Safari - iPhone模拟器调试(通过“开发”)不再显示

时间:2022-09-25 19:06:16

I am using iPhone simulator to run a UIWebview, and Safari browser (on my mac) in order to debug the js / html / css code (via "develop" menu -> iPhone Simulator -> choosing my webview).

我正在使用iPhone模拟器运行UIWebview和Safari浏览器(在我的Mac上)以调试js / html / css代码(通过“开发”菜单 - > iPhone模拟器 - >选择我的webview)。

Yestarday, the iPhone-simulator option disappeared from my "develop" menu: (as you can see, the "iphone-simulator" is missing here (it is opened in the background and working...)


Safari  -  iPhone模拟器调试(通过“开发”)不再显示

Any idea?

Edit: I am using iOS 7 iPhone simulator + Safari 7

编辑:我使用的是iOS 7 iPhone模拟器+ Safari 7

Edit 2: Just tried opening a website on iphone-simulator's Safari browser (in addition to the UIWebview). No luck here as well...


5 个解决方案



OK, what eventually worked for me was reseting the simulator (reset content and settings) and restarting my mac...

好吧,最终对我有用的是重置模拟器(重置内容和设置)并重新启动我的mac ...



I had exactly the same problem and I could not figure out how to solve it. Then I remembered that I actually have Safari Technology Preview installed on my Mac. And bang. The simulator device is visible in the Develop menu of the Technology Preview version.

我有完全相同的问题,我无法弄清楚如何解决它。然后我记得我实际上在Mac上安装了Safari Technology Preview。并且爆炸。模拟器设备在Technology Preview版本的“开发”菜单中可见。



Sometimes it is necessary to restart Safari to make it notice new simulator, unfortunately.


i0S 11, Safari 11

i0S 11,Safari 11



I also faced the same issue. Solution was, closed Safari browser and Simulator and launched again. It fixed my problem. Restarting of my Mac was not required. Hope it will save someone's time.


Environment was as below:


  1. MacBook Pro OSX version : 10.13.2
  2. MacBook Pro OSX版本:10.13.2

  3. Safari browser version : 11.0.2 (13604.
  4. Safari浏览器版本:11.0.2(13604.

  5. Simulator : iPhone 8 iOS version 11.2
  6. 模拟器:iPhone 8 iOS版本11.2



Sometimes running your app on different iOS version helps.




OK, what eventually worked for me was reseting the simulator (reset content and settings) and restarting my mac...

好吧,最终对我有用的是重置模拟器(重置内容和设置)并重新启动我的mac ...



I had exactly the same problem and I could not figure out how to solve it. Then I remembered that I actually have Safari Technology Preview installed on my Mac. And bang. The simulator device is visible in the Develop menu of the Technology Preview version.

我有完全相同的问题,我无法弄清楚如何解决它。然后我记得我实际上在Mac上安装了Safari Technology Preview。并且爆炸。模拟器设备在Technology Preview版本的“开发”菜单中可见。



Sometimes it is necessary to restart Safari to make it notice new simulator, unfortunately.


i0S 11, Safari 11

i0S 11,Safari 11



I also faced the same issue. Solution was, closed Safari browser and Simulator and launched again. It fixed my problem. Restarting of my Mac was not required. Hope it will save someone's time.


Environment was as below:


  1. MacBook Pro OSX version : 10.13.2
  2. MacBook Pro OSX版本:10.13.2

  3. Safari browser version : 11.0.2 (13604.
  4. Safari浏览器版本:11.0.2(13604.

  5. Simulator : iPhone 8 iOS version 11.2
  6. 模拟器:iPhone 8 iOS版本11.2



Sometimes running your app on different iOS version helps.
