在MySQL数据库中存储一个Yes / No单选按钮

时间:2022-10-06 22:33:26

I've seen a Yes/No form radio buttons value be stored/saved in a couple different ways. I wonder which way is better and why? This is for a PHP/MySQL application with a typical Yes/No question as part of a form.


1.) Store it as 1, 0 or null. 1 being Yes, 0 being No and null being not answered.


2.) Store it as Yes, No, null. Assume a language conversion can be made.

2)。存储为Yes, No, null。假设可以进行语言转换。

3.) Use 1, 2 and null so as to better distinct the values.


Thanks, Jeff


Edit: I also must mention that most of the issues have been arising due to jQuery/JavaScript and the comparisons and $() bindings.


6 个解决方案



Since MySQL has a BOOLEAN type, but it's simply an alias of TINYINT. I recommend against it because the equal sign in PHP == would not distinguish 0 from the lack of value. You'd always need to use triple equal === and it would be easy to make mistakes.

因为MySQL有一个布尔类型,但它只是TINYINT的别名。我建议不要使用它,因为PHP == =中的等号不能区分0和缺少值。你总是需要使用triple === =,这样很容易出错。

As for your options:


  1. This seems the natural choice with PHP, but then you've to be careful to distinguish 0 from the lack of value, so I wouldn't recommend it.


  2. I would not recommend this one.


  3. Possible, but the assignment to 1 and 2 is somewhat arbitrary and might be difficult to remember and read in code.


What I usually do, is use "Y", "N" and NULL if needed, in a CHAR(1) field, it reads well in code and doesn't create problems.




Use TINYINT(1). Allow NULL if you wish for the "not answered" option. You can also use BOOLEAN as it's just an alias for the aforementioned datatype. This way of storing boolean data is recommended by MySQL.


More details: Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values




I would go with the 0/1/null for No/Yes/Blank. 0 is always used as false and 1 for true.




I don't know if it helps, but in my system I use 1 as yes, 0 as no and just NO value as null - or if I have to specify I set a default value in the structure.

我不知道这是否有用,但在我的系统中,我使用1作为yes, 0作为no,只是没有值作为null——或者如果我必须在结构中指定一个默认值。

I think this system is more flexible, you can always manipulate with this data, for example if you don't want to display 0/1 values you can set something like


if(table.field == 1)
    echo yes;
    echo no;

Also comparing this value to any other database value is easier.




as numbers are processed faster (while searching, sorting,..) by mysql, it takes less space in ur case, and also there are only 3 values (1, 0 nul l) and in binary format ,1 and 0 have just one significant bit (0000000, & 0000001), the speed, in case of any comparisons, while traversing these columns, should remain higher and queries will take less time.

数字加工速度(搜索、排序、. .)通过mysql,它需要更少的空间在你的情况下,也只有3值(1,0 nul l)和二进制格式的,1和0只有一个有效位(0000000,0000001),速度,以防任何比较,当遍历这些列,应该保持高和查询将会节省许多时间。

so i think u can go for first option.




I think that's what ENUM type is for. You can set your storage field type like this:



and allow NULL as default value. If the answer is 'no' - the field value will actually be 0 (the index of 'no') and 1 if the answer is 'yes'. And you will have a nice representation of the column - 'yes' and 'no' instead of 1 and 0. Though the values will be actially stored as 0 and 1. I think its an advantage of using TINYINT.




Since MySQL has a BOOLEAN type, but it's simply an alias of TINYINT. I recommend against it because the equal sign in PHP == would not distinguish 0 from the lack of value. You'd always need to use triple equal === and it would be easy to make mistakes.

因为MySQL有一个布尔类型,但它只是TINYINT的别名。我建议不要使用它,因为PHP == =中的等号不能区分0和缺少值。你总是需要使用triple === =,这样很容易出错。

As for your options:


  1. This seems the natural choice with PHP, but then you've to be careful to distinguish 0 from the lack of value, so I wouldn't recommend it.


  2. I would not recommend this one.


  3. Possible, but the assignment to 1 and 2 is somewhat arbitrary and might be difficult to remember and read in code.


What I usually do, is use "Y", "N" and NULL if needed, in a CHAR(1) field, it reads well in code and doesn't create problems.




Use TINYINT(1). Allow NULL if you wish for the "not answered" option. You can also use BOOLEAN as it's just an alias for the aforementioned datatype. This way of storing boolean data is recommended by MySQL.


More details: Which MySQL data type to use for storing boolean values




I would go with the 0/1/null for No/Yes/Blank. 0 is always used as false and 1 for true.




I don't know if it helps, but in my system I use 1 as yes, 0 as no and just NO value as null - or if I have to specify I set a default value in the structure.

我不知道这是否有用,但在我的系统中,我使用1作为yes, 0作为no,只是没有值作为null——或者如果我必须在结构中指定一个默认值。

I think this system is more flexible, you can always manipulate with this data, for example if you don't want to display 0/1 values you can set something like


if(table.field == 1)
    echo yes;
    echo no;

Also comparing this value to any other database value is easier.




as numbers are processed faster (while searching, sorting,..) by mysql, it takes less space in ur case, and also there are only 3 values (1, 0 nul l) and in binary format ,1 and 0 have just one significant bit (0000000, & 0000001), the speed, in case of any comparisons, while traversing these columns, should remain higher and queries will take less time.

数字加工速度(搜索、排序、. .)通过mysql,它需要更少的空间在你的情况下,也只有3值(1,0 nul l)和二进制格式的,1和0只有一个有效位(0000000,0000001),速度,以防任何比较,当遍历这些列,应该保持高和查询将会节省许多时间。

so i think u can go for first option.




I think that's what ENUM type is for. You can set your storage field type like this:



and allow NULL as default value. If the answer is 'no' - the field value will actually be 0 (the index of 'no') and 1 if the answer is 'yes'. And you will have a nice representation of the column - 'yes' and 'no' instead of 1 and 0. Though the values will be actially stored as 0 and 1. I think its an advantage of using TINYINT.
