[Java in NetBeans] Lesson 06. Custom classes

时间:2022-10-08 23:01:46



  • Constructors: A special method called when an object of the class is created
  • property pattern and encapsulation(封装): hide the implementation details from the user, so when the class is been inherited, only the methods, but not the members.
  • this: simply refers to the current class.
  • Also allow us to call other constructor in one constructor
public class Foo
private int _x; // if class members, and not public, start with underscore. public Foo()
} public Foo(int x)
_x = x;
  • Overload: The method with different parameter but same method name. (for example, the constructors. Java will automatic search for the constructors that fits the parameters passed in)

e.g. Foo foo = new Foo(8); will automatic search for the second constructor "public Foo(int x)".

  • Every class should have a constructor. But the body can be empty.
  • Declare variables as private as possible. Can create getter and setter for the variables to control access to private variables.  based on the encapsulation(封装) concept.
  • Initialize all private variables in constructor. (if not, make them final)
  • this disambiguates method parameters from private members, but will name the members with _(unless it is public). Below is an example without "_".
public class Foo
private int x; public Foo()
} public int setX(int x)
this.x = x;
  • Use get/set methods to control access to private variables.

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