SQL Server全文搜索 - 多对多关系

时间:2022-10-05 13:33:42

I'm working on a project with SQL Server 2008 where I believe full-text search is the best way to go. I've been reading up on it as much as I can, and pretty much understand hos to set it up for a single table. However I'm not entirely sure how to set it up with my scenario - imagine the following table structure:

我正在开发一个SQL Server 2008项目,我相信全文搜索是最好的方法。我一直在阅读它,并且非常了解如何设置单个表格。但是我不完全确定如何使用我的场景进行设置 - 想象下面的表格结构:


- Id
- Title
- Description



- BookId
- AuthorId



- Id
- Name

As you can see, the database holds a table with books, and each book can have none, one or many authors. Each author can also be part of none, one or many books - i.e. the Book and Author tables have a many-to-many relationship, handled with the linking table BookAuthor.

如您所见,数据库包含一个包含书籍的表格,每本书可以没有,一个或多个作者。每个作者也可以是无,一本或多本书的一部分 - 即书和作者表具有多对多关系,用链接表BookAuthor处理。

What I want to accomplish at this point is a search tool to find matching books based on a search string the user provides. So if the user types in Brown I would want to find all books where either of the following columns contains the word Brown:



In essence, I want a result set of books, including both the book with the title Brown Bear and the books written by author Dan Brown. If there are any suggestions out there as to how I should set this up, I'd really appreciate your input!

本质上,我想要一套结果书,包括标题为Brown Bear的书和作者Dan Brown写的书。如果有任何建议我应该如何设置,我真的很感激你的意见!

(as a side note, once I have this filtering working, the query result would also need to be sortable and pageable, handled via @SortOrder, @PageIndex and @PageSize passed into a Stored Procedure - but I guess that could be a separate question afterwards!)

(作为旁注,一旦我进行了这个过滤,查询结果也需要是可排序和可分页的,通过@SortOrder处理,@ PageIndex和@PageSize传递到存储过程 - 但我想这可能是一个单独的问题之后!)

1 个解决方案



A CONTAINS predicate can take a list of columns to search as its first argument; however, these columns must be from a single table. You have a couple of options for getting around this limitation. One option is that you can perform two separate searches, one on each table, and then UNION the results together.


select Id, Title from Book where contains([Description], 'brown')
select b.Id, b.Title
    from Book b inner join BookAuthor ba on b.Id = ba.BookId
        inner join Author a on a.Id=ba.AuthorId
    where contains([Name], 'brown')

Another option is to take advantage of the fact that FTS indexes can be created on indexed views. To do this, create an indexed view that contains both the Title field from the Book table and the Name field from the Author table, and then create a FTS index on both of these columns in the view. Then you can write queries against this view as follows:


select BookId, Title from vw_BooksAndAuthors 
where contains(([Description], [Name]), 'brown')



A CONTAINS predicate can take a list of columns to search as its first argument; however, these columns must be from a single table. You have a couple of options for getting around this limitation. One option is that you can perform two separate searches, one on each table, and then UNION the results together.


select Id, Title from Book where contains([Description], 'brown')
select b.Id, b.Title
    from Book b inner join BookAuthor ba on b.Id = ba.BookId
        inner join Author a on a.Id=ba.AuthorId
    where contains([Name], 'brown')

Another option is to take advantage of the fact that FTS indexes can be created on indexed views. To do this, create an indexed view that contains both the Title field from the Book table and the Name field from the Author table, and then create a FTS index on both of these columns in the view. Then you can write queries against this view as follows:


select BookId, Title from vw_BooksAndAuthors 
where contains(([Description], [Name]), 'brown')