Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

时间:2022-09-25 17:09:34

There are interesting new features now made available in Windows Server 2016 such as time based group membership, privileged access management, and others. Most will be covered in future posts. This post will detail how to install active directory on Windows Server 2016.

Before the AD install however it is important to understand what is the minimum requirement to install windows server 2016. Details are as follows:


• 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor

• Compatible with x64 instruction set

• Supports NX and DEP

• Supports CMPXCHG16b, LAHF/SAHF, and PrefetchW

• Supports Second Level Address Translation (EPT or NPT)

Coreinfo is a tool you can use to confirm which of these capabilities you CPU has.


• 512 MB (2 GB for Server with Desktop Experience installation option)

• ECC (Error Correcting Code) type or similar technology

Storage controller and disk space requirements

Computers that run Windows Server 2016 must include a storage adapter that is compliant with the PCI Express architecture specification. Persistent storage devices on servers classified as hard disk drives must not be PATA. Windows Server 2016 does not allow ATA/PATA/IDE/EIDE for boot, page, or data drives.

The following are the estimated minimum disk space requirements for the system partition.

Minimum: 32 GB

Network adapter requirements


• An Ethernet adapter capable of at least gigabit throughput

• Compliant with the PCI Express architecture specification.

• Supports Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE).

A network adapter that supports network debugging (KDNet) is useful, but not a requirement.

So in my demo I am using a virtual server with windows server 2016 datacenter. In order to setup active directory we need to log in as local administrator. First thing to check is IP address configuration.

1) Once Active directory setup on the server, it also going to act as DNS server. There for change the DNS settings in network interface and set the server IP address (or local host IP as the primary DNS server.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

2) Then open the server manager. Go to PowerShell (as administrator) and type ServerManager.exe and press enter.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

3) Then on server manager click on add roles and features

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

4) Then it opens the add roles and features wizard. Click on next to proceed.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

5) Then in next window keep the default and click next

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

6) Since its going to be local server, in next window keep the default selection.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

7) In next window from the roles put tick box for active directory domain services. Then it will prompt to show you what are the associated features for the role. Click on add features to add those. Then click next to continue.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

8) The features page, keep it default and click on next to proceed.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

9) In next windows it gives brief description about AD DS service. Click next to proceed.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

10) Then it will give the confirmation about install, click on install to start the role installation process.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

11) Once done, it will start the installation process

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

12) Once installation completes, click on option promote this server to a domain controller.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

13) Then it will open the active directory configuration wizard. In my demo I am going to setup new forest. But if you adding this to existing domain you can choose relevant option. (I am going to write separate article to cover how you can upgrade from older version of Active Directory). Select the option to add new forest and type FQDN for the domain. Then click next.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

14) In next page you can select the domain and forest functional levels. I am going to set it up with latest. Then type a password for DSRM. Then click next

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

15) For the DNS options, this going to be the first DNS server in new forest. So no need any modifications. Click next to proceed.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

16) For the NETBIOS name keep the default and click next

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

17) Next page is to define the NTDS, SYSVOL and LOG file folders. You can keep default or define different path for these. In demo I will be keeping default. Once changes are done, click next to continue

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

18) Next page will give option to review the configuration changes. If everything okay you can click next to proceed or otherwise can go back and change the settings.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

19) In next windows it will do prerequisite check. If it’s all good it will enable option to install. Click on install to begin installation process.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

20) Then it will start the installation process.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

21) After the installation system will restart automatically. Once it comes back log in to the server as domain admin.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

22) Once log in open the powershell (as administrator) and type dsac.exe and press enter. It will open up the active directory administrative center. There you can start managing the resources.

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016

23) Also you can use Get-ADDomain | fl Name,DomainMode and Get-ADForest | fl Name,ForestMode from powershell to confirm domain and forest functional levels

Step-By-Step: Setting up Active Directory in Windows Server 2016


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