jQuery Ajax响应:在浏览器中工作,在移动设备上为空

时间:2022-08-06 20:17:36

first post here. I have what I think is a security-related question, but I'm honestly not sure.


I'm building a mobile app using PhoneGap (basically an HTML page with jQuery/CSS). I have a call out to a .asmx webservice, like so:


    type: "POST", 
    url: "http://mydomain.com/customPage.asmx/LoginMember", 
    data: memberData, 
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
    dataType: "json", 
    success: function(msg) { 
            alert("This is my message: " + msg); 
    error: authenticateFailed 

When I test this using my desktop (Mac, Safari), the call is successful. My 'msg' variable contains some string-formatted XML. All good. Here's what my alert shows when the call is successful and data exists:

当我使用我的桌面(Mac, Safari)进行测试时,调用成功了。我的“msg”变量包含一些字符串格式的XML。所有的好。当调用成功且数据存在时,我的警告显示如下:


But when I take the same code and move it onto my device (iPhone, PhoneGap), something else happens. The call is still successful and my success function fires, but my 'msg' variable has no data. I get this alert: "This is my message: null"

但是当我把同样的代码移到我的设备上(iPhone, PhoneGap)时,就会发生别的事情。调用仍然成功,我的success函数触发,但是我的“msg”变量没有数据。我得到这个警告:“这是我的消息:null”

I've tried researching this, but can't seem to pinpoint what the actual source of the problem could be. I don't think it's my code, but am unsure whether it's an issue with jQuery, PhoneGap, or something else entirely.


As of now, my best guess is it's some kind of security issue. I noticed that when I test in Chrome, I get the same 'null' response as I do on my device. Could this possibly be due to the "Same Origin Policy?"


I've tried posting my question to the PhoneGap Google Group, the jQuery Forum, and haven't had much love. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts/advice, and am hoping someone else here has encountered this type of behavior before.

我试着把我的问题提交给PhoneGap谷歌Group, jQuery论坛,并没有太多的爱。我将非常感谢您的任何想法/建议,我希望这里的其他人以前遇到过这种行为。

Thanks! -Felix


//Edit: Fixed url typo. Added successful response data.

/ /编辑:固定url输入错误。添加成功的响应数据。

2 个解决方案



In your code you're missing the begging quote for your url property.


Assuming that's just a typo, have you tried switching User Agents in your desktop safari? (Must enable the Developer Menu item). Switch your User Agent to "iPhone" and see if you get the null response.




Ok, so the issue is that I'm an idiot. The domain I was testing on was a subdomain and on top of that... it's not a public site. I have the IP address in my hosts file on my machine, but (of course) not on my iPhone.


When I tried testing on a different/public site we have here... I now see data on my device.


Thanks so much Haochi and typeof, for your prompt and multiple replies. Out of all the other sites where I posted my question, you guys were incredibly quick with posting up some thoughts. In particular, it was typeof's question about the domain that got me thinking and realizing where the error came from.


I now feel like I've been trying to use my key to get into my house... and I've been standing in front of the wrong house. Incredibly embarrassing. But I see data now, and that's all that matters.


Thanks again!




In your code you're missing the begging quote for your url property.


Assuming that's just a typo, have you tried switching User Agents in your desktop safari? (Must enable the Developer Menu item). Switch your User Agent to "iPhone" and see if you get the null response.




Ok, so the issue is that I'm an idiot. The domain I was testing on was a subdomain and on top of that... it's not a public site. I have the IP address in my hosts file on my machine, but (of course) not on my iPhone.


When I tried testing on a different/public site we have here... I now see data on my device.


Thanks so much Haochi and typeof, for your prompt and multiple replies. Out of all the other sites where I posted my question, you guys were incredibly quick with posting up some thoughts. In particular, it was typeof's question about the domain that got me thinking and realizing where the error came from.


I now feel like I've been trying to use my key to get into my house... and I've been standing in front of the wrong house. Incredibly embarrassing. But I see data now, and that's all that matters.


Thanks again!
