如何设置Python脚本在Apache 2.0中工作?

时间:2022-10-06 10:08:55

I tried to follow a couple of googled up tutorials on setting up mod_python, but failed every time. Do you have a good, step-by step, rock-solid howto?


My dev box is OS X, production - Centos.

我的开发盒是OS X,制作 - Centos。

4 个解决方案



There are two main ways of running Python on Apache. The simplest would be to use CGI and write normal Python scripts while the second is using a web framework like Django or Pylons.


Using CGI is straightforward. Make sure your Apache config file has a cgi-bin set up. If not, follow their documentation (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html). At that point all you need to do is place your Python scripts in the cgi-bin directory and the standard output will become the HTTP response. Refer to Python's documentation for further info (https://docs.python.org/library/cgi.html).


If you want to use a web framework you'll need to setup mod_python or FastCGI. These steps are dependent on which framework you want to use. Django provides clear instructions on how to setup mod_python and Django with Apache (http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/)

如果您想使用Web框架,则需要设置mod_python或FastCGI。这些步骤取决于您要使用的框架。 Django提供了有关如何使用Apache设置mod_python和Django的明确说明(http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/)



Yes, mod_python is pretty confusing to set up. Here's how I did it.


In httpd.conf:

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

<Directory "/serverbase/htdocs/myapp">
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler myapp
  PythonDebug On

and in your application directory:


$ /serverbase/htdocs/myapp$ ls -l
total 16
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys        6484 May 21 15:54 myapp.py

Repeat the configuration for each python program you wish to have running under mod_python.




Are you running Python on UNIX or Windows?


An alternative to mod_python and FastCGI is mod_wsgi. You can find out more at modwsgi


I have built and installed this on Solaris without problems. I had previously tried mod_python but ran into problems with shared libraries as part of the build. There are good install docs available.




The problem for me wasn't in Apache set up, but in understanding how mod_apache actually uses the .py files. Module-level statements (including those in a if __name__=='__main__' section) are not executed--I assumed that the stdout from running the script at the commandline would be what the server would output, but that's not how it works.

对我来说问题不是在Apache设置中,而是在理解mod_apache如何实际使用.py文件。模块级语句(包括if __name __ =='__ main__'部分中的语句)不会被执行 - 我假设在命令行运行脚本的stdout将是服务器输出的内容,但这不是它的工作原理。

Instead, I wrote a module-level function called index(), and had it return as a string the HTML of the page. It's also possible to have other module-level functions (e.g., otherFunction()) that can be accessed as further segments in the URI (e.g., testScript/otherFunction for the file testScript.py.)

相反,我编写了一个名为index()的模块级函数,并将其作为字符串返回页面的HTML。也可以使用其他模块级函数(例如,otherFunction()),这些函数可以作为URI中的其他段进行访问(例如,文件testScript.py的testScript / otherFunction)。

Obviously, this makes more sense than my original stdout conception. Better capability of actually using Python as a scripting language and not a humongous markup language.




There are two main ways of running Python on Apache. The simplest would be to use CGI and write normal Python scripts while the second is using a web framework like Django or Pylons.


Using CGI is straightforward. Make sure your Apache config file has a cgi-bin set up. If not, follow their documentation (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/cgi.html). At that point all you need to do is place your Python scripts in the cgi-bin directory and the standard output will become the HTTP response. Refer to Python's documentation for further info (https://docs.python.org/library/cgi.html).


If you want to use a web framework you'll need to setup mod_python or FastCGI. These steps are dependent on which framework you want to use. Django provides clear instructions on how to setup mod_python and Django with Apache (http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/)

如果您想使用Web框架,则需要设置mod_python或FastCGI。这些步骤取决于您要使用的框架。 Django提供了有关如何使用Apache设置mod_python和Django的明确说明(http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/modpython/)



Yes, mod_python is pretty confusing to set up. Here's how I did it.


In httpd.conf:

LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so

<Directory "/serverbase/htdocs/myapp">
  AddHandler mod_python .py
  PythonHandler myapp
  PythonDebug On

and in your application directory:


$ /serverbase/htdocs/myapp$ ls -l
total 16
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root sys        6484 May 21 15:54 myapp.py

Repeat the configuration for each python program you wish to have running under mod_python.




Are you running Python on UNIX or Windows?


An alternative to mod_python and FastCGI is mod_wsgi. You can find out more at modwsgi


I have built and installed this on Solaris without problems. I had previously tried mod_python but ran into problems with shared libraries as part of the build. There are good install docs available.




The problem for me wasn't in Apache set up, but in understanding how mod_apache actually uses the .py files. Module-level statements (including those in a if __name__=='__main__' section) are not executed--I assumed that the stdout from running the script at the commandline would be what the server would output, but that's not how it works.

对我来说问题不是在Apache设置中,而是在理解mod_apache如何实际使用.py文件。模块级语句(包括if __name __ =='__ main__'部分中的语句)不会被执行 - 我假设在命令行运行脚本的stdout将是服务器输出的内容,但这不是它的工作原理。

Instead, I wrote a module-level function called index(), and had it return as a string the HTML of the page. It's also possible to have other module-level functions (e.g., otherFunction()) that can be accessed as further segments in the URI (e.g., testScript/otherFunction for the file testScript.py.)

相反,我编写了一个名为index()的模块级函数,并将其作为字符串返回页面的HTML。也可以使用其他模块级函数(例如,otherFunction()),这些函数可以作为URI中的其他段进行访问(例如,文件testScript.py的testScript / otherFunction)。

Obviously, this makes more sense than my original stdout conception. Better capability of actually using Python as a scripting language and not a humongous markup language.
