
时间:2022-09-25 10:58:37

For a small side project I'm working on I've been trying to implement something of a DAO pattern for my interactions with the DB, and have started using Guice (for my first time) to handle the DI for me. Right now I have this class hierarchy:



DAOImpl takes a reference to a class type so my database client (mongo/morphia) can do some initialization work and instantiate a BasicDAO provided by morphia. Here's snippets of the relevant classes:

DAOImpl引用类类型,因此我的数据库客户端(mongo / morphia)可以执行一些初始化工作并实例化morphia提供的BasicDAO。以下是相关课程的片段:

public class DAOImpl<T> implements DAO<T> {
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DAOImpl.class);
  private static final String ID_KEY = "id";
  private final org.mongodb.morphia.dao.DAO morphiaDAO;

  public DAOImpl(Datastore ds, Class<T> resourceClass) {
    morphiaDAO = new BasicDAO(resourceClass, ds);

    LOG.info("ensuring mongodb indexes for {}", resourceClass);

public class UserDAO extends DAOImpl<User> {
  public UserDAO(Datastore ds) {
    super(ds, User.class);

  public User findByEmail(String email) {
    return findOne("email", email);

I know that I need to tell Guice to bind the relevant classes for each generic DAOImpl that gets extended, but I'm unsure of how to do it. This looks like it might have been answered but it's not clicking for me. I've tried some of the following:


public class AppInjector extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {

//    bind(new TypeLiteral<SomeInterface<String>>(){}).to(SomeImplementation.class);
//    bind(new TypeLiteral<MyGenericInterface<T>>() {}).to(new TypeLiteral<MyGenericClass<T>>() {});
//    bind(new TypeLiteral<DAO<User>>() {}).to(UserDAO.class);

    bind(new TypeLiteral<DAO<User>>(){}).to(new TypeLiteral<DAOImpl<User>>() {});

These are some of the the errors I've seen:


com.google.inject.CreationException: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:

1) No implementation for org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore was bound.
  while locating org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore
    for the 1st parameter of com.wellpass.api.dao.UserDAO.<init>(UserDAO.java:12)
  at com.wellpass._inject.AppInjector.configure(AppInjector.java:18)

2) java.lang.Class<T> cannot be used as a key; It is not fully specified.
  at com.wellpass.api.dao.DAOImpl.<init>(DAOImpl.java:19)
  at com.wellpass._inject.AppInjector.configure(AppInjector.java:14)

Any help would be much appreciated.


1 个解决方案



If you want an injection site like the following:


public DAOConsumer(DAO<User> dao) {

to be injected with an instance of your UserDAO class then


bind(new TypeLiteral<DAO<User>>() {}).to(UserDAO.class);

is the correct syntax.


As for your other error:


1) No implementation for org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore was bound.


This is because Datastore is an interface. You need to bind the interface to an implementation, an instance, or a Provider<Datastore>.


To work out how to do this, think of the steps you would need to do this manually without the extra complication of Guice. Once you 100% understand this, you can try and design an object graph that appropriately reflects the steps in the initialization of morphia.


To get you started, the morphia quick tour has a guide on how to get an instance of the Datastore object:


final Morphia morphia = new Morphia();

// tell Morphia where to find your classes
// can be called multiple times with different packages or classes

// create the Datastore connecting to the default port on the local host
final Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore(new MongoClient(), "morphia_example");

From their code, you can see that there are at least two dependencies required to get the Datastore:


  1. A singleton Morphia
  2. 单身形态

  3. A singleton MongoClient
  4. 单身MongoClient

You will have to write some code to set this up, possibly using Guice's Provider class.




If you want an injection site like the following:


public DAOConsumer(DAO<User> dao) {

to be injected with an instance of your UserDAO class then


bind(new TypeLiteral<DAO<User>>() {}).to(UserDAO.class);

is the correct syntax.


As for your other error:


1) No implementation for org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore was bound.


This is because Datastore is an interface. You need to bind the interface to an implementation, an instance, or a Provider<Datastore>.


To work out how to do this, think of the steps you would need to do this manually without the extra complication of Guice. Once you 100% understand this, you can try and design an object graph that appropriately reflects the steps in the initialization of morphia.


To get you started, the morphia quick tour has a guide on how to get an instance of the Datastore object:


final Morphia morphia = new Morphia();

// tell Morphia where to find your classes
// can be called multiple times with different packages or classes

// create the Datastore connecting to the default port on the local host
final Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore(new MongoClient(), "morphia_example");

From their code, you can see that there are at least two dependencies required to get the Datastore:


  1. A singleton Morphia
  2. 单身形态

  3. A singleton MongoClient
  4. 单身MongoClient

You will have to write some code to set this up, possibly using Guice's Provider class.
