Rails 3:remote => true不会触发AJAX请求

时间:2022-10-08 14:14:56

I have the following:


<%= link_to "Exhibitions", :action => 'tabExhibitions', :id => @app.id, :remote => true %>

It generates:


<div class="tabbarButton" id="tabbarExhibitions">
    <a href="/apps/3/tabExhibitions?remote=true">Exhibitions</a>

Which results in a common GET request when clicked.


I am new to Rails but my understanding was that setting :remote => true should have created a <a href="..." data-remote=true> instead of a plain link.

我是Rails的新手,但我的理解是设置:remote => true应该创建一个而不是一个普通的链接。

I am using jQuery, the necessary headers and meta tags are in place. I should mention this project was upgraded from Rails 2.3.8

我正在使用jQuery,必要的标头和元标签已经到位。我应该提到这个项目是从Rails 2.3.8升级而来的

Thanks for all the help.


1 个解决方案



link_to is putting :remote => true into the url portion of the argument list, and creating a query-string parameter for it (see the parameters in the documentation). Essentially, what you've written is:

link_to将:remote => true放入参数列表的url部分,并为其创建查询字符串参数(请参阅文档中的参数)。基本上,你写的是:

<%= link_to "Exhibitions", { :action => 'tabExhibitions', :id => @app.id, :remote => true } %>

You'll want to have a separate Hash for the html_options:


<%= link_to "Exhibitions", { :action => 'tabExhibitions', :id => @app.id }, :remote => true %>



link_to is putting :remote => true into the url portion of the argument list, and creating a query-string parameter for it (see the parameters in the documentation). Essentially, what you've written is:

link_to将:remote => true放入参数列表的url部分,并为其创建查询字符串参数(请参阅文档中的参数)。基本上,你写的是:

<%= link_to "Exhibitions", { :action => 'tabExhibitions', :id => @app.id, :remote => true } %>

You'll want to have a separate Hash for the html_options:


<%= link_to "Exhibitions", { :action => 'tabExhibitions', :id => @app.id }, :remote => true %>