jQuery Ajax请求返回错误和状态0

时间:2022-10-08 23:44:36

I use this pseudo-class to make Ajax request to server:


function RequestManager(url, params, success, error){
    //Save this Ajax configuration
    this._ajaxCall = null;
    this._url= url;
    this._type = params.type;
    this._success = function(){
    this._error = function(){

RequestManager.prototype = {
    require : function(text){
        var self = this;
        this._ajaxCall = $.ajax({
            url: this._url,
            type: this._type,
            data: text,
            success: function(xmlResponse){
                var responseArray = [];
                var response = _extractElements(xmlResponse, arrayResponse);
            error: self._error,
            complete : function(xhr, statusText){
                return null;

This is PHP that will be loaded:


    header('Content-type: text/xml');

    //Do something
    $done = true;

    $response = buildXML($done);
    $xmlString = $response->saveXML();
    echo $xmlString;

    function buildXML ($done){
        $response = new SimpleXMLElement("<response></response>");
        else {
            $response->addChild('outcome', 'ko');
        return $response;

When I instantiate a new object, and I use it to load a request, it always return to me error, and status code is 0. The server correctly generates an XML document. Why I can't get a correct 200 code back?


1 个解决方案



If this happens on your second call to require, it's because the call to abort() results in your callback being called with a status code of 0. You should later get the correct result for the second request.


In jQuery 1.4 there's also a bug where your success callback is called after an aborted request. See my answer to Request periodically coming back empty under race conditions.

在jQuery 1.4中,还有一个错误,即在中止请求后调用成功回调。请参阅我的回答,请求在竞争条件下定期回来。

Unrelated to this issue, there are variables in your code (timer and ajaxCall) that seem to be referenced both with and without a leading underscore.




If this happens on your second call to require, it's because the call to abort() results in your callback being called with a status code of 0. You should later get the correct result for the second request.


In jQuery 1.4 there's also a bug where your success callback is called after an aborted request. See my answer to Request periodically coming back empty under race conditions.

在jQuery 1.4中,还有一个错误,即在中止请求后调用成功回调。请参阅我的回答,请求在竞争条件下定期回来。

Unrelated to this issue, there are variables in your code (timer and ajaxCall) that seem to be referenced both with and without a leading underscore.
