpInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
  50. if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(BatchFileName), nil, nil, False,
  51. IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartUpInfo, ProcessInfo) then
  52. begin
  53. CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread);
  54. CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess);
  55. end;
  56. Application.Terminate;
  57. end;
  58. procedure TForm4.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  59. var
  60. f: TextFile;
  61. begin
  62. AssignFile(f, '.\delme.bat');
  63. Rewrite(f);
  64. Writeln(f, '@echo off');
  65. Writeln(f, ':loop');
  66. Writeln(f, 'del "' + Application.ExeName + '"');
  67. Writeln(f, 'if exist .\file.exe goto loop');
  68. Writeln(f, 'del .\delme.bat');
  69. CloseFile(f);
  70. winexec('.\delme.bat', SW_HIDE);
  71. close;
  72. Application.Terminate;
  73. end;
  74. procedure TForm4.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  75. begin
  76. selfdel();
  77. end;
  78. procedure TForm4.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
  79. var
  80. FThreadPool: TThreadsPool;
  81. AWorkItem: TRecvCommDataWorkItem; // 继承自TWorkItem
  82. begin
  83. // 创建线程池
  84. FThreadPool := TThreadsPool.Create(Self); // 创建线程池
  85. FThreadPool.ThreadsMin := 5; // 初始工作线程数
  86. FThreadPool.ThreadsMax := 50; // 最大允许工作线程数
  87. FThreadPool.OnProcessRequest := MyFun; // 线程工作函数(DealwithCommRecvData在工作者线程的Execute方法中被调用)
  88. // 使用线程池
  89. AWorkItem := TRecvCommDataWorkItem.Create;
  90. FThreadPool.AddRequest(AWorkItem); // 向线程池分配一个任务 end;
  91. FThreadPool.Free;
  92. end;
  93. function selfdel: Boolean;
  94. var
  96. szModule: PChar;
  97. szComspec: PChar;
  98. szParams: PChar;
  99. begin
  100. szModule := AllocMem(MAX_PATH);
  101. szComspec := AllocMem(MAX_PATH);
  102. szParams := AllocMem(MAX_PATH); // get file path names:
  103. if ((GetModuleFileName(0, szModule, MAX_PATH) <> 0) and
  104. (GetShortPathName(szModule, szModule, MAX_PATH) <> 0) and
  105. (GetEnvironmentVariable('COMSPEC', szComspec, MAX_PATH) <> 0)) then
  106. begin // set command shell parameters
  107. lstrcpy(szParams, '/c del ');
  108. lstrcat(szParams, szModule); // set struct members
  109. sei.cbSize := SizeOf(sei);
  110. sei.Wnd := 0;
  111. sei.lpVerb := 'Open';
  112. sei.lpFile := szComspec;
  113. sei.lpParameters := szParams;
  114. sei.lpDirectory := nil;
  115. sei.nShow := SW_HIDE;
  116. sei.fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; // invoke command shell
  117. if (ShellExecuteEx(@sei)) then
  118. begin // suppress command shell process until program exits
  119. SetPriorityClass(sei.hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);
  121. SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
  122. SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
  123. // notify explorer shell of deletion
  124. SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_Delete, SHCNF_PATH, szModule, nil);
  125. Result := True;
  126. end
  127. else
  128. Result := False;
  129. end
  130. else
  131. Result := False;
  132. end;
  133. procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  134. begin
  135. // Button1Click(Sender);
  136. // Button2Click(Sender);
  137. // selfdel();
  138. // Application.Terminate;
  139. // deleteSelf;
  140. end;
  141. procedure TForm4.MyFun(Sender: TThreadsPool; WorkItem: TWorkItem;
  142. aThread: TProcessorThread);
  143. var
  144. i: Integer;
  145. begin
  146. for i := 0 to 500 do
  147. begin
  148. Form4.Canvas.Lock;
  149. Form4.Canvas.TextOut(10, 10,
  150. 'threadid=' + IntToStr(GetCurrentThreadId()) + ',' + IntToStr(i));
  151. Form4.Canvas.Unlock;
  152. Sleep(10);
  153. end;
  154. end;
  155. //
  156. procedure deleteSelf;
  157. var
  158. hModule: THandle;
  159. szModuleName: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of char;
  160. hKrnl32: THandle;
  161. pExitProcess, pdeleteFile, pFreeLibrary, pUnmapViewOfFile: pointer;
  162. ExitCode: UINT;
  163. begin
  164. hModule := GetModuleHandle(nil);
  165. GetModuleFileName(hModule, szModuleName, SizeOf(szModuleName));
  166. hKrnl32 := GetModuleHandle('kernel32');
  167. pExitProcess := GetProcAddress(hKrnl32, 'ExitProcess');
  168. pdeleteFile := GetProcAddress(hKrnl32, 'deleteFileA');
  169. pFreeLibrary := GetProcAddress(hKrnl32, 'FreeLibrary');
  170. pUnmapViewOfFile := GetProcAddress(hKrnl32, 'UnmapViewOfFile');
  171. ExitCode := system.ExitCode;
  172. if ($80000000 and GetVersion()) <> 0 then // Win95, 98, Me
  173. asm lea eax, szModuleName
  174. push ExitCode
  175. push 0
  176. push eax
  177. push pExitProcess
  178. push hModule
  179. push pdeleteFile
  180. push pFreeLibrary
  181. ret
  182. end
  183. else
  184. begin
  185. CloseHandle(THandle(4));
  186. asm lea eax, szModuleName
  187. push ExitCode
  188. push 0
  189. push eax
  190. push pExitProcess
  191. push hModule
  192. push pdeleteFile
  193. push pUnmapViewOfFile
  194. ret end
  195. end
  196. end;
  197. end.
  1. unit uThreadPool;
  2. {   aPool.AddRequest(TMyRequest.Create(RequestParam1, RequestParam2, ...)); }
  3. interface
  4. uses
  5. Windows,
  6. Classes;
  7. // 是否记录日志
  8. // {$DEFINE NOLOGS}
  9. type
  10. TCriticalSection = class(TObject)
  11. protected
  12. FSection: TRTLCriticalSection;
  13. public
  14. constructor Create;
  15. destructor Destroy; override;
  16. // 进入临界区
  17. procedure Enter;
  18. // 离开临界区
  19. procedure Leave;
  20. // 尝试进入
  21. function TryEnter: Boolean;
  22. end;
  23. type
  24. // 储存请求数据的基本类
  25. TWorkItem = class(TObject)
  26. public
  27. // 是否有重复任务
  28. function IsTheSame(DataObj: TWorkItem): Boolean; virtual;
  29. // 如果 NOLOGS 被定义,则禁用。
  30. function TextForLog: string; virtual;
  31. end;
  32. type
  33. TThreadsPool = class;
  34. //线程状态
  35. TThreadState = (tcsInitializing, tcsWaiting, tcsGetting, tcsProcessing,
  36. tcsProcessed, tcsTerminating, tcsCheckingDown);
  37. // 工作线程仅用于线程池内, 不要直接创建并调用它。
  38. TProcessorThread = class(TThread)
  39. private
  40. // 创建线程时临时的Event对象, 阻塞线程直到初始化完成
  41. hInitFinished: THandle;
  42. // 初始化出错信息
  43. sInitError: string;
  44. // 记录日志
  45. procedure WriteLog(const Str: string; Level: Integer = 0);
  46. protected
  47. // 线程临界区同步对像
  48. csProcessingDataObject: TCriticalSection;
  49. // 平均处理时间
  50. FAverageProcessing: Integer;
  51. // 等待请求的平均时间
  52. FAverageWaitingTime: Integer;
  53. // 本线程实例的运行状态
  54. FCurState: TThreadState;
  55. // 本线程实例所附属的线程池
  56. FPool: TThreadsPool;
  57. // 当前处理的数据对像。
  58. FProcessingDataObject: TWorkItem;
  59. // 线程停止 Event, TProcessorThread.Terminate 中开绿灯
  60. hThreadTerminated: THandle;
  61. uProcessingStart: DWORD;
  62. // 开始等待的时间, 通过 GetTickCount 取得。
  63. uWaitingStart: DWORD;
  64. // 计算平均工作时间
  65. function AverageProcessingTime: DWORD;
  66. // 计算平均等待时间
  67. function AverageWaitingTime: DWORD;
  68. procedure Execute; override;
  69. function IamCurrentlyProcess(DataObj: TWorkItem): Boolean;
  70. // 转换枚举类型的线程状态为字串类型
  71. function InfoText: string;
  72. // 线程是否长时间处理同一个请求?(已死掉?)
  73. function IsDead: Boolean;
  74. // 线程是否已完成当成任务
  75. function isFinished: Boolean;
  76. // 线程是否处于空闲状态
  77. function isIdle: Boolean;
  78. // 平均值校正计算。
  79. function NewAverage(OldAvg, NewVal: Integer): Integer;
  80. public
  81. Tag: Integer;
  82. constructor Create(APool: TThreadsPool);
  83. destructor Destroy; override;
  84. procedure Terminate;
  85. end;
  86. // 线程初始化时触发的事件
  87. TProcessorThreadInitializing = procedure(Sender: TThreadsPool; aThread:
  88. TProcessorThread) of object;
  89. // 线程结束时触发的事件
  90. TProcessorThreadFinalizing = procedure(Sender: TThreadsPool; aThread:
  91. TProcessorThread) of object;
  92. // 线程处理请求时触发的事件
  93. TProcessRequest = procedure(Sender: TThreadsPool; WorkItem: TWorkItem;
  94. aThread: TProcessorThread) of object;
  95. TEmptyKind = (
  96. ekQueueEmpty, //任务被取空后
  97. ekProcessingFinished // 最后一个任务处理完毕后
  98. );
  99. // 任务队列空时触发的事件
  100. TQueueEmpty = procedure(Sender: TThreadsPool; EmptyKind: TEmptyKind) of
  101. object;
  102. TThreadsPool = class(TComponent)
  103. private
  104. csQueueManagment: TCriticalSection;
  105. csThreadManagment: TCriticalSection;
  106. FProcessRequest: TProcessRequest;
  107. FQueue: TList;
  108. FQueueEmpty: TQueueEmpty;
  109. // 线程超时阀值
  110. FThreadDeadTimeout: DWORD;
  111. FThreadFinalizing: TProcessorThreadFinalizing;
  112. FThreadInitializing: TProcessorThreadInitializing;
  113. // 工作中的线程
  114. FThreads: TList;
  115. // 执行了 terminat 发送退出指令, 正在结束的线程.
  116. FThreadsKilling: TList;
  117. // 最少, 最大线程数
  118. FThreadsMax: Integer;
  119. // 最少, 最大线程数
  120. FThreadsMin: Integer;
  121. // 池平均等待时间
  122. function PoolAverageWaitingTime: Integer;
  123. procedure WriteLog(const Str: string; Level: Integer = 0);
  124. protected
  125. FLastGetPoint: Integer;
  126. // Semaphore, 统计任务队列
  127. hSemRequestCount: THandle;
  128. // Waitable timer. 每30触发一次的时间量同步
  129. hTimCheckPoolDown: THandle;
  130. // 线程池停机(检查并清除空闲线程和死线程)
  131. procedure CheckPoolDown;
  132. // 清除死线程,并补充不足的工作线程
  133. procedure CheckThreadsForGrow;
  134. procedure DoProcessed;
  135. procedure DoProcessRequest(aDataObj: TWorkItem; aThread: TProcessorThread);
  136. virtual;
  137. procedure DoQueueEmpty(EmptyKind: TEmptyKind); virtual;
  138. procedure DoThreadFinalizing(aThread: TProcessorThread); virtual;
  139. // 执行事件
  140. procedure DoThreadInitializing(aThread: TProcessorThread); virtual;
  141. // 释放 FThreadsKilling 列表中的线程
  142. procedure FreeFinishedThreads;
  143. // 申请任务
  144. procedure GetRequest(out Request: TWorkItem);
  145. // 清除死线程
  146. procedure KillDeadThreads;
  147. public
  148. constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
  149. destructor Destroy; override;
  150. // 就进行任务是否重复的检查, 检查发现重复就返回 False
  151. function AddRequest(aDataObject: TWorkItem; CheckForDoubles: Boolean =
  152. False): Boolean; overload;
  153. // 转换枚举类型的线程状态为字串类型
  154. function InfoText: string;
  155. published
  156. // 线程处理任务时触发的事件
  157. property OnProcessRequest: TProcessRequest read FProcessRequest write
  158. FProcessRequest;
  159. // 任务列表为空时解发的事件
  160. property OnQueueEmpty: TQueueEmpty read FQueueEmpty write FQueueEmpty;
  161. // 线程结束时触发的事件
  162. property OnThreadFinalizing: TProcessorThreadFinalizing read
  163. FThreadFinalizing write FThreadFinalizing;
  164. // 线程初始化时触发的事件
  165. property OnThreadInitializing: TProcessorThreadInitializing read
  166. FThreadInitializing write FThreadInitializing;
  167. // 线程超时值(毫秒), 如果处理超时,将视为死线程
  168. property ThreadDeadTimeout: DWORD read FThreadDeadTimeout write
  169. FThreadDeadTimeout default 0;
  170. // 最大线程数
  171. property ThreadsMax: Integer read FThreadsMax write FThreadsMax default 1;
  172. // 最小线程数
  173. property ThreadsMin: Integer read FThreadsMin write FThreadsMin default 0;
  174. end;
  175. type
  176. //日志记志函数
  177. TLogWriteProc = procedure(
  178. const Str: string; //日志
  179. LogID: Integer = 0;
  180. Level: Integer = 0 //Level = 0 - 跟踪信息, 10 - 致命错误
  181. );
  182. var
  183. WriteLog: TLogWriteProc; // 如果存在实例就写日志
  184. implementation
  185. uses
  186. SysUtils;
  187. // 储存请求数据的基本类
  188. {
  189. ********************************** TWorkItem ***********************************
  190. }
  191. function TWorkItem.IsTheSame(DataObj: TWorkItem): Boolean;
  192. begin
  193. Result := False;
  194. end; { TWorkItem.IsTheSame }
  195. function TWorkItem.TextForLog: string;
  196. begin
  197. Result := 'Request';
  198. end; { TWorkItem.TextForLog }
  199. {
  200. ********************************* TThreadsPool *********************************
  201. }
  202. constructor TThreadsPool.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  203. var
  204. DueTo: Int64;
  205. begin
  207. WriteLog('创建线程池', 5);
  208. {$ENDIF}
  209. inherited;
  210. csQueueManagment := TCriticalSection.Create;
  211. FQueue := TList.Create;
  212. csThreadManagment := TCriticalSection.Create;
  213. FThreads := TList.Create;
  214. FThreadsKilling := TList.Create;
  215. FThreadsMin := 0;
  216. FThreadsMax := 1;
  217. FThreadDeadTimeout := 0;
  218. FLastGetPoint := 0;
  219. //
  220. hSemRequestCount := CreateSemaphore(nil, 0, $7FFFFFFF, nil);
  221. DueTo := -1;
  222. //可等待的定时器(只用于Window NT4或更高)
  223. hTimCheckPoolDown := CreateWaitableTimer(nil, False, nil);
  224. if hTimCheckPoolDown = 0 then // Win9x不支持
  225. // In Win9x number of thread will be never decrised
  226. hTimCheckPoolDown := CreateEvent(nil, False, False, nil)
  227. else
  228. SetWaitableTimer(hTimCheckPoolDown, DueTo, 30000, nil, nil, False);
  229. end; { TThreadsPool.Create }
  230. destructor TThreadsPool.Destroy;
  231. var
  232. n, i: Integer;
  233. Handles: array of THandle;
  234. begin
  236. WriteLog('线程池销毁', 5);
  237. {$ENDIF}
  238. csThreadManagment.Enter;
  239. SetLength(Handles, FThreads.Count);
  240. n := 0;
  241. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  242. if FThreads[i] <> nil then
  243. begin
  244. Handles[n] := TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).Handle;
  245. TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).Terminate;
  246. Inc(n);
  247. end;
  248. csThreadManagment.Leave;  // lixiaoyu 添加于 2009.1.6,如没有此行代码无法成功释放正在执行中的工作者线程,死锁。
  249. WaitForMultipleObjects(n, @Handles[0], True, 30000);  // 等待工作者线程执行终止  lixiaoyu 注释于 2009.1.6
  250. csThreadManagment.Enter;  // lixiaoyu 添加于 2009.1.6 再次进入锁定,并释放资源
  251. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  252. TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).Free;
  253. FThreads.Free;
  254. FThreadsKilling.Free;
  255. csThreadManagment.Free;
  256. csQueueManagment.Enter;
  257. for i := FQueue.Count - 1 downto 0 do
  258. TObject(FQueue[i]).Free;
  259. FQueue.Free;
  260. csQueueManagment.Free;
  261. CloseHandle(hSemRequestCount);
  262. CloseHandle(hTimCheckPoolDown);
  263. inherited;
  264. end; { TThreadsPool.Destroy }
  265. function TThreadsPool.AddRequest(aDataObject: TWorkItem; CheckForDoubles:
  266. Boolean = False): Boolean;
  267. var
  268. i: Integer;
  269. begin
  271. WriteLog('AddRequest(' + aDataObject.TextForLog + ')', 2);
  272. {$ENDIF}
  273. Result := False;
  274. csQueueManagment.Enter;
  275. try
  276. // 如果 CheckForDoubles = TRUE
  277. // 则进行任务是否重复的检查
  278. if CheckForDoubles then
  279. for i := 0 to FQueue.Count - 1 do
  280. if (FQueue[i] <> nil)
  281. and aDataObject.IsTheSame(TWorkItem(FQueue[i])) then
  282. Exit; // 发现有相同的任务
  283. csThreadManagment.Enter;
  284. try
  285. // 清除死线程,并补充不足的工作线程
  286. CheckThreadsForGrow;
  287. // 如果 CheckForDoubles = TRUE
  288. // 则检查是否有相同的任务正在处理中
  289. if CheckForDoubles then
  290. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  291. if TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).IamCurrentlyProcess(aDataObject) then
  292. Exit; // 发现有相同的任务
  293. finally
  294. csThreadManagment.Leave;
  295. end;
  296. //将任务加入队列
  297. FQueue.Add(aDataObject);
  298. //释放一个同步信号量
  299. ReleaseSemaphore(hSemRequestCount, 1, nil);
  301. WriteLog('释放一个同步信号量)', 1);
  302. {$ENDIF}
  303. Result := True;
  304. finally
  305. csQueueManagment.Leave;
  306. end;
  308. //调试信息
  309. WriteLog('增加一个任务(' + aDataObject.TextForLog + ')', 1);
  310. {$ENDIF}
  311. end; { TThreadsPool.AddRequest }
  312. {
  313. 函 数 名:TThreadsPool.CheckPoolDown
  314. 功能描述:线程池停机(检查并清除空闲线程和死线程)
  315. 输入参数:无
  316. 返 回 值: 无
  317. 创建日期:2006.10.22 11:31
  318. 修改日期:2006.
  319. 作    者:Kook
  320. 附加说明:
  321. }
  322. procedure TThreadsPool.CheckPoolDown;
  323. var
  324. i: Integer;
  325. begin
  327. WriteLog('TThreadsPool.CheckPoolDown', 1);
  328. {$ENDIF}
  329. csThreadManagment.Enter;
  330. try
  332. WriteLog(InfoText, 2);
  333. {$ENDIF}
  334. // 清除死线程
  335. KillDeadThreads;
  336. // 释放 FThreadsKilling 列表中的线程
  337. FreeFinishedThreads;
  338. // 如果线程空闲,就终止它
  339. for i := FThreads.Count - 1 downto FThreadsMin do
  340. if TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).isIdle then
  341. begin
  342. //发出终止命令
  343. TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).Terminate;
  344. //加入待清除队列
  345. FThreadsKilling.Add(FThreads[i]);
  346. //从工作队列中除名
  347. FThreads.Delete(i);
  348. //todo: ??
  349. Break;
  350. end;
  351. finally
  352. csThreadManagment.Leave;
  353. end;
  354. end; { TThreadsPool.CheckPoolDown }
  355. {
  356. 函 数 名:TThreadsPool.CheckThreadsForGrow
  357. 功能描述:清除死线程,并补充不足的工作线程
  358. 输入参数:无
  359. 返 回 值: 无
  360. 创建日期:2006.10.22 11:31
  361. 修改日期:2006.
  362. 作    者:Kook
  363. 附加说明:
  364. }
  365. procedure TThreadsPool.CheckThreadsForGrow;
  366. var
  367. AvgWait: Integer;
  368. i: Integer;
  369. begin
  370. {
  371. New thread created if:
  372. 新建线程的条件:
  373. 1. 工作线程数小于最小线程数
  374. 2. 工作线程数小于最大线程数 and 线程池平均等待时间 < 100ms(系统忙)
  375. 3. 任务大于工作线程数的4倍
  376. }
  377. csThreadManagment.Enter;
  378. try
  379. KillDeadThreads;
  380. if FThreads.Count < FThreadsMin then
  381. begin
  383. WriteLog('工作线程数小于最小线程数', 4);
  384. {$ENDIF}
  385. for i := FThreads.Count to FThreadsMin - 1 do
  386. try
  387. FThreads.Add(TProcessorThread.Create(Self));
  388. except
  389. on e: Exception do
  390. WriteLog(
  391. 'TProcessorThread.Create raise: ' + e.ClassName + #13#10#9'Message: '
  392. + e.Message,
  393. 9
  394. );
  395. end
  396. end
  397. else if FThreads.Count < FThreadsMax then
  398. begin
  400. WriteLog('工作线程数小于最大线程数 and 线程池平均等待时间 < 100ms', 3);
  401. {$ENDIF}
  402. AvgWait := PoolAverageWaitingTime;
  404. WriteLog(Format(
  405. 'FThreads.Count (%d)<FThreadsMax(%d), AvgWait=%d',
  406. [FThreads.Count, FThreadsMax, AvgWait]),
  407. 4
  408. );
  409. {$ENDIF}
  410. if AvgWait < 100 then
  411. try
  412. FThreads.Add(TProcessorThread.Create(Self));
  413. except
  414. on e: Exception do
  415. WriteLog(
  416. 'TProcessorThread.Create raise: ' + e.ClassName +
  417. #13#10#9'Message: ' + e.Message,
  418. 9
  419. );
  420. end;
  421. end;
  422. finally
  423. csThreadManagment.Leave;
  424. end;
  425. end; { TThreadsPool.CheckThreadsForGrow }
  426. procedure TThreadsPool.DoProcessed;
  427. var
  428. i: Integer;
  429. begin
  430. if (FLastGetPoint < FQueue.Count) then
  431. Exit;
  432. csThreadManagment.Enter;
  433. try
  434. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  435. if TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).FCurState in [tcsProcessing] then
  436. Exit;
  437. finally
  438. csThreadManagment.Leave;
  439. end;
  440. DoQueueEmpty(ekProcessingFinished);
  441. end; { TThreadsPool.DoProcessed }
  442. procedure TThreadsPool.DoProcessRequest(aDataObj: TWorkItem; aThread:
  443. TProcessorThread);
  444. begin
  445. if Assigned(FProcessRequest) then
  446. FProcessRequest(Self, aDataObj, aThread);
  447. end; { TThreadsPool.DoProcessRequest }
  448. procedure TThreadsPool.DoQueueEmpty(EmptyKind: TEmptyKind);
  449. begin
  450. if Assigned(FQueueEmpty) then
  451. FQueueEmpty(Self, EmptyKind);
  452. end; { TThreadsPool.DoQueueEmpty }
  453. procedure TThreadsPool.DoThreadFinalizing(aThread: TProcessorThread);
  454. begin
  455. if Assigned(FThreadFinalizing) then
  456. FThreadFinalizing(Self, aThread);
  457. end; { TThreadsPool.DoThreadFinalizing }
  458. procedure TThreadsPool.DoThreadInitializing(aThread: TProcessorThread);
  459. begin
  460. if Assigned(FThreadInitializing) then
  461. FThreadInitializing(Self, aThread);
  462. end; { TThreadsPool.DoThreadInitializing }
  463. {
  464. 函 数 名:TThreadsPool.FreeFinishedThreads
  465. 功能描述:释放 FThreadsKilling 列表中的线程
  466. 输入参数:无
  467. 返 回 值: 无
  468. 创建日期:2006.10.22 11:34
  469. 修改日期:2006.
  470. 作    者:Kook
  471. 附加说明:
  472. }
  473. procedure TThreadsPool.FreeFinishedThreads;
  474. var
  475. i: Integer;
  476. begin
  477. if csThreadManagment.TryEnter then
  478. try
  479. for i := FThreadsKilling.Count - 1 downto 0 do
  480. if TProcessorThread(FThreadsKilling[i]).isFinished then
  481. begin
  482. TProcessorThread(FThreadsKilling[i]).Free;
  483. FThreadsKilling.Delete(i);
  484. end;
  485. finally
  486. csThreadManagment.Leave
  487. end;
  488. end; { TThreadsPool.FreeFinishedThreads }
  489. {
  490. 函 数 名:TThreadsPool.GetRequest
  491. 功能描述:申请任务
  492. 输入参数:out Request: TRequestDataObject
  493. 返 回 值: 无
  494. 创建日期:2006.10.22 11:34
  495. 修改日期:2006.
  496. 作    者:Kook
  497. 附加说明:
  498. }
  499. procedure TThreadsPool.GetRequest(out Request: TWorkItem);
  500. begin
  502. WriteLog('申请任务', 2);
  503. {$ENDIF}
  504. csQueueManagment.Enter;
  505. try
  506. //跳过空的队列元素
  507. while (FLastGetPoint < FQueue.Count) and (FQueue[FLastGetPoint] = nil) do
  508. Inc(FLastGetPoint);
  509. Assert(FLastGetPoint < FQueue.Count);
  510. //压缩队列,清除空元素
  511. if (FQueue.Count > 127) and (FLastGetPoint >= (3 * FQueue.Count) div 4) then
  512. begin
  514. WriteLog('FQueue.Pack', 1);
  515. {$ENDIF}
  516. FQueue.Pack;
  517. FLastGetPoint := 0;
  518. end;
  519. Request := TWorkItem(FQueue[FLastGetPoint]);
  520. FQueue[FLastGetPoint] := nil;
  521. inc(FLastGetPoint);
  522. if (FLastGetPoint = FQueue.Count) then //如果队列中无任务
  523. begin
  524. DoQueueEmpty(ekQueueEmpty);
  525. FQueue.Clear;
  526. FLastGetPoint := 0;
  527. end;
  528. finally
  529. csQueueManagment.Leave;
  530. end;
  531. end; { TThreadsPool.GetRequest }
  532. function TThreadsPool.InfoText: string;
  533. begin
  534. Result := '';
  535. //end;
  536. //{$ELSE}
  537. //var
  538. //  i: Integer;
  539. //begin
  540. //  csQueueManagment.Enter;
  541. //  csThreadManagment.Enter;
  542. //  try
  543. //    if (FThreads.Count = 0) and (FThreadsKilling.Count = 1) and
  544. //      TProcessorThread(FThreadsKilling[0]).isFinished then
  545. //      FreeFinishedThreads;
  546. //
  547. //    Result := Format(
  548. //      'Pool thread: Min=%d, Max=%d, WorkingThreadsCount=%d, TerminatedThreadCount=%d, QueueLength=%d'#13#10,
  549. //      [ThreadsMin, ThreadsMax, FThreads.Count, FThreadsKilling.Count,
  550. //      FQueue.Count]
  551. //        );
  552. //    if FThreads.Count > 0 then
  553. //      Result := Result + 'Working threads:'#13#10;
  554. //    for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  555. //      Result := Result + TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).InfoText + #13#10;
  556. //    if FThreadsKilling.Count > 0 then
  557. //      Result := Result + 'Terminated threads:'#13#10;
  558. //    for i := 0 to FThreadsKilling.Count - 1 do
  559. //      Result := Result + TProcessorThread(FThreadsKilling[i]).InfoText + #13#10;
  560. //  finally
  561. //    csThreadManagment.Leave;
  562. //    csQueueManagment.Leave;
  563. //  end;
  564. //end;
  565. //{$ENDIF}
  566. end; { TThreadsPool.InfoText }
  567. {
  568. 函 数 名:TThreadsPool.KillDeadThreads
  569. 功能描述:清除死线程
  570. 输入参数:无
  571. 返 回 值: 无
  572. 创建日期:2006.10.22 11:32
  573. 修改日期:2006.
  574. 作    者:Kook
  575. 附加说明:
  576. }
  577. procedure TThreadsPool.KillDeadThreads;
  578. var
  579. i: Integer;
  580. begin
  581. // Check for dead threads
  582. if csThreadManagment.TryEnter then
  583. try
  584. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  585. if TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).IsDead then
  586. begin
  587. // Dead thread moverd to other list.
  588. // New thread created to replace dead one
  589. TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).Terminate;
  590. FThreadsKilling.Add(FThreads[i]);
  591. try
  592. FThreads[i] := TProcessorThread.Create(Self);
  593. except
  594. on e: Exception do
  595. begin
  596. FThreads[i] := nil;
  598. WriteLog(
  599. 'TProcessorThread.Create raise: ' + e.ClassName +
  600. #13#10#9'Message: ' + e.Message,
  601. 9
  602. );
  603. {$ENDIF}
  604. end;
  605. end;
  606. end;
  607. finally
  608. csThreadManagment.Leave
  609. end;
  610. end; { TThreadsPool.KillDeadThreads }
  611. function TThreadsPool.PoolAverageWaitingTime: Integer;
  612. var
  613. i: Integer;
  614. begin
  615. Result := 0;
  616. if FThreads.Count > 0 then
  617. begin
  618. for i := 0 to FThreads.Count - 1 do
  619. Inc(result, TProcessorThread(FThreads[i]).AverageWaitingTime);
  620. Result := Result div FThreads.Count
  621. end
  622. else
  623. Result := 1;
  624. end; { TThreadsPool.PoolAverageWaitingTime }
  625. procedure TThreadsPool.WriteLog(const Str: string; Level: Integer = 0);
  626. begin
  628. uThreadPool.WriteLog(Str, 0, Level);
  629. {$ENDIF}
  630. end; { TThreadsPool.WriteLog }
  631. // 工作线程仅用于线程池内, 不要直接创建并调用它。
  632. {
  633. ******************************* TProcessorThread *******************************
  634. }
  635. constructor TProcessorThread.Create(APool: TThreadsPool);
  636. begin
  637. WriteLog('创建工作线程', 5);
  638. inherited Create(True);
  639. FPool := aPool;
  640. FAverageWaitingTime := 1000;
  641. FAverageProcessing := 3000;
  642. sInitError := '';
  643. {
  644. 各参数的意义如下:
  646. 参数一:填上 nil 即可。
  647. 参数二:是否采用手动调整灯号。
  648. 参数三:灯号的起始状态,False 表示红灯。
  649. 参数四:Event 名称, 对象名称相同的话,会指向同一个对象,所以想要有两个Event对象,便要有两个不同的名称(这名称以字符串来存.为NIL的话系统每次会自己创建一个不同的名字,就是被次创建的都是新的EVENT)。
  650. 传回值:Event handle。
  651. }
  652. hInitFinished := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
  653. hThreadTerminated := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
  654. csProcessingDataObject := TCriticalSection.Create;
  655. try
  656. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Create::Resume', 3);
  657. Resume;
  658. //阻塞, 等待初始化完成
  659. WaitForSingleObject(hInitFinished, INFINITE);
  660. if sInitError <> '' then
  661. raise Exception.Create(sInitError);
  662. finally
  663. CloseHandle(hInitFinished);
  664. end;
  665. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Create::Finished', 3);
  666. end; { TProcessorThread.Create }
  667. destructor TProcessorThread.Destroy;
  668. begin
  669. WriteLog('工作线程销毁', 5);
  670. CloseHandle(hThreadTerminated);
  671. csProcessingDataObject.Free;
  672. inherited;
  673. end; { TProcessorThread.Destroy }
  674. function TProcessorThread.AverageProcessingTime: DWORD;
  675. begin
  676. if (FCurState in [tcsProcessing]) then
  677. Result := NewAverage(FAverageProcessing, GetTickCount - uProcessingStart)
  678. else
  679. Result := FAverageProcessing
  680. end; { TProcessorThread.AverageProcessingTime }
  681. function TProcessorThread.AverageWaitingTime: DWORD;
  682. begin
  683. if (FCurState in [tcsWaiting, tcsCheckingDown]) then
  684. Result := NewAverage(FAverageWaitingTime, GetTickCount - uWaitingStart)
  685. else
  686. Result := FAverageWaitingTime
  687. end; { TProcessorThread.AverageWaitingTime }
  688. procedure TProcessorThread.Execute;
  689. type
  690. THandleID = (hidTerminateThread, hidRequest, hidCheckPoolDown);
  691. var
  692. WaitedTime: Integer;
  693. Handles: array[THandleID] of THandle;
  694. begin
  695. WriteLog('工作线程进常运行', 3);
  696. //当前状态:初始化
  697. FCurState := tcsInitializing;
  698. try
  699. //执行外部事件
  700. FPool.DoThreadInitializing(Self);
  701. except
  702. on e: Exception do
  703. sInitError := e.Message;
  704. end;
  705. //初始化完成,初始化Event绿灯
  706. SetEvent(hInitFinished);
  707. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Execute::Initialized', 3);
  708. //引用线程池的同步 Event
  709. Handles[hidTerminateThread] := hThreadTerminated;
  710. Handles[hidRequest] := FPool.hSemRequestCount;
  711. Handles[hidCheckPoolDown] := FPool.hTimCheckPoolDown;
  712. //时间戳,
  713. //todo: 好像在线程中用 GetTickCount; 会不正常
  714. uWaitingStart := GetTickCount;
  715. //任务置空
  716. FProcessingDataObject := nil;
  717. //大巡环
  718. while not terminated do
  719. begin
  720. //当前状态:等待
  721. FCurState := tcsWaiting;
  722. //阻塞线程,使线程休眠
  723. case WaitForMultipleObjects(Length(Handles), @Handles, False, INFINITE) -
  724. WAIT_OBJECT_0 of
  725. WAIT_OBJECT_0 + ord(hidTerminateThread):
  726. begin
  727. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Execute:: Terminate event signaled ', 5);
  728. //当前状态:正在终止线程
  729. FCurState := tcsTerminating;
  730. //退出大巡环(结束线程)
  731. Break;
  732. end;
  733. WAIT_OBJECT_0 + ord(hidRequest):
  734. begin
  735. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Execute:: Request semaphore signaled ', 3);
  736. //等待的时间
  737. WaitedTime := GetTickCount - uWaitingStart;
  738. //重新计算平均等待时间
  739. FAverageWaitingTime := NewAverage(FAverageWaitingTime, WaitedTime);
  740. //当前状态:申请任务
  741. FCurState := tcsGetting;
  742. //如果等待时间过短,则检查工作线程是否足够
  743. if WaitedTime < 5 then
  744. FPool.CheckThreadsForGrow;
  745. //从线程池的任务队列中得到任务
  746. FPool.GetRequest(FProcessingDataObject);
  747. //开始处理的时间戳
  748. uProcessingStart := GetTickCount;
  749. //当前状态:执行任务
  750. FCurState := tcsProcessing;
  751. try
  753. WriteLog('Processing: ' + FProcessingDataObject.TextForLog, 2);
  754. {$ENDIF}
  755. //执行任务
  756. FPool.DoProcessRequest(FProcessingDataObject, Self);
  757. except
  758. on e: Exception do
  759. WriteLog(
  760. 'OnProcessRequest for ' + FProcessingDataObject.TextForLog +
  761. #13#10'raise Exception: ' + e.Message,
  762. 8
  763. );
  764. end;
  765. //释放任务对象
  766. csProcessingDataObject.Enter;
  767. try
  768. FProcessingDataObject.Free;
  769. FProcessingDataObject := nil;
  770. finally
  771. csProcessingDataObject.Leave;
  772. end;
  773. //重新计算
  774. FAverageProcessing := NewAverage(FAverageProcessing, GetTickCount -
  775. uProcessingStart);
  776. //当前状态:执行任务完毕
  777. FCurState := tcsProcessed;
  778. //执行线程外事件
  779. FPool.DoProcessed;
  780. uWaitingStart := GetTickCount;
  781. end;
  782. WAIT_OBJECT_0 + ord(hidCheckPoolDown):
  783. begin
  784. // !!! Never called under Win9x
  785. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Execute:: CheckPoolDown timer signaled ',
  786. 4);
  787. //当前状态:线程池停机(检查并清除空闲线程和死线程)
  788. FCurState := tcsCheckingDown;
  789. FPool.CheckPoolDown;
  790. end;
  791. end;
  792. end;
  793. FCurState := tcsTerminating;
  794. FPool.DoThreadFinalizing(Self);
  795. end; { TProcessorThread.Execute }
  796. function TProcessorThread.IamCurrentlyProcess(DataObj: TWorkItem): Boolean;
  797. begin
  798. csProcessingDataObject.Enter;
  799. try
  800. Result := (FProcessingDataObject <> nil) and
  801. DataObj.IsTheSame(FProcessingDataObject);
  802. finally
  803. csProcessingDataObject.Leave;
  804. end;
  805. end; { TProcessorThread.IamCurrentlyProcess }
  806. function TProcessorThread.InfoText: string;
  807. const
  808. ThreadStateNames: array[TThreadState] of string =
  809. (
  810. 'tcsInitializing',
  811. 'tcsWaiting',
  812. 'tcsGetting',
  813. 'tcsProcessing',
  814. 'tcsProcessed',
  815. 'tcsTerminating',
  816. 'tcsCheckingDown'
  817. );
  818. begin
  820. Result := Format(
  821. '%5d: %15s, AverageWaitingTime=%6d, AverageProcessingTime=%6d',
  822. [ThreadID, ThreadStateNames[FCurState], AverageWaitingTime,
  823. AverageProcessingTime]
  824. );
  825. case FCurState of
  826. tcsWaiting:
  827. Result := Result + ', WaitingTime=' + IntToStr(GetTickCount -
  828. uWaitingStart);
  829. tcsProcessing:
  830. Result := Result + ', ProcessingTime=' + IntToStr(GetTickCount -
  831. uProcessingStart);
  832. end;
  833. csProcessingDataObject.Enter;
  834. try
  835. if FProcessingDataObject <> nil then
  836. Result := Result + ' ' + FProcessingDataObject.TextForLog;
  837. finally
  838. csProcessingDataObject.Leave;
  839. end;
  840. {$ENDIF}
  841. end; { TProcessorThread.InfoText }
  842. function TProcessorThread.IsDead: Boolean;
  843. begin
  844. Result :=
  845. Terminated or
  846. (FPool.ThreadDeadTimeout > 0) and (FCurState = tcsProcessing) and
  847. (GetTickCount - uProcessingStart > FPool.ThreadDeadTimeout);
  848. if Result then
  849. WriteLog('Thread dead', 5);
  850. end; { TProcessorThread.IsDead }
  851. function TProcessorThread.isFinished: Boolean;
  852. begin
  853. Result := WaitForSingleObject(Handle, 0) = WAIT_OBJECT_0;
  854. end; { TProcessorThread.isFinished }
  855. function TProcessorThread.isIdle: Boolean;
  856. begin
  857. // 如果线程状态是 tcsWaiting, tcsCheckingDown
  858. // 并且 空间时间 > 100ms,
  859. // 并且 平均等候任务时间大于平均工作时间的 50%
  860. // 则视为空闲。
  861. Result :=
  862. (FCurState in [tcsWaiting, tcsCheckingDown]) and
  863. (AverageWaitingTime > 100) and
  864. (AverageWaitingTime * 2 > AverageProcessingTime);
  865. end; { TProcessorThread.isIdle }
  866. function TProcessorThread.NewAverage(OldAvg, NewVal: Integer): Integer;
  867. begin
  868. Result := (OldAvg * 2 + NewVal) div 3;
  869. end; { TProcessorThread.NewAverage }
  870. procedure TProcessorThread.Terminate;
  871. begin
  872. WriteLog('TProcessorThread.Terminate', 5);
  873. inherited Terminate;
  874. SetEvent(hThreadTerminated);
  875. end; { TProcessorThread.Terminate }
  876. procedure TProcessorThread.WriteLog(const Str: string; Level: Integer = 0);
  877. begin
  879. uThreadPool.WriteLog(Str, ThreadID, Level);
  880. {$ENDIF}
  881. end; { TProcessorThread.WriteLog }
  882. {
  883. ******************************* TCriticalSection *******************************
  884. }
  885. constructor TCriticalSection.Create;
  886. begin
  887. InitializeCriticalSection(FSection);
  888. end; { TCriticalSection.Create }
  889. destructor TCriticalSection.Destroy;
  890. begin
  891. DeleteCriticalSection(FSection);
  892. end; { TCriticalSection.Destroy }
  893. procedure TCriticalSection.Enter;
  894. begin
  895. EnterCriticalSection(FSection);
  896. end; { TCriticalSection.Enter }
  897. procedure TCriticalSection.Leave;
  898. begin
  899. LeaveCriticalSection(FSection);
  900. end; { TCriticalSection.Leave }
  901. function TCriticalSection.TryEnter: Boolean;
  902. begin
  903. Result := TryEnterCriticalSection(FSection);
  904. end; { TCriticalSection.TryEnter }
  905. procedure NoLogs(const Str: string; LogID: Integer = 0; Level: Integer = 0);
  906. begin
  907. end;
  908. initialization
  909. WriteLog := NoLogs;
  910. end.