
时间:2022-10-05 18:44:50

I am working to build a small email client inside a web application. After doing some research I attempted to use the imap function. I got an error saying I was calling an undefined function, so again I researched and uncommented extension=php_imap.dll.

我正在努力在Web应用程序中构建一个小型电子邮件客户端。在做了一些研究后,我试图使用imap函数。我得到一个错误,说我正在调用一个未定义的函数,所以我再次研究并取消注释extension = php_imap.dll。

I then found I had to update php with the imap function and I did so. Now, the imap functions works in php interactive inside Terminal, but I can't get it to work in the browser. I'm assuming I have to somehow load it in the Apache Config files but I can't seem to find how to do so.

然后我发现我必须使用imap函数更新php,我这样做了。现在,imap函数在终端内部的php交互中工作,但我不能让它在浏览器中工作。我假设我必须以某种方式加载它在Apache Config文件中,但我似乎无法找到如何这样做。

Any Ideas?

1 个解决方案



You'll need to restart Apache to reload the PHP module with the new configuration. The command line PHP starts a new PHP instance each time with the latest configuration, whereas the PHP extension running in Apache is separate, and only loads new configuration setting when Apache itself is restarted.


Assuming you're running on Windows based on the .dll extension, so apachectl restart or apache2ctl restart may work, or the installer you used may have a tray app or other GUI tool that can do it for you.


If running on Linux sudo service apache2 restart or sudo service httpd restart depending on distribution.

如果在Linux上运行sudo service apache2 restart或sudo service httpd restart取决于分发。



You'll need to restart Apache to reload the PHP module with the new configuration. The command line PHP starts a new PHP instance each time with the latest configuration, whereas the PHP extension running in Apache is separate, and only loads new configuration setting when Apache itself is restarted.


Assuming you're running on Windows based on the .dll extension, so apachectl restart or apache2ctl restart may work, or the installer you used may have a tray app or other GUI tool that can do it for you.


If running on Linux sudo service apache2 restart or sudo service httpd restart depending on distribution.

如果在Linux上运行sudo service apache2 restart或sudo service httpd restart取决于分发。