MVC 4如何使用Ajax将存储库中的json响应转换为视图?

时间:2022-11-25 20:16:23

I am a newbie when it comes to MVC4 Web Development and there's something I am struggling with.

对于MVC4 Web开发我是一个新手,我正在努力解决这个问题。

Basically, I have the following :


public class maincontroller: Controller
    private MyRepository myRepository;

    public mainController()
         myRepository= new MyRepository(); 

    public ActionResult Index()
        var mystuff = myRepository.GetPrograms();            
        return View(mystuff);

    public ActionResult MyStuff()
        var mystuff = myRepository.GetStuff(1);
        return Json(mystuff , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Assuming that in my `MyRepository' class I have two functions:


One that is setting up `mystuff':


 public MyRepository()

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            programs.Add(new MyStuff
                Title = "Hello" + i,
                content = "Hi"


and second function that gets Stuff:
public List<MyStuff> GetStuff(int pageNumber = 0)
        return stuff
            .Skip(pageNumber * pageCount)

All works well. I mean I am able to iterate through `stuff' and display on a view...


The problem is that I want to display MyStuff() ( which returns Json ) using AJAX and then append all stuff to a view. How do I do that?


I have been beating my head against the wall for about 4 hours now, and can't get this working.


Please any help will be much appreciated.


Thank you.

1 个解决方案



At the most straightforward level, you can simply append HTML to your document using something like this (assuming you're using JQuery, because it's so much easier):


<div id="container"></div>

// make AJAX call to "MyStuff" action in the current controller
$.get(@Url.Action("MyStuff", function(data) {

    // cycle through each item in the response
    $.each(data, function(index, item) {

        // construct some HTML from the JSON representation of MyStuff
        var html = "<div>" + item.StuffProperty + "</div>";

        // append the HTML to a container in the current document

This adds some HTML for each item in the collection to a container element, using (eg) StuffProperty from the MyStuff class.


Appending HTML manually like this can be a hassle once it gets too complicated -- at that point you should consider using either:

像这样手动添加HTML一旦变得太复杂就会很麻烦 - 此时你应该考虑使用:

  1. Partial views (return HTML directly from the controller, instead of JSON)
  2. 部分视图(直接从控制器返回HTML,而不是JSON)

  3. A client-side templating engine like Mustache.js, Underscore.js, etc, to convert JSON into HTML.
  4. 一个客户端模板引擎,如Mustache.js,Underscore.js等,将JSON转换为HTML。



At the most straightforward level, you can simply append HTML to your document using something like this (assuming you're using JQuery, because it's so much easier):


<div id="container"></div>

// make AJAX call to "MyStuff" action in the current controller
$.get(@Url.Action("MyStuff", function(data) {

    // cycle through each item in the response
    $.each(data, function(index, item) {

        // construct some HTML from the JSON representation of MyStuff
        var html = "<div>" + item.StuffProperty + "</div>";

        // append the HTML to a container in the current document

This adds some HTML for each item in the collection to a container element, using (eg) StuffProperty from the MyStuff class.


Appending HTML manually like this can be a hassle once it gets too complicated -- at that point you should consider using either:

像这样手动添加HTML一旦变得太复杂就会很麻烦 - 此时你应该考虑使用:

  1. Partial views (return HTML directly from the controller, instead of JSON)
  2. 部分视图(直接从控制器返回HTML,而不是JSON)

  3. A client-side templating engine like Mustache.js, Underscore.js, etc, to convert JSON into HTML.
  4. 一个客户端模板引擎,如Mustache.js,Underscore.js等,将JSON转换为HTML。