
时间:2022-09-25 12:54:17

I have an array of objects:


struct Person {
    let name: String
    let dateOfBirth: Date
    let money: Double

It contains people and how much money they have received or spent. The array contains 54 such objects. I need to find all objects with the same name and date fields and sum their money. That is, in the end, I have to get less than 54 records in my array.


Example: In the array, there are 3 records with the object John. For example, first, he received $15.0, then spent $7.0, and then received $4.0. For my task, I need to have 1 record in the array instead of 3 (with money filed as $12.0)


Does anyone have any idea?


2 个解决方案



You can loop through the array and add them to a dictionary, where the name concatenated with the date of birth will be the key and the sum of the money will be the value.


Assuming your array containing Person objects is called people:


var moneyDictionary = [String:Double]()
for person in people {
    let personKey = "\(person.name)\(person.dateOfBirth)"
    if let personRecord = moneyDictionary[personKey] {
        moneyDictionary[personKey] = personRecord + person.money
    } else {
        moneyDictionary[personKey] = person.money



Maybe something like this would work:


struct Person {
    let name: String
    let dateOfBirth: Date
    let money: Double

let currentDate = Date()
let person = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: 15)
let person1 = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: -7)
let person2 = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: 4)

// array of person objects
let personArray = [person, person1, person2]

// selected person
let selectedPerson = person

// filter with selected person only
var matchingPersons = personArray.filter {
    $0.name == selectedPerson.name && $0.dateOfBirth == selectedPerson.dateOfBirth

// extract values
var values = matchingPersons.map { $0.money }

// total
var total = values.reduce(0, +)



You can loop through the array and add them to a dictionary, where the name concatenated with the date of birth will be the key and the sum of the money will be the value.


Assuming your array containing Person objects is called people:


var moneyDictionary = [String:Double]()
for person in people {
    let personKey = "\(person.name)\(person.dateOfBirth)"
    if let personRecord = moneyDictionary[personKey] {
        moneyDictionary[personKey] = personRecord + person.money
    } else {
        moneyDictionary[personKey] = person.money



Maybe something like this would work:


struct Person {
    let name: String
    let dateOfBirth: Date
    let money: Double

let currentDate = Date()
let person = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: 15)
let person1 = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: -7)
let person2 = Person(name: "James", dateOfBirth: currentDate, money: 4)

// array of person objects
let personArray = [person, person1, person2]

// selected person
let selectedPerson = person

// filter with selected person only
var matchingPersons = personArray.filter {
    $0.name == selectedPerson.name && $0.dateOfBirth == selectedPerson.dateOfBirth

// extract values
var values = matchingPersons.map { $0.money }

// total
var total = values.reduce(0, +)