
时间:2022-06-21 20:16:31

I'm following this tutorial which is working splendidly for has_many :through relationships. I've got normal things like category_product working.


However, I am not able to conceptualize this situation (nor get it to work): I have a Category that has related Categories. Since every category can have N categories... first off, is this actually a many-to-many situation (I'm pretty positive that it is)? Secondly, what would this look like? My migration looks like this:


create_table :categories do |t|
  t.string :name

create_table :related_categories, :id => false do |t|
  t.integer :category_a_id
  t.integer :category_b_id

and my model's guts are


has_many :related_categories, :foreign_key=>"category_a_id"
has_many :categories, :through => :related_categories, :source=>:category_a

This is obviously not right, though it's getting there (i.e., it's 100% broken). How can I do this?


Edit: I forgot this, but only here on SO (meaning it's not the answer):


class RelatedCategory < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :category_a, :class_name=>"Category"
  belongs_to :category_b, :class_name=>"Category"

2 个解决方案


You should try :source => :category_b in your has_many declaration.

你应该在你的has_many声明中尝试:source =>:category_b。

You already used category_a_id as your foreign key to the related categories table. This basically tells ActiveRecord to match the category_a_id field on the related_categories table to the current Category object id when fetching all related_categories records related to it. The source parameter to this has_many :through declaration specifies which field should be considered for finding (or writing, for that matter) the related objects when filling the categories collection.



Here's the answer, but it's not pretty.


  has_many :related_categories, :foreign_key=>"category_a_id"
  has_many :related_categories2, :class_name=>"RelatedCategory", :foreign_key=>"category_b_id"
  has_many :categories, :through => :related_categories, :source=>:category_b
  has_many :categories_backwards, :through => :related_categories2, :source=>:category_a
  has_many :category_products

then you would have to do some goofy getter that combines the categories + categories_backwards, or something.

然后你必须做一些结合了类别+ categories_backwards或其他东西的傻瓜。

Edit [2 minutes later]: Wow, with the getter it almost seems perfect! Of course, the problem is that you have to push to categories and not whatever you get from the getter.



You should try :source => :category_b in your has_many declaration.

你应该在你的has_many声明中尝试:source =>:category_b。

You already used category_a_id as your foreign key to the related categories table. This basically tells ActiveRecord to match the category_a_id field on the related_categories table to the current Category object id when fetching all related_categories records related to it. The source parameter to this has_many :through declaration specifies which field should be considered for finding (or writing, for that matter) the related objects when filling the categories collection.



Here's the answer, but it's not pretty.


  has_many :related_categories, :foreign_key=>"category_a_id"
  has_many :related_categories2, :class_name=>"RelatedCategory", :foreign_key=>"category_b_id"
  has_many :categories, :through => :related_categories, :source=>:category_b
  has_many :categories_backwards, :through => :related_categories2, :source=>:category_a
  has_many :category_products

then you would have to do some goofy getter that combines the categories + categories_backwards, or something.

然后你必须做一些结合了类别+ categories_backwards或其他东西的傻瓜。

Edit [2 minutes later]: Wow, with the getter it almost seems perfect! Of course, the problem is that you have to push to categories and not whatever you get from the getter.
