php file_put_contents()用空格替换'+'

时间:2022-09-29 13:23:23

I'm trying to overwrite a file using php function file_put_contents() along with ajax, how ever while writing to the file the plus sign (+) is replace with a space. Here is the code snippet


        <div>inline editor will change this text</div>
        <button type="button" onclick="loadDoc()">save changes</button>
        function loadDoc() {
            var html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
            var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  "POST", "overwrite.php", true);
            xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            <!--the + here is replace with a space-->

Basically what i'm trying to do here is to allow the user to use inline editors to change the text and then get the updated DOM and write it back to the file, overwriting the previous content.


Here is overwrite.php


    $var = $_POST['html'];
    file_put_contents("index.php", $var );

There are two things going wrong with this actually


1). the + symbol is being replace with a space (solved thanks to simultaneous answers by @deceze @Justinas)

1). +符号被替换为空格(由于@欺诈者@Justinas同时给出答案)

2). there are style tags being added inside the head tag (still unsolved and mighty annoying)


it would be great to find out what is actually happening here, and maybe i could alter the code to fix it.


I'm well aware of the security risks of allowing users to modify content and then writing it directly to a file, i'm just experimenting here.




2 个解决方案



  1. You are sending plain text via GET. In URL + means space so when PHP reads URL string it automatically url-decodes it and your + is replaced with space. Use xhttp.send('html='+encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML)).

    您正在通过GET发送纯文本。在URL +中表示空间,所以当PHP读取URL字符串时,它会自动地URL解码它,而您的+将被空格替换。使用xhttp.send(' html = ' + encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML))。

  2. Are you using any framework or any other automated system to auto-append styles?




+ in the x-www-form-urlencoded format means space! You need to correctly url-encode your content before sending it to the server:

+在x-www-form- urlencodes格式意味着空间!在将内容发送到服务器之前,您需要正确地对其进行url编码:

xhttp.send("html=" + encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML));  



  1. You are sending plain text via GET. In URL + means space so when PHP reads URL string it automatically url-decodes it and your + is replaced with space. Use xhttp.send('html='+encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML)).

    您正在通过GET发送纯文本。在URL +中表示空间,所以当PHP读取URL字符串时,它会自动地URL解码它,而您的+将被空格替换。使用xhttp.send(' html = ' + encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML))。

  2. Are you using any framework or any other automated system to auto-append styles?




+ in the x-www-form-urlencoded format means space! You need to correctly url-encode your content before sending it to the server:

+在x-www-form- urlencodes格式意味着空间!在将内容发送到服务器之前,您需要正确地对其进行url编码:

xhttp.send("html=" + encodeURIComponent(html.outerHTML));