
时间:2022-06-01 18:26:39

I spent a few hours yesterday trying to figure this out and it is still frustrating me after taking a break, so I figured that I would ask. Also, sorry if this post is long and my use of terminology is amateurish. I am still really new to programming.


I am trying to make a rails app using the 'themoviedb' gem that will allow users to search themoviedatabase's api. Here is an example project provided by the creator of the gem, which uses an older version of rails: https://github.com/ahmetabdi/themoviedb-example. I am trying to recreate this sample app before I start making my own changes, but I am running into trouble with the MoviesController.


Here is the example MoviesController:


 class MoviesController < ApplicationController
      def show
        @movie = Tmdb::Movie.detail(params[:id])
        @images = Tmdb::Movie.images(params[:id])
        @cast = Tmdb::Movie.casts(params[:id])
        @trailers = Tmdb::Movie.trailers(params[:id])
        @similar_movies = Tmdb::Movie.similar_movies(params[:id])

And here is part of the example Movies#Show View:


 <%= image_tag("#{@configuration.base_url}w154#{@movie.poster_path}") if @movie.poster_path %>
  Budget: $<%= number_with_delimiter(@movie.budget, :delimiter => ',') %><br />
  Revenue: $<%= number_with_delimiter(@movie.revenue, :delimiter => ',') %><br />
  Status: <%= @movie.status %><br />
  Runtime: <%= @movie.runtime %><br />

If I try to run my application with this example code, then I am given this error:


NoMethodError in Movies#show
undefined method `poster_path' for #<Hash:0x007fb615913de0>
app/views/movies/show.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_movies_show_html_erb___4006517199107153671_70210007215400'

My solution was to add a helper method to the MoviesController and refactor the code of the Movies#Show View to fix the hash element error:


class MoviesController < ApplicationController
  helper_method :movie

  def show
    @movie = Tmdb::Movie.detail(params[:id])
    @images = Tmdb::Movie.images(params[:id])
    @cast = Tmdb::Movie.casts(params[:id])
    @trailers = Tmdb::Movie.trailers(params[:id])
    @similar_movies = Tmdb::Movie.similar_movies(params[:id])

    def movie
        @movie = Tmdb::Movie.detail(params[:id])
        images = Tmdb::Movie.images(params[:id])

  <%= image_tag("#{@configuration.base_url}w154#{movie[:poster_path]}") if movie[:poster_path] %>
  <h3>Test data</h3>
  Runtime: <%= movie[:runtime] %><br />

By making these changes, I can get the page to load with the correct ID, but none of the rails commands seem to run, so I just end up with a page that shows the html, but none of the pulled information is displayed.


Here is what shows in the terminal when I try to pull up a movie:


Started GET "/movies/329" for at 2015-04-19 14:32:07 -0700
Processing by MoviesController#show as HTML
  Parameters: {"id"=>"329"}
  Rendered movies/show.html.erb within layouts/application (900.5ms)
  Rendered layouts/_header.html.erb (0.8ms)
  Rendered layouts/_footer.html.erb (0.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 2083ms (Views: 1011.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

I think that I am just having some sort of syntax issue, but I honestly don't know. I think I also might be overthinking things. My SearchController and views are working properly, I just can't get the results with this controller/view though.


I really appreciate any help or advice to help me figure this out.


1 个解决方案



In the first case, when you had in the view the following line:



you got the NoMethodError because @movie is a Hash returned by Tmdb::Movie.detail(params[:id]), and a Hash object doesn't have a poster_path method. The right way to access this is just @movie[:poster_path], as you have almost written in your second attempt.


However, your second try doesn't work because movie is not the same as @movie. When you use the helper method you created in the view, movie, you aren't accessing the @movie Hash. As it's defined, it returns the result of the last line executed, that in your case is


images = Tmdb::Movie.images(params[:id])

So that's the value for movie, and since it doesn't have a :poster_path key, nothing is shown.


I believe you can make this works by removing your helper method and using @movie["poster_path"] in your view. I haven't used the themoviedb gem before, though, but I think that would be the way to go.

我相信您可以通过删除您的助手方法和使用@movie[“poster_path”]来实现这一功能。虽然我之前没有使用过themoviedb gem,但是我认为这是一种方法。



It looks like the hash returned by Tmdb::Movie.detail(id) has strings as keys rather than symbols, and it's not a HashWithIndifferentAccess. Elements should be accessed using @movie["poster_path"] rather than @movie[:poster_path].




In the first case, when you had in the view the following line:



you got the NoMethodError because @movie is a Hash returned by Tmdb::Movie.detail(params[:id]), and a Hash object doesn't have a poster_path method. The right way to access this is just @movie[:poster_path], as you have almost written in your second attempt.


However, your second try doesn't work because movie is not the same as @movie. When you use the helper method you created in the view, movie, you aren't accessing the @movie Hash. As it's defined, it returns the result of the last line executed, that in your case is


images = Tmdb::Movie.images(params[:id])

So that's the value for movie, and since it doesn't have a :poster_path key, nothing is shown.


I believe you can make this works by removing your helper method and using @movie["poster_path"] in your view. I haven't used the themoviedb gem before, though, but I think that would be the way to go.

我相信您可以通过删除您的助手方法和使用@movie[“poster_path”]来实现这一功能。虽然我之前没有使用过themoviedb gem,但是我认为这是一种方法。



It looks like the hash returned by Tmdb::Movie.detail(id) has strings as keys rather than symbols, and it's not a HashWithIndifferentAccess. Elements should be accessed using @movie["poster_path"] rather than @movie[:poster_path].
