
时间:2022-10-06 19:16:16

I have a foreign key Id of third table , eg.(having thirdsubmenu_id of thirdsubmenu table) . i want to get the menu_name name from my parent table mainmenu . Please see below my database table structure for complete details



 1)Table: mainmenu
     mainmenu_id   PK(primary key)
     menu_name     ..... 

    2)Table: submenu
     submenu_id     PK
     mainmenu_id    FK (foreign key refrences mainmenu table)
     submenu_name   ..... 

    3)Table: thirdsubmenu
      thirdsubmenu_id     PK
      submenu_id          FK (foreign key refrences submenu table)
      thirdsubmenu_name     ........

I tried the below code for getting menu_name from my mainmenu table but i am getting the error.


 //---------------------------get Main Menu Name by thirdsubmenu_id-----------------------------------
function getMainMenuNameOfSubmenu($thirdsubmenu_id)
    $query=$this->db->join('mainmenu', 'mainmenu.mainmenu_id = submenu.mainmenu_id', 'left')
           ->join('submenu', 'submenu.submenu_id = thirdsubmenu.submenu_id', 'left')

    return $query->row('menu_name');   

Error I am getting is:


    A Database Error Occurred

    Error Number: 1054

    Unknown column 'submenu.mainmenu_id' in 'on clause'

    SELECT * FROM (`thirdsubmenu`) LEFT JOIN `mainmenu` ON `mainmenu`.`mainmenu_id` = `submenu`.`mainmenu_id` LEFT JOIN `submenu` ON `submenu`.`submenu_id` = `thirdsubmenu`.`submenu_id` WHERE `thirdsubmenu_id` = '17'

    Filename: D:\xampp\htdocs\system\database\DB_driver.php

    Line Number: 330

1 个解决方案



Your approach in creating parent-child relationship is not correct. Consider having 10, 20 or 50 submenus. What would you do? Create a table for each one of them?


You could hold all the relationship in a single table and just add a column that refers to each menu's parent. Then with a recursive function you could get all the tree of the menu.


Now about your question the problem is that you are joining thirdsubmenu with mainmenu and then you refer to submenu`.`mainmenu_id which is a column from submenu That's why you see the error.


Try this code:


function getMainMenuNameOfSubmenu($thirdsubmenu_id)
    $this->db->join('submenu', 'mainmenu.mainmenu_id = submenu.mainmenu_id', 'left')
           ->join('thirdsubmenu', 'submenu.submenu_id = thirdsubmenu.submenu_id', 'left')
           ->where('thirdsubmenu.thirdsubmenu_id = "' . $thirdsubmenu_id . '"'); 
    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query->row('menu_name');   



Your approach in creating parent-child relationship is not correct. Consider having 10, 20 or 50 submenus. What would you do? Create a table for each one of them?


You could hold all the relationship in a single table and just add a column that refers to each menu's parent. Then with a recursive function you could get all the tree of the menu.


Now about your question the problem is that you are joining thirdsubmenu with mainmenu and then you refer to submenu`.`mainmenu_id which is a column from submenu That's why you see the error.


Try this code:


function getMainMenuNameOfSubmenu($thirdsubmenu_id)
    $this->db->join('submenu', 'mainmenu.mainmenu_id = submenu.mainmenu_id', 'left')
           ->join('thirdsubmenu', 'submenu.submenu_id = thirdsubmenu.submenu_id', 'left')
           ->where('thirdsubmenu.thirdsubmenu_id = "' . $thirdsubmenu_id . '"'); 
    $query = $this->db->get();
    return $query->row('menu_name');   