RestKit 0.2返回一个对象数组而不是一个对象

时间:2021-10-29 20:14:28

I am using Restkit Version 0.2 to map JSON results to Objective-C Objects. The JSON received looks like this:


"result": {
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMsg": "ok",
    "data": {
        "orderitems": [
                "id": "46",
                "o_order_id": "15",
                "p_product_id": "7",
                "t_event_id": "1",
                "quantity": "1",
                "price": "4.5",
                "name": "Name1",
                "unit": "something1",
                "image": "images/7.png"
                "id": "47",
                "o_order_id": "15",
                "p_product_id": "10",
                "t_event_id": "1",
                "quantity": "1",
                "price": "3.99",
                "name": "Name2",
                "unit": "something2",
                "image": "images/10.png"

I defined the following mapping:


RKObjectMapping *oiMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[OrderItem class]];
[oiMapping mapKeyPathsToAttributes:@"p_product_id", @"productID", @"name", @"name",  @"t_event_id", @"eventID",  @"quantity", @"quantity",  nil];
[objectManager.mappingProvider setMapping:oiMapping forKeyPath:@""];

RKObjectMapping *takeOrderResultMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[TakeOrderResult class]];
[takeOrderResultMapping mapKeyPathsToAttributes:@"errorCode", @"errorCode", @"errorMsg", @"errorMessage", nil];
[takeOrderResultMapping mapRelationship:@"orderitems" withMapping:oiMapping];

[objectManager.mappingProvider setMapping:takeOrderResultMapping forKeyPath:@"result"];
takeOrderResultMapping.rootKeyPath = @"result";
[[RKObjectManager sharedManager].mappingProvider setErrorMapping:takeOrderResultMapping]; 

And finally, the TakeOrderResult class is defined like this:


@interface TakeOrderResult : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSNumber *errorCode;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *errorMessage;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSSet *orderitems;

This more or less works - however, what Restkit returns is the an array of 3 Objects. The first object is an instance of TakeOrderResult with an empty set "orderitems". The next two objects are instances of OrderItems.

这或多或少有效 - 但是,Restkit返回的是3个对象的数组。第一个对象是TakeOrderResult的一个实例,其中有一个空集“orderitems”。接下来的两个对象是OrderItems的实例。

It would be great if somebody could help me and point out why I don't get 1 object, i.e. an instance of TakeOrderResult where "orderitems" is a set of two objects / two OrderItems.


1 个解决方案



Your mapping is slightly off. The reason you're getting 3 objects is you're adding both mappings to the mapping provider. The reason the "orderitems" is an empty set is because it doesn't know how to find the orderitems.

您的映射略有偏差。您获得3个对象的原因是您要将两个映射添加到映射提供程序。 “orderitems”是空集的原因是因为它不知道如何找到订单项。

I have no idea if it works, but i'd try the following. Don't add your oiMapping to the mapping provider. And instead of:


[takeOrderResultMapping mapRelationship:@"orderitems" withMapping:oiMapping];

[takeOrderResultMapping mapRelationship:@“orderitems”withMapping:oiMapping];



[takeOrderResultMapping addRelationshipMappingWithSourceKeyPath:@"data.orderitems" mapping:oiMapping];

[takeOrderResultMapping addRelationshipMappingWithSourceKeyPath:@“data.orderitems”mapping:oiMapping];



Your mapping is slightly off. The reason you're getting 3 objects is you're adding both mappings to the mapping provider. The reason the "orderitems" is an empty set is because it doesn't know how to find the orderitems.

您的映射略有偏差。您获得3个对象的原因是您要将两个映射添加到映射提供程序。 “orderitems”是空集的原因是因为它不知道如何找到订单项。

I have no idea if it works, but i'd try the following. Don't add your oiMapping to the mapping provider. And instead of:


[takeOrderResultMapping mapRelationship:@"orderitems" withMapping:oiMapping];

[takeOrderResultMapping mapRelationship:@“orderitems”withMapping:oiMapping];



[takeOrderResultMapping addRelationshipMappingWithSourceKeyPath:@"data.orderitems" mapping:oiMapping];

[takeOrderResultMapping addRelationshipMappingWithSourceKeyPath:@“data.orderitems”mapping:oiMapping];