我如何在OS X Finder中有条件的颜色文件和文件夹?

时间:2022-10-05 21:17:56

I want to color badge files and folders based on the some condition in finder, what is the approach to achieve this in Mac OS X 10.6

我想根据finder中的某些条件给badge文件和文件夹上色,如何在Mac OS X 10.6中实现这一点

I have checked this question: This only talk about the context menu in finder Finder Plugin in Snow Leopard


I have even checked: http://scplugin.tigris.org/ even they don't do color badging in 10.6 which is pending task.


Thanks in advance for your all help


5 个解决方案



Unfortunately there is no public API for that. You need to inject the code inside Finder and patch it.


Before 10.6, it was quite easy to inject codes into Cocoa app by just using InputManagers. This is no longer true but you can do that using OSAX, see this blog post. SIMBL does that automatically.


But you have to figure out what's going on inside Finder to see how to patch things. To explore the inside of Finder, F-Script anywhere will help you.

但是你必须弄清楚在Finder里面发生了什么才能知道如何修补程序。要探索Finder的内部,F-Script anywhere将帮助您。

Have fun and good luck!




You can use the URL Resource API, which was introduced in Mac OS X 10.6.

您可以使用Mac OS X 10.6中引入的URL资源API。

NSURL* fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/Path/to/file"];

id labelValue = nil;
NSError* error;
if([fileURL getResourceValue:&labelValue forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error])
    NSLog(@"The label value is %@",labelValue);
    NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@",[error localizedDescription]);

You can use both the NSURLLabelNumberKey to get the number of the Finder's assigned label or the NSURLLabelColorKey to get the actual color.


You can set the label values by using the corresponding method:


- (BOOL)setResourceValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key error:(NSError **)error



For anybody still needing an answer to this here you go.


NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path_to_file];
NSError *error;
id labelColor = nil;

[fileURL setResourceValue:@2 forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error]; //Set tag/label to green
[fileURL setResourceValue:@6 forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error]; //Set tag/label to red

Garrett Hyde has the correct order.


//  0 none, 1 grey, 2 green, 3 purple, 4 blue, 5 yellow, 6 red, 7 orange

The above code has been tested using Xcode 4.6.3 and OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks.

上面的代码已经使用Xcode 4.6.3和OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks进行了测试。



You need applescript. So you can use the scripting bridge or NSApplescript to script the Finder in cocoa. Here's a simple applescript to show how to do it.


set a to (choose file)
tell application "Finder"
    -- label colors
    -- 0 none, 1 orange, 2 red, 3 yellow, 4 blue, 5 purple, 6 green, 7 grey
    set label index of a to 6
end tell



I think the NSURLLabelNumberKey values are:


//  0 none, 1 grey, 2 green, 3 purple, 4 blue, 5 yellow, 6 red, 7 orange



Unfortunately there is no public API for that. You need to inject the code inside Finder and patch it.


Before 10.6, it was quite easy to inject codes into Cocoa app by just using InputManagers. This is no longer true but you can do that using OSAX, see this blog post. SIMBL does that automatically.


But you have to figure out what's going on inside Finder to see how to patch things. To explore the inside of Finder, F-Script anywhere will help you.

但是你必须弄清楚在Finder里面发生了什么才能知道如何修补程序。要探索Finder的内部,F-Script anywhere将帮助您。

Have fun and good luck!




You can use the URL Resource API, which was introduced in Mac OS X 10.6.

您可以使用Mac OS X 10.6中引入的URL资源API。

NSURL* fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/Path/to/file"];

id labelValue = nil;
NSError* error;
if([fileURL getResourceValue:&labelValue forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error])
    NSLog(@"The label value is %@",labelValue);
    NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@",[error localizedDescription]);

You can use both the NSURLLabelNumberKey to get the number of the Finder's assigned label or the NSURLLabelColorKey to get the actual color.


You can set the label values by using the corresponding method:


- (BOOL)setResourceValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key error:(NSError **)error



For anybody still needing an answer to this here you go.


NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path_to_file];
NSError *error;
id labelColor = nil;

[fileURL setResourceValue:@2 forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error]; //Set tag/label to green
[fileURL setResourceValue:@6 forKey:NSURLLabelNumberKey error:&error]; //Set tag/label to red

Garrett Hyde has the correct order.


//  0 none, 1 grey, 2 green, 3 purple, 4 blue, 5 yellow, 6 red, 7 orange

The above code has been tested using Xcode 4.6.3 and OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks.

上面的代码已经使用Xcode 4.6.3和OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks进行了测试。



You need applescript. So you can use the scripting bridge or NSApplescript to script the Finder in cocoa. Here's a simple applescript to show how to do it.


set a to (choose file)
tell application "Finder"
    -- label colors
    -- 0 none, 1 orange, 2 red, 3 yellow, 4 blue, 5 purple, 6 green, 7 grey
    set label index of a to 6
end tell



I think the NSURLLabelNumberKey values are:


//  0 none, 1 grey, 2 green, 3 purple, 4 blue, 5 yellow, 6 red, 7 orange