返回JQuery ajax调用的值

时间:2022-10-08 07:40:33

I want this function to return wether or not the ajax call was succesful or not. Is there any way I can do this? My code below doesn't do this.


function myFunction(data) {
var result = false;
    type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "url",
        data: data,
        error: function(data){
             result = false;
             return false;
        success: function(data){
            result = true;
            return true;
     return result;

5 个解决方案



Unfortunately, you cannot return values to functions that wrap asynchronous callbacks. Instead, your success callback from the AJAX request will handoff the data and control to another function. I've demonstrated this concept below:


Definition for myFunction:


// I added a second parameter called "callback", which takes a function
 // as a first class object
function myFunction(data, callback) {
    var result = false;
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "url",
        data: data,
        error: function(data){
            result = false;

            // invoke the callback function here
            if(callback != null)  {

            // this would return to the error handler, which does nothing
            //return false;
        success: function(data){
            result = true;

            // invoke your callback function here
            if(callback != null) {

            // this would actually return to the success handler, which does
              // nothing as it doesn't assign the value to anything
            // return true;

     // return result; // result would be false here still

callback function definition:


// this is the definition for the function that takes the data from your
 // AJAX success handler
function processData(result) {

    // do stuff with the result here


invoke your myFunction:


var data = { key: "value" }; /* some object you're passing in */

// pass in both the data as well as the processData function object
 // in JavaScript, functions can be passed into parameters as arguments!
myFunction(data, processData);



No need call back. You can achieve this using async property.


function myFunction(){
    var retVal;
        method: GET/POST,
        data: data,
        async: false,
        success:function(response) {
            retVal = response;
    return retVal;



You can specify async: false in the AJAX configuration, though the documentation notes that this will also lock the browser for the duration of the AJAX call, so it is not recommended.




add this property that's help u


async: false



No, myFunction can't return the success of the ajax call, since the ajax call is done asynchronously.


You code will be executed in this order:


  1. var result = false;
  2. var result = false;
  3. $.ajax sends the request to the server.
  4. $ .ajax将请求发送到服务器。
  5. return result (which is still set to false).
  6. 返回结果(仍设置为false)。
  7. When the response is received from the server, the success or error handler which contains result = false or result = true is called.
  8. 从服务器收到响应时,将调用包含result = false或result = true的成功或错误处理程序。

The correct way to handle this is to move any code that depends on the outcome of the ajax code into the success and error functions.




Unfortunately, you cannot return values to functions that wrap asynchronous callbacks. Instead, your success callback from the AJAX request will handoff the data and control to another function. I've demonstrated this concept below:


Definition for myFunction:


// I added a second parameter called "callback", which takes a function
 // as a first class object
function myFunction(data, callback) {
    var result = false;
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        dataType: "json",
        url: "url",
        data: data,
        error: function(data){
            result = false;

            // invoke the callback function here
            if(callback != null)  {

            // this would return to the error handler, which does nothing
            //return false;
        success: function(data){
            result = true;

            // invoke your callback function here
            if(callback != null) {

            // this would actually return to the success handler, which does
              // nothing as it doesn't assign the value to anything
            // return true;

     // return result; // result would be false here still

callback function definition:


// this is the definition for the function that takes the data from your
 // AJAX success handler
function processData(result) {

    // do stuff with the result here


invoke your myFunction:


var data = { key: "value" }; /* some object you're passing in */

// pass in both the data as well as the processData function object
 // in JavaScript, functions can be passed into parameters as arguments!
myFunction(data, processData);



No need call back. You can achieve this using async property.


function myFunction(){
    var retVal;
        method: GET/POST,
        data: data,
        async: false,
        success:function(response) {
            retVal = response;
    return retVal;



You can specify async: false in the AJAX configuration, though the documentation notes that this will also lock the browser for the duration of the AJAX call, so it is not recommended.




add this property that's help u


async: false



No, myFunction can't return the success of the ajax call, since the ajax call is done asynchronously.


You code will be executed in this order:


  1. var result = false;
  2. var result = false;
  3. $.ajax sends the request to the server.
  4. $ .ajax将请求发送到服务器。
  5. return result (which is still set to false).
  6. 返回结果(仍设置为false)。
  7. When the response is received from the server, the success or error handler which contains result = false or result = true is called.
  8. 从服务器收到响应时,将调用包含result = false或result = true的成功或错误处理程序。

The correct way to handle this is to move any code that depends on the outcome of the ajax code into the success and error functions.
