
时间:2021-10-29 20:13:16

I need to edit my code so rather than creating the bag dictionary myself below, instead the user can input their own dictionary. A doc test of this would go as:


>>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
>>> bag.draw()
>>> bag.replace('yellow')

The user would be inputting the dictionary into their call and I would no longer need "bag".


Also I randomly keep getting


TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable 


TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

every now and then when I try running this code.


The doc test that I am personally running just for looking over my work is:


>>>bag = BeadBag()
{'red': [11], 'yellow': 23, 'green': [33], 'blue': [44], 'white': [55], 'black': 65}

But it's not quite what I need it to be.


import random
class BeadBag(object):
    >>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
    >>> bag.draw()
    >>> bag.replace('yellow')
    bag = {'red':[11], 'yellow':[22], 'green':[33], 'blue':[44], 'white':[55], 'black':[66]}

    def draw(self):

        words = []
        for i in BeadBag.bag.keys():
        rand = random.choice(words)
        minus = ((BeadBag.bag.get(rand))[0]-1) #subtracts one from each draw
        for key, value in BeadBag.bag.items():
            BeadBag.bag[rand] = minus
        return rand

    def replace(self, color):
        cvalue = (BeadBag.bag[color])
        for i in cvalue:
            val = int(i)
        add = val+1
        for key, value in BeadBag.bag.items():
            BeadBag.bag[color] = add
        return BeadBag.bag

4 个解决方案



When defining your class, you need to provide an __init__ function. This will take arguments that are the items provided to the class when you create it.


class BeadBag():
    def __init__(self, input_dictionary):
        self.bag = input_dictionary



First you need to use self to denote your class instead of BeadBag inside your class.


start from here.


import random

class BeadBag(object):
    def __init__(self, d):
        self.d = d
        self.words = d.keys()

    def draw(self):
        rand = random.choice(self.words)
        #self.d will be your dict. do whatever you want.

    def replace(self, color):
        cvalue = self.d[color]
        # rest of the code.



If I understood correctly what you want to accomplish with your class, this may do it:


import random

class BeadBag(object):
    >>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
    >>> bag.draw()
    >>> bag.replace('yellow')

    def __init__(self, d):
        self.bag = d

    def draw(self):
        rand = random.choice([k for k in self.bag.keys()])
        minus = self.bag.get(rand) - 1
        self.bag[rand] = minus

        return rand

    def replace(self, color):
        self.bag[color] += 1

sample usage:

>>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
>>> bag.draw()
>>> bag.bag
{'green': 44, 'blue': 20, 'yellow': 15, 'red': 10, 'white': 2, 'black': 1}
>>> bag.replace('red')
>>> bag.bag
{'green': 44, 'blue': 20, 'yellow': 15, 'red': 11, 'white': 2, 'black': 1}

I assumed you meant to store the bag dictionary on an instance attribute rather than a class one (which is shared with all instances).


The draw method decrements 1 from a random key in bag and returns the decremented key.


The replace method simply increments 1 from the bag[color].




Here's how to the dictionary to be specified when instance of the BeadBag class are created and each one will have it's own bag dictionary attribute.


This still doesn't pass the doctest, but that because there are issues in both the draw) and replace() methods that have nothing to do with the question you've asked — and it's unclear to me exactly what you were trying to do in them, so they still need fixing.

这仍然没有通过doctest,但是因为draw和)方法都存在问题,这些问题与你提出的问题无关 - 而且我不清楚你到底想要做什么在他们中间,所以他们仍然需要修理。

import ast
import doctest
import random

class BeadBag(object):
    >>> bag = BeadBag("{'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1}")
    >>> bag.draw()
    >>> bag.replace('yellow')

    def __init__(self, string):
        self.bag = ast.literal_eval(string)
        assert isinstance(self.bag, dict)

    def draw(self):
        words = []
        for i in self.bag.keys():
        rand = random.choice(words)
        minus = ((self.bag.get(rand))[0]-1) #subtracts one from each draw
        for key, value in self.bag.items():
            self.bag[rand] = minus
        return rand

    def replace(self, color):
        cvalue = (self.bag[color])
        for i in cvalue:
            val = int(i)
        add = val+1
        for key, value in self.bag.items():
            self.bag[color] = add
        return self.bag

if __name__ == '__main__':



When defining your class, you need to provide an __init__ function. This will take arguments that are the items provided to the class when you create it.


class BeadBag():
    def __init__(self, input_dictionary):
        self.bag = input_dictionary



First you need to use self to denote your class instead of BeadBag inside your class.


start from here.


import random

class BeadBag(object):
    def __init__(self, d):
        self.d = d
        self.words = d.keys()

    def draw(self):
        rand = random.choice(self.words)
        #self.d will be your dict. do whatever you want.

    def replace(self, color):
        cvalue = self.d[color]
        # rest of the code.



If I understood correctly what you want to accomplish with your class, this may do it:


import random

class BeadBag(object):
    >>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
    >>> bag.draw()
    >>> bag.replace('yellow')

    def __init__(self, d):
        self.bag = d

    def draw(self):
        rand = random.choice([k for k in self.bag.keys()])
        minus = self.bag.get(rand) - 1
        self.bag[rand] = minus

        return rand

    def replace(self, color):
        self.bag[color] += 1

sample usage:

>>> bag = BeadBag({'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1})
>>> bag.draw()
>>> bag.bag
{'green': 44, 'blue': 20, 'yellow': 15, 'red': 10, 'white': 2, 'black': 1}
>>> bag.replace('red')
>>> bag.bag
{'green': 44, 'blue': 20, 'yellow': 15, 'red': 11, 'white': 2, 'black': 1}

I assumed you meant to store the bag dictionary on an instance attribute rather than a class one (which is shared with all instances).


The draw method decrements 1 from a random key in bag and returns the decremented key.


The replace method simply increments 1 from the bag[color].




Here's how to the dictionary to be specified when instance of the BeadBag class are created and each one will have it's own bag dictionary attribute.


This still doesn't pass the doctest, but that because there are issues in both the draw) and replace() methods that have nothing to do with the question you've asked — and it's unclear to me exactly what you were trying to do in them, so they still need fixing.

这仍然没有通过doctest,但是因为draw和)方法都存在问题,这些问题与你提出的问题无关 - 而且我不清楚你到底想要做什么在他们中间,所以他们仍然需要修理。

import ast
import doctest
import random

class BeadBag(object):
    >>> bag = BeadBag("{'green':44, 'blue':20, 'yellow':15, 'red':11, 'white':2, 'black':1}")
    >>> bag.draw()
    >>> bag.replace('yellow')

    def __init__(self, string):
        self.bag = ast.literal_eval(string)
        assert isinstance(self.bag, dict)

    def draw(self):
        words = []
        for i in self.bag.keys():
        rand = random.choice(words)
        minus = ((self.bag.get(rand))[0]-1) #subtracts one from each draw
        for key, value in self.bag.items():
            self.bag[rand] = minus
        return rand

    def replace(self, color):
        cvalue = (self.bag[color])
        for i in cvalue:
            val = int(i)
        add = val+1
        for key, value in self.bag.items():
            self.bag[color] = add
        return self.bag

if __name__ == '__main__':